• 7 months ago
Menteri Koperasi dan UKM Teten Masduki buka suara terkait kebijakan yang mewajibkan produk-produk dari pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah bersertifikat halal pada 17 Oktober 2024 mendatang. Teten meminta, agar kebijakan tersebut ditunda, terkait waktu yang tersisa selama tujuh bulan bagi seluruh para pelaku UMKM untuk bisa melakukan proses sertifikasi halal. Oleh sebab itu, Teten menegaskan diperlukan adanya relaksasi.

Kemenkop UKM juga meminta agar Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal Kementerian Agama bisa mempermudah para pelaku UMKM dalam mendapatkan sertifikasi halal. Seperti halnya untuk produk kuliner yang bahan bakunya sudah dipastikan halal, sehingga bisa masuk ke jalur hijau. Salah satunya melalui self declaration, yang menyatakan halal karena bahan bakunya sudah memenuhi persyaratan halal.


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00:25 Minister of Cooperation and MSME Taten Mas Duki made a statement
00:28 on the policy that requires products from small and medium-sized enterprises
00:32 with Halal Certificates on 17 October 2024.
00:37 Taten asked to postpone the policy for 7 months
00:41 for all MSMEs to do the Halal Certification process.
00:46 Therefore, Taten insisted that there should be a relaxation.
00:50 Our prediction is that it is impossible for 100% of MSMEs,
00:58 especially those who are in culinary business, to do the Halal Certification.
01:14 The relaxation is like their obligation to do the Halal Certification. Otherwise, they will be involved in legal issues.
01:28 Taten also asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to provide Halal products to the Ministry of Religion
01:33 to facilitate MSMEs in obtaining Halal Certification.
01:37 For example, for culinary products, the raw material has been certified Halal
01:41 so it can be included in the green line.
01:43 One of the reasons is through a self-declaration that states that it is Halal
01:47 because the raw material has met the Halal requirements.
01:50 From Jakarta, Adever Mansyah, IDEC Channel.
01:54 Yes, the Prime Minister is about to discuss our interesting topic.
01:58 The Minister of Home Affairs who asked for Halal MSMEs' certification to be postponed
02:02 has been connected via Zoom with Mr. Ronald Uwala,
02:06 who is the Chairperson of the MSMEs and Corporations Department of APINDO.
02:09 Good morning, Mr. Ronald.
02:11 Good morning, Pak Ras.
02:13 Greetings, Pak.
02:14 Greetings to all.
02:15 Thank you for the opportunity.
02:17 Mr. Ronald, can you please tell us about the latest updates from the MSMEs' sector,
02:22 especially in this holy month of Ramadan?
02:25 Yes, this holy month of Ramadan is a once-in-a-year moment
02:31 that is highly anticipated and meant by everyone
02:34 who can be a good opportunity for MSMEs' shareholders.
02:40 Data from the Independent Bank Spending Index
02:44 shows that the spending index until April 2023
02:48 that we have collected is around 156.
02:52 I think it has increased by 15 percent.
02:54 And the spending frequency index was recorded at around 280,
02:58 which is higher than the 160 index at the end of the previous month.
03:03 So, according to the Chairperson of APINDO,
03:06 Mrs. Fethi Kuartati, the holy month of Ramadan
03:10 is always a special season that is anticipated by the people.
03:14 In addition, there is a 13th salary dilution or holiday visit.
03:19 And all of these things encourage and increase the demand for the consumption of the people.
03:23 So, the period of the holy month of Ramadan is always expected to increase
03:27 sales compared to the usual months.
03:30 Okay, so it can be said that this holy month of Ramadan
03:33 is a blessing for the increase of energy, sales, and production
03:37 of MSMEs' products.
03:40 Yes, so usually the first two months are the production period.
03:44 So, before the fasting period, we start by shopping.
03:48 Then we produce for the first two weeks.
03:50 After that, the business can increase
03:56 to about two to four weeks after Eid.
04:03 Or maybe even after that.
04:05 Okay. And what's hot right now,
04:07 the Ministry of Corporation and MSMEs is issuing a halal certification obligation
04:11 for MSMEs' products that they sell.
