Tiger Shroff is gearing up for his upcoming film Bade Miyan Chote Miyan alongside Akshay Kumar, added his charismatic presence to the Special Screening Of Yodha Movie. Sporting a sleek black shirt and trousers ensemble paired with stylish shades, he looked effortlessly handsome. His latest avatar is rapidly going viral on social media and his lady fans are going gaga over his looks!
#tigershroff #yodha #BadeMiyanChoteMiyan #akshaykumar #bollywood #trending #viralvideo #bollywoodnews
#tigershroff #yodha #BadeMiyanChoteMiyan #akshaykumar #bollywood #trending #viralvideo #bollywoodnews
00:00 Tiger Shroff commands immense adoration in Bollywood celebrated not only for his acting
00:12 prowess but also for his remarkable fitness and dance skills.
00:16 The action hero boasts a significant fan base, particularly among youngsters and females.
00:22 Captivated by his charm and sculpted physique, yet it's humility and down to earth demeanor
00:26 that truly endear him to fans.
00:30 Tiger Shroff who is gearing up for his upcoming film Bade Miya Chhote Miya alongside Akshay
00:34 Kumar added his charismatic presence to the special screening of Yodha movie.
00:39 Sporting a sleek black shirt and trousers ensemble paired with stylish shades, he looked
00:44 effortlessly handsome.
00:46 His latest avatar is rapidly going viral on social media and his lady fans are going gaga
00:51 over his looks.
00:53 Have a look for yourself.
01:12 Let us tell you, both Tiger Shroff and Akshay Kumar have been generating a lot of buzz recently.
01:17 Bade Miya Chhote Miya is one of the most anticipated films of the year which is preparing for its
01:22 release next month.
01:24 The unveiling of the teaser and songs has heightened the excitement and now with the
01:28 arrival of the third track, the buzz is at its peak.
01:32 This latest song, Walla Habibi featuring the lead duo Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff showcases
01:37 the stylish avatars of the female protagonists Manushi Chhillar and Alaya F as they dance
01:42 to the lively beats of the peppy number.
01:45 Additionally, Tiger is also gearing up for Singham Again slated for release on August
01:50 15th this year.
01:52 What are your views about his latest appearance?
01:54 Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.
01:56 Thanks for watching!
02:02 [Music]
02:04 [Music]
02:06 (dramatic music)