Can You Beat the Odds? 95% Fail These Brain-Teasing Riddles!

  • 6 months ago
Unravel the mystery with these mind-bending riddles that only 5% can solve! Are you ready to join the elite few who can crack these brain teasers? Test your wits and see if you have what it takes to outsmart the rest. Don't miss out on this thrilling challenge—watch now!#riddle #hardriddles #braintest


00:00 Lucy and her best friends, Lily, Joy, and Rhonda were having a pajama party.
00:05 They decided to watch a movie in the living room.
00:08 Lucy went to the kitchen to get some snacks.
00:10 When she returned, she saw that Lily was lying on the floor unconscious.
00:15 Rhonda said, "I was on the phone talking to my boyfriend.
00:18 Suddenly, Joy hit Lily with a pillow and she fell down.
00:22 I don't know why."
00:23 Joy said, "Rhonda's lying. She hit Lily with a pillow very hard, on purpose. Who's lying?"
00:32 Both of them, there are no pillows in this room.
00:43 After the movie, the girls decided to play with a Ouija board.
00:47 They called the ghost of a famous singer.
00:50 Suddenly, the pointer on the board started moving by itself and wrote this.
00:56 "Evil Lots Yod 3 Eva Hoy"
00:59 Can you help Lucy and her friends decode this message?
01:03 It says, "You have three days to live."
01:17 The girls freaked out and interrupted the session.
01:20 Lily offered everyone to take some pictures.
01:23 They took many cute photos.
01:25 But when they scrolled through the gallery, they freaked out even more.
01:29 Why?
01:30 All four friends are in this picture.
01:41 But then, who took it?
01:44 Lucy told her friends it was time to get some sleep.
01:47 But as soon as they entered the room, they ran out screaming.
01:51 Why?
01:52 Look at the mirror.
02:02 It reflects a creepy shadow waving at them.
02:06 Eventually, Lucy offered her friends to sleep in her parents' bedroom.
02:11 And she opted for the couch in the living room.
02:13 The TV was on and it calmed her down.
02:16 In the middle of the night, she heard some noise from the bedroom
02:19 and hurried to check on her friends.
02:21 All of them seemed to be sleeping.
02:23 Can you guess which one wandered outside?
02:26 Lily. She has leaves in her hair.
02:38 The next day, Lucy, Rhonda, and Lily met in the classroom.
02:43 They were very concerned.
02:45 Why?
02:46 This is Joy's desk and it's empty.
02:57 She didn't come to school.
02:59 Neither did she warn anybody.
03:01 Look, Lucy is carrying a cup of coffee with Joy's name!
03:06 Joy didn't show up and didn't answer her friends' calls.
03:10 Lucy, Rhonda, and Lily went to visit her.
03:13 They found the girl in bed, under a blanket.
03:16 The friends got very scared.
03:18 Can you tell why?
03:20 Joy has covered the window with a blackout curtain.
03:31 And the shape of her ears and teeth has changed!
03:35 She's turning into a vampire!
03:38 Lily decided to stay and take care of Joy.
03:41 Meanwhile, Rhonda offered Lucy to visit her Aunt Vera.
03:45 She ran a magic shop with different potions.
03:47 When Vera heard about what happened to Joy, she said,
03:51 "OK, I need three ingredients to cook a healing drink.
03:55 Here's the first one.
03:57 When it comes to me, you go when you see red and stop at green."
04:02 Can you guess the ingredient?
04:05 [clock ticking]
04:08 It's watermelon.
04:15 To get the second ingredient, Vera took Rhonda and Lucy to her cherry garden.
04:20 Rhonda picked eight cherries, Lucy picked 13, and Vera picked 14.
04:26 How many apples did they collect together?
04:28 [clock ticking]
04:33 Zero! Apples don't grow in cherry gardens!
04:36 Vera gave Lucy and Rhonda a hint about the third ingredient.
04:42 Here it is.
