• l’année dernière
00:00 (cris de joie)
00:01 - Every time I go to a Chinese restaurant, all of my friends, they're like, "Will, order in Mandarin, bro! They're gonna hook it up!"
00:06 I'm like, "Bro, Wim Panda Express! Her name tag says 'Consuela' on it. I don't think that's a Mandarin name!"
00:13 - Look at the road ahead of me right now, and it's in a cubicle selling things I don't believe in.
00:19 - Don't stop!
00:20 - Don't stop.
00:21 - Believin'!
00:22 - Hanford, California, Stephen Perry, journey!
00:25 - The only silver lining is I can't possibly hang myself in a cubicle.
00:30 - Yo!
00:31 - Pennsylvania Improv asked me if I could recommend a comic last minute.
00:35 - I said "You", he said "Great!"
00:37 - Oh, wow! Guess who's headlining?
00:39 - Billie Jean?
00:40 - One, two, three!
00:41 (crowd cheers)
00:42 - Oh, Billie!
00:43 - At an improv, that's a big deal.
00:45 - If you want to make this more than a one-time thing, make the audience laugh.
00:49 - I've been a little bit of a bummer lately, and my girlfriend said if I was a city, I would be like Seattle.
00:55 - What is he doing?
00:58 - He's dying.
00:59 - Who is this?
01:02 - This is Will, he's MCing this weekend, super funny guy.
01:04 - So, Will, what's going on in your world?
01:07 - So, I'm from Ohio.
01:08 - Boo!
01:09 - Oh, come on!
01:10 - Well, originally, I was from Kansas.
01:12 - That's not funny either.
01:13 - Maybe stand-up is just not really in the cards, you know?
01:17 - Yeah, you're bummed.
01:18 - You're bummed hard, too.
01:20 - Your ass should be on the TSA watch list.
01:22 - I'm not like the macho guy.
01:25 - Like, I'm really good-looking.
01:27 - Good-looking if you're into anime.
01:29 - The thing about stand-up is that you have a chance to be better today than you was yesterday.
01:40 - Now, ladies and gentlemen,
01:42 Will Choo!
01:46 - Uh...
01:51 - Mm, mm, tasty.
01:56 - Tasty.
01:57 - You're a liar.
01:58 - You're dead, I'm telling you.
02:00 - Mm!
02:01 - What?
02:02 ♪ ♪ ♪