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Breathe Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Breathe is a heart pounding thriller set in the future. After Earth is left uninhabitable due to lack of oxygen, a mother Maya (Jennifer Hudson) and her daughter Zora (Quvenzhané Wallis) are forced to live underground, with short trips to the surface only made possible by a coveted state of the art oxygen suit made by Maya’s husband, Darius, whom she presumes to be dead. When a mysterious couple arrives claiming to know Darius and his fate, Maya tentatively agrees to let them into their bunker but these visitors are not who they claim to be ensuing in mother and daughter fighting for survival. IN THEATERS AND ON DIGITAL: April 26, 2024
00:03 I'll be back as soon as I can.
00:06 Try not to kill each other while I'm gone.
00:13 Oxygen levels at 20%.
00:16 Dad?
00:17 Dad?
00:18 Hello?
00:21 Mom, we haven't seen a living thing in three years.
00:24 The world can heal if we give it time.
00:26 We just got to keep adding.
00:28 [BEEPING]
00:31 Come on.
00:32 Hello?
00:33 Oxygen supply at 50%.
00:46 Who the hell are you?
00:47 I know your husband was working on the O2 generator.
00:51 I need to replicate it.
00:53 If she could replicate Dad's invention,
00:55 we could be onto something big, Ma.
00:57 Our infiltration system is failing.
00:59 We don't get back.
01:00 25 people will die.
01:02 But I need to see that machine, and I will see it
01:05 one way or the other.
01:07 We got to stop her.
01:14 You're making a mistake.
01:15 They're not your enemy.
01:16 If I cut off their air, they're going to die in there.
01:23 Think about your daughter and do the right thing.
01:26 Twice.
01:30 Give me the air.
01:38 We're in this together, right?
01:40 We're in this together.
01:50 (dramatic music)