04:44 Can you help them crack this rebus?
04:46 [clock ticking]
04:50 It's mandragora.
04:57 Mandragora grows in the garden.
05:00 Mandragora grew near the spookiest house in town.
05:04 Vera gave Lucy and Rhonda a task to find it and bring it to her store.
05:09 While Rhonda was searching in the garden, Lucy decided to get a closer look at the house.
05:14 She saw a sign with a weird name on it.
05:17 "Seoman Eprik."
05:19 She went to the huge door and opened it quietly.
05:22 After Lucy got inside, the door slammed shut behind her back.
05:26 Tons of vampire bats rushed at her!
05:29 Lucy started pulling on the door like crazy.
05:32 Suddenly, she saw that there was something written on it.
05:35 "Change the order of letters in Seoman Eprik."
05:39 She yelled the answer and the door opened.
05:42 What did the girl say?
05:44 [clock ticking]
05:47 The real name of that place was Creepy Mansion.
05:57 Rhonda found three root vegetables in the garden, but only one of them was mandragora.
06:03 Can you figure out which veggie Rhonda should pick?
06:06 [clock ticking]
06:09 Even if you've never seen a mandrake, you can eliminate the other plants.
06:19 This is definitely a carrot, and this is a beet.
06:22 So the remaining one must be the mandragora.
06:26 Lucy and Rhonda prepared to leave the spooky house.
06:29 But suddenly, they stepped on a trap hidden in the grass and fell into a deep well.
06:34 They looked around and found three tunnels leading to freedom.
06:38 A fire-breathing dragon was waiting in the first tunnel.
06:41 It was very angry and disliked people.
06:44 There was a portal leading into a black hole in the second tunnel.
06:48 And huge cacti were growing all over the third tunnel.
06:52 Their juice was poisonous to any human.
06:55 Which way should Lucy and Rhonda choose?
06:58 [clock ticking]
07:01 The third one.
07:07 Look, those cacti don't have any spines, and no one's going to force the girls to drink cactus juice.
07:13 You're a fast and furious racer on a tropical island.
07:18 You find a new motorbike online and call the salesman to arrange a test drive.
07:23 Later that day, you arrive at the meeting point and see two guys with two identical motorbikes.
07:30 One of them is the seller you spoke with,
07:32 and the other one is a scammer who wants to sell you a stolen vehicle.
07:36 Who's deceiving you?
07:38 Think carefully and feel free to leave your answer in the comments.
07:42 [clock ticking]
07:45 [clock ticking]
07:48 The salesman text message has the logo of his motorcycle store.
07:57 The guy on the right has a baseball hat with the same logo.
08:00 Therefore, he must be the store's official representative.
08:04 Therefore, the guy on the left is a scammer.
08:08 Congrats! The motorbike is now yours.
08:11 You hit the road and you make your way across the pier.
08:14 Suddenly, you spot three people.
08:16 Who will you save first?
08:18 Let us know in the comments!
08:20 [clock ticking]
08:23 The teen is playing with a rattlesnake which looks pretty dangerous.
08:34 But luckily, it's not real. See?
08:37 It has a barcode on the side, so it's just a toy.
08:41 The lady is about to jump into the sea infested with sharks.
08:45 But look carefully. She's just posing.
08:48 Her boyfriend is filming a video.
08:50 He's the only one who needs to be saved here because he's standing on rotten old wood.
08:55 It's about to collapse.
08:57 So he risks ending up swimming with sharks for real.
09:01 You save the day and continue your ride.
09:05 Oh no! The main road is closed for repairs.
09:08 So you only have three options to return to your bungalow.
09:12 The first route is the notorious mountain spiral road, known for its rockfalls.
09:17 The second road is flat but it leads through a jungle inhabited by crocodiles.
09:22 And the third road is half flooded because it lies through the old cursed swamp.
09:27 Which way will you choose to stay alive?
09:30 Don't forget to share your answer in the comments section below!