04:15 It will be valid until October 17, 2024.
04:20 What do you think about the issue?
04:22 Is it already in line with the current conditions
04:26 that MSMEs are experiencing?
04:29 Mr. Ronald.
04:30 Yes, this is related to the halal certification obligation
04:33 that was issued in the PPP-39, 2021, if I'm not mistaken.
04:37 About the enforcement of halal products.
04:41 In our opinion, this will be very helpful,
04:44 as Mr. Minister said earlier,
04:47 if it is done too quickly,
04:50 we all know that there are still many MSMEs
04:55 who do not have a certificate,
04:57 or because they do not know how to get the certificate,
05:05 or also because their MSME business is not certain.
05:15 So, there are those who are already in the middle,
05:17 their business is already certain, there is a pattern,
05:21 but there are also many who are small and micro in general,
05:23 they do not have a pattern.
05:25 So, it will be very helpful if this can be postponed
05:29 and re-examined,
05:31 and how to get the certification is shortened and made easier.
05:36 Okay.
05:37 It means that there is a positive response from MSMEs
05:40 if the plan for the postponement of October 17 comes
05:43 as soon as it is implemented by the government, right, Mr. Ronal?
05:47 Very helpful, sir.
05:49 Well, if ...
05:50 I appreciate it.
05:51 Okay. How is the average ability,
05:53 then the time actually owned by MSMEs themselves, sir,
05:57 to get the halal certificate?
06:00 Yes, the process to get the halal certificate
06:04 takes quite a long time.
06:07 If we collect data, it can be more or less 21 working days.
06:12 Even if the data is already collected,
06:16 they have collected it,
06:18 and this also depends on the complexity of a type of business
06:22 and the readiness of MSMEs in fulfilling the requirements that have been applied.
06:26 So, therefore, MSMEs need to consider their abilities
06:30 and time before deciding to process,
06:34 get this halal certificate,
06:36 ask the winning party
06:41 what are the requirements,
06:43 and calculate the cost and resources needed for the process.
06:47 More or less, the process requires the verification of BP, JPH,
06:51 two days of audit by LPH,
06:54 halal application,
06:56 up to halal application by MUI,
07:00 then halal certificate application by BP, JPH, etc.
07:04 It takes a long time and effort, sir.
07:07 Okay. So, if the government obliges food, drink,
07:12 and other services,
07:14 to produce food and drink,
07:16 to have a halal certificate,
07:18 what will happen to their current business condition?
07:22 Are they ready while processing?
07:26 Yes, of course, if they already have a halal certificate,
07:30 the customers,
07:35 who are generally food and drink business customers,
07:38 and at this festive moment,
07:41 the next service that already has a halal certificate
07:44 will certainly have an advantage in marketing
07:47 that the majority of consumers are Muslim,
07:50 with the government's obligation to ensure the proper halal,
07:53 then the business owners who already have a halal certificate
07:56 will be more and more interested by consumers
07:59 because there is already a guarantee
08:01 and approval from the certificate givers
08:04 to pay attention to the halal products that they consume.
08:07 So, there are some who already have a halal certificate,
08:12 but there are still many, most of them,
08:14 who are still processing or haven't had the chance,
08:16 because you said earlier, especially the micro,
08:18 this is up and down,
08:20 if we talk about the business performance of their business, right?
08:24 That's right, sir.
08:26 So, there are also those who may have run out of certificates,
08:29 need to be renewed,
08:31 the conditions are different again.
08:33 This is why it is expected that the digitalization system
08:38 between the institution and the government
08:41 will also be more friendly,
08:44 so that it will be shorter,
08:46 in terms of ease of doing business,
08:49 if not globally, it will be better.
08:52 Okay, besides the halal, Mr. Ronald,
08:55 the UKM's main comp also suggests
08:57 there is a condition for this halal certification,
09:00 that is, there is ease in giving certificates
09:03 through the self-declared method,
09:05 or self-declaration for UMKM products with halal materials.
09:09 How do you feel about this?
09:11 Yes, this is a method that we think is quite friendly,
09:20 self-declared.
09:22 So far, UKM's actors only know the halal certification process
09:27 regularly, through the Halal or LPH inspection agency.
