0m5s - For the first seconds of the race PLS_DONATE is in the lead with a faster accelerating Opala 75.
0m11s - I and PLS_DONATE reach 100km/h at the same time.
0m16s - I am now catching up for PLS_DONATE.
0m20s - I reached 200km/h in 16.5 seconds (Did not include the seconds before race start). PLS_DONATE did so 2.2 seconds later.
0m34s - PLS_DONATE is at his car's max speed, he can't go any faster. When this happens, I am at 300km/h.
0m46s - I reached the end at 42.3 seconds. PLS_DONATE needed just 2.7 more seconds to reach the end too.
0m56s - Both I and PLS_DONATE reach complete stop at the same time.
0m58s - PLS_DONATE goes offline 1 second before me.
0m11s - I and PLS_DONATE reach 100km/h at the same time.
0m16s - I am now catching up for PLS_DONATE.
0m20s - I reached 200km/h in 16.5 seconds (Did not include the seconds before race start). PLS_DONATE did so 2.2 seconds later.
0m34s - PLS_DONATE is at his car's max speed, he can't go any faster. When this happens, I am at 300km/h.
0m46s - I reached the end at 42.3 seconds. PLS_DONATE needed just 2.7 more seconds to reach the end too.
0m56s - Both I and PLS_DONATE reach complete stop at the same time.
0m58s - PLS_DONATE goes offline 1 second before me.