09:33 [clock ticking]
09:36 [clock ticking]
09:41 Take a closer look at the second route.
09:43 The sign says "Crocodile Farm".
09:46 This means that the crocs are kept indoors under supervision.
09:50 So this is the safest choice.
09:53 You take the second route and decide to visit the crocodile farm.
09:58 Let's see how eagle-eyed you are.
10:01 Who's in danger here?
10:03 Write it down in the comments faster than the other bright side detectives!
10:07 [clock ticking]
10:14 This tourist has crossed the barrier.
10:18 The tourist's name is Mimi.
10:21 You help her get out of the barrier safely.
10:23 But in the process, she scratches her leg.
10:26 So you bring Mimi to the local hospital.
10:28 Can you spot anything suspicious here?
10:32 If you nailed it, please share your answer!
10:35 [clock ticking]
10:41 Easy peasy!
10:43 The windshield of this ambulance car is covered with white paint.
10:47 You enter the building and face three surgeons in the lobby.
10:52 Which doctor is dangerous?
10:54 Don't let the imposter get away!
10:56 Share your suspicions!
10:58 [clock ticking]
11:06 The first doctor is sleeping.
11:09 But maybe she's just tired after a long shift.
11:12 The second lady doesn't wear any gloves.
11:14 But it's not a crime.
11:16 She's having a coffee break.
11:18 Meanwhile, the third lady's nails are too long and fancy for a surgeon's work.
11:23 And she brought an open medical syringe to the lobby.
11:27 Which is not very hygienic.
11:29 The doctor takes Mimi away.
11:33 You decide to have a walk around the hospital and face the following scene.
11:37 Two greatest enemies, Gia and Kai, wake up simultaneously in a hospital room.
11:43 Both immediately grab the scissors and try to cut each other's IV drips.
11:47 Who's more likely to survive?
11:50 Think carefully and tell us your answer in the comments!
11:54 [clock ticking]
12:00 Someone whose drip is cut farther away from the arm has a better chance of surviving.
12:06 This way, more medicine will manage to get into the body.
12:09 And our hero will win extra time before the doctors arrive.
12:13 So it's likely going to be Gia.
12:16 You're starving, so you go to the local food court.
12:21 Too late, it's already closed.
12:23 Oh look, this kiosk is still working.
12:26 There are three burgers left to choose from, but only one of them is safe to eat.
12:30 Hit the like button if you can spot any poisoned food right away.
12:34 [clock ticking]
12:40 The first burger was cooked five days ago, according to its tag.
12:45 Um, no thank you.
12:47 The third one was prepared today, but there's a fly sitting on the meat.
12:51 Flies can spread diseases.
12:54 Only the second burger, which is packed in cling film, is a safe option.
12:59 Does anyone have a better answer?
13:01 Feel free to share!
13:03 Martin is a Harvard student from a wealthy family,
13:07 and his parents want him to start dating a girl from the same la-di-da social circle.
13:12 The guy was tired of arguing with his parents and decided to give in.
13:16 He liked two girls, Emily and Samantha.
13:20 But which one are his parents going to like, who is actually rich?
13:24 Write your answer in the comments below if you want to help Martin.
13:28 [clock ticking]
13:38 At first sight, the girl on the left, Emily, seems to have more money.
13:43 But the jacket she is buying at a boutique is fake,
13:46 because the name of the brand is written incorrectly.
13:50 As for the girl on the right, Samantha,
13:52 she's wearing real designer clothes, even though she's just doing homework.
13:57 If a girl's financial status is important to Martin and his parents,
14:01 he should pick Samantha.
14:04 Look at these two girls and their fridges,
14:07 and comment below which of the sisters is now rich.
14:11 [clock ticking]
14:21 It's the girl on the left, high heels, a flashy dress, and a fridge filled to the brim.
14:27 She looks like someone who has finally managed to get their hands on big money.