09:31 And through this method,
09:33 there are not a few UKM actors who are still confused
09:36 about how to do the halal certification process.
09:38 So, in our opinion, this is one way
09:43 that will help UKM to be able to choose standards
09:50 in marketing their halal products.
09:53 But all of this requires a support process
09:57 and a process of maturity from this halal certification.
10:02 And we also ask the government and the winners
10:06 if the name of UMKM is 65 million or the largest economy in Indonesia,
10:12 so always be patient,
10:15 help and accompany UMKM actors to step by step
10:21 choose the standards, especially in this halal certification.
10:24 Okay, so what are the challenges
10:27 that UMKM actors still face in running their business?
10:31 Is it because they don't have this halal certificate yet,
10:35 they find it more difficult to move,
10:38 or is it actually normal until now?
10:44 Actually, what we see,
10:48 if we compare it to most of the actors,
10:51 their biggest challenge is funding.
10:55 But at Alpindo,
10:58 we also realize that funding alone is not enough,
11:02 and of course it requires support.
11:05 At Alpindo, there are also many big businessmen,
11:09 many middlemen,
11:11 and even on their scale,
11:13 it still requires support and continuous learning.
11:17 So, always learn new things.
11:19 So, that's why we
11:22 formed an ecosystem of continuous support for UMKM
11:29 to sew the pentahelix scheme
11:34 from the government, private sector,
11:37 from the academy, media government,
11:40 and the main driver is from the university.
11:43 We also work with our friend in Good Respect
11:46 to strengthen the ecosystem of continuous UMKM support.
11:52 And here, one of the items is
11:57 the management of halal certification
11:59 and other licensing permits.
12:02 So, this is what we hope from all entrepreneurs
12:07 who are more successful
12:10 to contribute to the development of the economy in Indonesia.
12:14 That's the SDM.
12:15 So, what is the role and position of Alpindo,
12:18 especially in the field of UMKM and cooperation,
12:20 how is the support process?
12:22 You said it must be continuous,
12:25 because not everyone quickly understands
12:30 the concept of the requirements
12:32 that must be obtained to get the halal certificate.
12:36 Yes, so we have several programs.
12:41 One of our flagship programs is
12:45 Alpindo UMKM Merdeka,
12:49 which is a scholarship program
12:52 for students from universities
12:57 to be able to apply for UMKM.
13:01 Each UMKM is accompanied by 5 students
13:04 from multidisciplines,
13:06 for example, food and beverage,
13:08 students from marketing, finance, and execution.
13:13 And these students are accompanied by teachers and practitioners.
13:18 Practitioners in this case can be businessmen,
13:21 also professionals in business,
13:23 can also be from large companies.
13:25 This is what we see,
13:29 we are also working with our colleagues
13:34 so that we can create advanced entrepreneurship
13:39 starting from students,
13:41 and we can increase the level of entrepreneurship in Indonesia
13:45 where we still have many left from our neighboring countries.
13:50 And we have been working with hundreds of universities,
13:55 we have been in almost 20 provinces,
13:59 from 37-38 provinces in Alpindo.
14:04 And this continues to develop and the enthusiasm is good.
14:08 From here, it will reduce the risk of mining
14:11 that is caused by the government.
14:13 Okay, and we know that various efforts are being made by the government
14:16 to raise our UMKM class with digitalization.
14:20 How is this?
14:21 The view from Alpindo, hold on,
14:22 Mr. Ronald's answer, we will be brief.
14:24 And, teachers, we will be back soon after the next conversation.
14:28 Yes, you are still watching Market Review.
14:47 Teachers, we will be back soon to give you the infographic
14:50 related to article 2 of the Government Regulation No. 39 of 2021.
14:56 Yes, as you can see on the television screen,
14:59 there are several criteria for the obligation of halal certificates.
15:02 The first is the product that is imported,
15:04 circulated and traded in the Indonesian region
15:07 must be halal certified.
15:09 Products that are made from illegal materials
15:12 are excluded from the obligation of halal certificates.
15:15 Third, what kind of product is meant in verse 2,
15:19 must be given an explanation, not halal.
15:22 That's it.
