Patrick Surtain Talks Secondary Improvement at Spring Media Luncheon

  • 7 months ago
00:00 >> I think we'll learn a lot about that in the spring and fall.
00:07 >> So what's it gonna be like at slot corner?
00:08 That's obviously another thing that's gonna be a big one.
00:10 >> Yeah, some more guys, obviously we got Brady,
00:13 we got Kevin Moore's coming back, coming from injury.
00:16 But then you add a guy like Earl Little,
00:21 who came from Bama, Big Phil's Uber.
00:25 Who's really, really looking to get on the field and make an impact.
00:31 So I think his mode is running hot.
00:33 He's hungry to get out there.
00:34 Then you have a guy that we're using in there, Albert Rhodes,
00:38 who's a really, really talented player.
00:40 He can play corner on nickels.
00:42 So we're gonna move him around a little bit.
00:44 And like I said, it's a competition, but iron sharpens iron.
00:47 I know those guys are ready to work with the peak, but we'll see what happens.
00:50 >> You mentioned Earl Little, talented transfer coming in.
00:53 He can play a lot of different spots.
00:54 Is he kind of slot corner, or are you gonna try a lot of different spots this time?
00:57 >> Yeah, we're gonna leave him at slot corner and let him learn that first.
01:00 Let him master that.
01:01 As you would say, then eventually if he needs to move to safety or
01:06 some other spot that will, let him branch out.
01:08 But for right now, we're gonna keep him predominantly at the nickel position.
01:11 >> Yeah, I wanna ask you, how's Kevin Knowles?
01:13 He's played a little different positions too.
01:15 Is he another slot corner guy or some other spots you wanna look at him at?
01:18 >> Yeah, we're gonna keep him there.
01:21 We moved him to safety last year cuz we tried to get him on the field.
01:24 Cuz he's a good player, just battled a lot of injuries.
01:26 But I think his best position is either the nickel or the dime or
01:31 even some corner.
01:32 So who knows, but like I said, he's battling injuries, coming back.
01:36 But he adds a tremendous value to our room because he can do so many things.
01:40 So I'm looking forward to KPM when he does this spring.
01:43 >> Yeah, you had a talented class coming in.
01:45 I guess first look with him was tour of duty.
01:47 Some young guys flashing at you that you're excited about?
01:50 >> Absolutely, all three of those guys, Kai Bates and Charles Nessel,
01:55 they were actually there for bowl prep.
01:57 And you just saw, man, they handled themselves like professionals.
02:01 Then when Jamari came, those three kind of bonded, man.
02:04 And those guys been locked in from day one.
02:08 And you can see they're tremendous athletes, all of them are long,
02:11 they run, physical.
02:13 So I'm anxious to see those guys get out there on the field and compete.
02:18 Cuz like I said, we do play a lot of guys.
02:20 We've got some guys coming back for a compete for positions.
02:23 Obviously, we feel we have our two stars in AZ and Fintrell.
02:27 But every guy behind them, they're one player away.
02:32 So they have to prepare if they're the stars.
02:34 And a guy like Quindaris Jones, I've seen him take another step.
02:39 He's a tremendous talent.
02:40 So we have a lot of different guys back there who I feel to play good football.
02:44 We just gotta get him up there and see if he can do it.
02:47 >> Thanks, coach.
02:48 >> My brother, appreciate it.
02:49 >> Yep.
02:50 >> You mentioned AZ, where do you think he's realistically being this year?
02:54 >> I'm expecting him to take a huge step up.
02:58 Tremendously talented.
02:59 He handles himself like a pro both on and off the field.
03:04 Him and Fintrell, you don't have any questions about those guys' character.
03:08 Just, they played a lot of ball for us last year.
03:11 He was basically a starter for us.
03:13 So I'm looking for him to take that next step, both him and
03:17 Trem and become all-conference, all-American type players for us.
03:20 Where we can say, hey, we'll take this guy, take him out the game, and
03:25 they can do the job.
03:25 >> When a guy like Conrad comes in and makes that type of impact,
03:30 it's a true question, I guess.
03:31 What does that tell you about how you can push that kind of player they need?
03:36 >> Yeah, he made some splash plays that you guys see.
03:41 When you really go back and watch it, it was just that.
03:46 And I think he would tell you himself, just going back and look at it.
03:50 I think he's gonna grow from it.
03:52 Just seeing the mistakes that he made and how he can correct those,
03:56 I think he's gonna make them better players.
03:57 He's a tremendous athlete.
03:59 He has all the tools.
04:00 Just a little cleaning up, having better eye discipline and
04:05 things like that, I think is gonna help him tremendously,
04:07 which entails gonna help the whole defense.
04:10 >> You're using kind of a guy who played a lot of football in each of the spots,
04:13 and maybe outside and safety.
04:15 But you bring back guys who played a lot at all those spots.
04:17 So I guess, how does that help?
04:18 I mean, you're not kind of starting from zero at any of those spots.
04:21 >> Yeah, like I mentioned earlier, I think we have a nice combination of older guys
04:26 who play a lot of ball, some guys in that middle tier.
04:29 And then the young guys who came in this year, really, really talented room.
04:34 And like I said, you need those guys who got shy coming back and
04:37 playing over 900 steps for us, which is crazy.
04:40 You got Azea and Trail, Greedy, KP.
04:42 So we got some veteran guys who knows the system, who should take that next step and
04:49 becoming really, really good football players.
04:52 And then bringing those younger guys along, I think we have an opportunity to
04:56 have the best team in the country.
04:58 That's what I'm looking forward to.
04:59 >> I know someone like Earl, especially like highly rated,
05:02 coming out of high school, really injured.
05:03 And kind of kept him from carving out a role at Van Light.
05:06 What have you seen from him?
05:08 What do you think his real strength is?
05:10 >> Yeah, just his attention to detail.
05:12 His coming in, being with the coaches, wanting to get better,
05:15 wanting to learn the defense.
05:17 And then obviously he has all the tools.
05:18 He has tremendous speed.
05:19 He's quick, he's physical, unbelievable ball skills.
05:26 Just all of the above as far as the athlete.
05:28 I just think just him getting on the field and realizing his full potential and
05:35 getting the opportunity to actually go out there and play.
05:37 I think he's gonna be really, really valuable for us this year.
05:41 >> From my, you can tell me I'm wrong, but my main point is,
05:44 I think Fentrell really grew more comfortable as the year progressed last year.
05:47 I guess, how much of a difference do you think a year or two makes more,
05:50 guys that played at a high level previously and are trying to do it again?
05:54 >> Yeah, when you come from a system where you're mostly built and
05:57 playing all techniques, then come to our scheme where we're hands on,
06:02 we impress coverage 90% of the time, it's an adjustment for some.
06:06 It probably took him longer than others, but as you see from week five on,
06:11 he was a lot softer.
06:14 And I expect him to take a normal step this year.
06:16 He decided to come back this year, which I thought was a great move for him.
06:19 And like I mentioned earlier, he's become more of a vocal leader.
06:22 You can see he's changed his body.
06:24 He's moving even better than ever.
06:25 So I'm excited with Fentrell and embracing the team because he's such a great guy.
06:30 The kids have been through so much, he just wants everything that he deserves.