15:23 It means there is already a statement that the product is halal or not halal
15:27 based on article 3 of the Government Regulation No. 39 of 2021.
15:31 Next, administrative sanctions.
15:33 This is also what was worried by Minister, Mr. Teten,
15:37 related to several sanctions that need to be discussed.
15:41 The first is violation of the JPH regulation
15:44 is called administrative sanctions.
15:46 The second is administrative sanctions,
15:49 as stated in verse 1,
15:51 is applied to businessmen in the form of
15:53 a written reminder, administrative fine,
15:57 the removal of halal certificates,
16:00 and/or the withdrawal of goods from circulation.
16:03 The third is administrative sanctions,
16:06 as stated in the JPH Regulation No. 39 of 2021.
16:10 We will continue to discuss this issue
16:13 with Mr. Ronald Huala,
16:15 the head of the Department of MSMEs and Corporations, DPN Apido.
16:18 Mr. Ronald, if we look at the PP,
16:22 there was already a statement that the products marketed in Indonesia
16:26 must have a halal certificate.
16:29 Then, those who do not use unhalal steel,
16:33 are also given a label, "not halal".
16:36 What do you think about this statement
16:39 regarding the products sold by the people?
16:43 Yes, as we have stated,
16:49 most MSMEs in our country
16:52 are still from the informal sector,
16:56 both in terms of marketing and management.
17:00 So, especially those in the MSMEs' area,
17:04 most of them are in areas other than Jakarta.
17:06 So, we would appreciate it if
17:10 the PP can be postponed
17:15 while further surveying the readiness of MSMEs.
17:19 Because if not, it can harm all parties.
17:23 What else? The administrative sanctions, right?
17:27 Yes. So, I don't know. I don't have data.
17:33 But, we can see
17:38 how many products in the market
17:41 that do not have that label.
17:43 So, in this uncertain time,
17:46 we can hear the input from
17:50 the Chairwoman of Apindo, Ms. Sinta Kamdani,
17:54 that this year is the first time Apindo has issued
17:58 a projection of economic growth using range.
18:02 So, it's uncertain. Between 4.8% and 5.2%.
18:05 So, it's very uncertain.
18:08 Geopolitics is still high.
18:12 The uncertainty,
18:14 the commodity is still high.
18:17 So, we are calling on the government
18:19 to help MSMEs in this matter
18:23 in terms of the halted certification.
18:26 So, what about the digitalization program?
18:29 MSMEs are going to be in a better position.
18:31 I heard that yesterday,
18:33 the spirit is to increase energy,
18:35 and also prosperity for MSMEs.
18:38 What is your review, Mr. Ronald?
18:41 Yes, this is something that
18:45 is starting to move forward,
18:49 starting to be popular, starting to be understood,
18:52 accelerated by all parties,
18:55 especially MSMEs,
18:57 starting from the pandemic era.
18:59 In our opinion, this is very helpful for MSMEs
19:04 because the main problem for MSMEs,
19:06 besides funding,
19:08 from Apindo's point of view,
19:10 is market information and market access.
19:13 And digitalization, with on-boarding to e-commerce
19:17 or marketplace,
19:18 will facilitate business owners
19:21 to market their products and services.
19:25 But don't forget that
19:28 marketing a product is one thing,
19:31 but management and sustainability,
19:36 and consistency and innovation
19:39 of MSME products,
19:42 in our opinion, are more important
19:44 for the long-term sustainability
19:47 and to increase the trust of their consumers.
19:50 So, the management here is,
19:52 besides digitalization to market,
19:55 but digitalization in their own kitchen,
19:58 that is, in their management,
20:00 finance, production process, and so on,
20:03 this also needs to be improved.
20:05 That's why at Apindo, we work with the university
20:08 to always fill the role of MSMEs
20:11 and strengthen their management and skills.
20:14 Yes, from the literacy side,
20:17 what do you think,
20:19 and maybe also various activities
20:21 that Apindo has done involving MSMEs?
20:24 Yes, literacy from digitalization is a lot.
20:29 From one, they already know,
20:31 for example, through e-commerce,
20:36 they can know from these platforms,
20:42 they also have applications
20:46 to automate their sales.
20:49 The more they develop,
20:53 of course they will need other more sophisticated applications.
20:59 And here, with the existence of technology information,
21:04 they will be able to see that there is application A,
21:07 there is application B,
21:08 there is a financial system like this
21:10 that can help them produce more efficiently.
21:15 And of course, in a good e-commerce ecosystem,
21:19 this information can be distributed to them more quickly.
21:24 Yes, and so far, from Apindo,
21:26 is there a step of innovation or a special strategy
21:29 that will be done in 2024?
21:31 I remember you said,
21:33 even though it was the first,
21:34 Apindo also gave a range
21:36 for the potential of Indonesia's economic growth.
21:38 4.8% to 5.2% earlier.
21:41 What do you think,
21:43 for the MSME sector itself,
21:46 in the midst of the uncertainty you mentioned earlier?
21:50 So actually, we have to be smart to reflect on ourselves,
21:56 to see what our strengths are,
21:59 what our advantages are.
22:01 For example, in the Probolinggo area,
22:06 their mango production is actually famous.
22:11 This is what they have to improve,
22:16 they have to cooperate,
22:19 what is lacking,
22:21 narrated the difference,
22:23 for example, the fruit in Probolinggo,
22:26 what is different from other fruits.
22:28 Then, cooperate,
22:31 and together with Apindo,
22:33 and other entrepreneurs,
22:36 and in the ecosystem of good entrepreneurs,
22:38 we can develop this product,
22:41 so that it becomes a national product,
22:45 and can be exported globally.
22:47 Because, for example, like mango,
22:49 my friends in Singapore also know,
22:52 it turns out to be amazing,
22:53 but they can't find it.
22:55 Why? Because the technology,
22:58 to last long,
23:00 they are still lacking.
23:02 So when it comes to Singapore,
23:03 many have already gone bankrupt.
23:05 That's one effort.
23:07 So, this ecosystem is needed.
23:09 Second, we also cooperate with other associations,
23:13 with economic partners too.
23:17 We have Satgas, Satgas Export,
23:20 and we are very proud and happy,
23:23 this Satgas can be released.
23:26 And this is the end result of our product,
23:34 to become an export product,
23:36 to be global and obtain domestic market share.
23:39 Those are some of the efforts we have done.
23:41 Okay, and so far,
23:43 do we still need incentives,
23:46 or policies issued by the government,
23:48 to further support the Indonesian MSMEs sector?
23:51 Yes, from what we have experienced so far,
23:56 the point is that successful entrepreneurs,
24:01 entrepreneurs who have done their business,
24:04 can pass on their knowledge,
24:08 to those who haven't,
24:10 most of them are still not in Indonesia.
24:13 This incentive is what is needed,
24:17 from the cooperation of the government.
24:20 So, individuals, practitioners,
24:23 owners, or professionals,
24:25 those who have this knowledge,
24:28 to be given incentives,
24:30 so they can participate,
24:31 to become MSME mentors in their respective regions.
24:36 Okay, and lastly,
24:37 do you have optimism for the 2024 development of our MSME sector?
24:43 Yes, if we look at it from the time we went through Eid,
24:50 then in Indonesia's history,
24:56 we know that the economy has improved in political years.
25:01 So, we are quite optimistic,
25:05 but because of the uncertain geopolitics that we see,
25:07 it also creates a lot of community issues.
25:11 So, this is the plus and minus that we have to pay attention to,
25:14 so that it becomes more certain,
25:16 because entrepreneurs are all about certainty,
25:19 so that they can calculate their costs,
25:22 their COVID, and their sales.
25:24 That's it, what entrepreneurs need is certainty,
25:27 from the certainty of business,
25:29 investment, business climate,
25:32 and how our economic movement remains stable in 2024.
25:37 Mr. Ronald, thank you very much for your time and sharing
25:40 that you have conveyed to the audience today.
25:42 Congratulations on continuing your activities again.
25:44 Good health, Mr. Ronald. Thank you.
25:46 Thank you, always good health.
25:48 Yes, audience, I have been with you for an hour in Market Review.
25:51 I am Prasetyo Ibo, and I am a staff of Undudiri.
25:55 Thank you and see you again.
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