14:32 Thomas is an undercover detective, secretly visiting suspects,
14:38 trying to figure out who has stolen a large sum of money.
14:42 Today he has dined in two different houses with two different families.
14:46 The first family treated him to several pizzas with various yummy toppings.
14:51 The other offered him a steak and grilled vegetables.
14:54 Now Thomas is a bit confused, because all the food is delicious and quite expensive.
14:59 Can you help the detective figure out which family has more money?
15:04 Share your ideas in the comments.
15:06 [clock ticking]
15:16 Well, no matter how tasty the pizzas are, they're still cheaper than large pieces of meat.
15:22 This means the family treating Thomas to the steak must have more money than the second one.
15:27 But does it mean they are the criminals?
15:30 Time and further investigation will show.
15:33 [clock ticking]
15:35 Due to a technical issue, two families were given the same seats on a plane flying to France.
15:41 An airline company worker offered one of the families to upgrade to business class.
15:46 But it would cost a pretty penny.
15:48 Which family is rich enough to pay the necessary sum? Comment below.
15:53 [clock ticking]
16:03 The family on the left is rich.
16:05 They have modern suitcases covered with stickers, so they have money to travel a lot.
16:11 The members of the family on the right do look good and well-off.
16:14 But they have old and worn-out suitcases with scratches.
16:18 They probably spent all their money on designer clothes and jewelry to show off.
16:23 Two guys are staring at themselves in the mirror.
16:27 They both look successful and wealthy.
16:29 But one of them is actually poor and is just pretending.
16:33 I'm sure you know which of them it is.
16:35 Prove me right and write your answer in the comments.
16:38 A small hint – the mirror seems to be magic.
16:42 [clock ticking]
16:52 The guy in a blue shirt is actually far from successful.
16:55 In the mirror, he looks like a rich businessman, but pay attention to his real-life clothes.
17:01 They're old, and there's even a little hole in his shirt.
17:04 He must be quite poor.
17:06 You're a detective investigating petty crime.
17:10 Today, you've been called to a supermarket where security guards have detained two women,
17:15 suspecting them of shoplifting.
17:17 Look at them attentively and write who is guilty in the comments below.
17:22 [clock ticking]
17:32 It's the woman on the left.
17:34 The lady on the right seems to be really pregnant.
17:37 But the shape of the belly of the woman on the left is weird, to say the least.
17:42 While you're at the supermarket, you manage to prevent another theft.
17:47 One of these people was about to steal some Pringles.
17:50 Can you figure out who?
17:52 [clock ticking]
18:02 It's this young lady.
18:04 Look at her palm-like ponytail.
18:06 Very strange shape for such a hairstyle.
18:09 There must be a pack of Pringles hidden inside.
18:12 But if you disagree, make sure you write your version in the comments.
18:17 Now look at these girls.
18:19 They've been captured and locked in a basement.
18:22 All of them have their hands tied.
18:24 But one of them has more chances to escape than the others.
18:28 If you've figured out which of them it is, don't hesitate and share your answer in the comments.
18:34 [clock ticking]
18:44 It's gonna be the girl on the left.
18:47 She's got long, beautiful nails.
18:49 She's bound to have a file to look after them somewhere on her.
18:53 It can help her cut the rope.
18:56 One of these people on the train is hiding some treasure.
18:59 Can you spot who it is faster than other bright-side detectives?
19:03 Let's check.
19:05 Write your answer in the comments as fast as possible.
19:08 [clock ticking]
19:18 Ah, it's this man.
19:20 At first glance, he's just overweight.
19:23 But once you look closer, you realize that his belly has an uneven shape and is even a bit lumpy.
19:31 Both of these ladies are in a terrible hurry.
19:34 They're going to be late for work.
19:36 While one of them might still get to the office on time,
19:39 the other is definitely doing something wrong and won't make it on time.
19:44 Put those attention skills of yours to good use and share your ideas in the comments.
19:50 [clock ticking]
20:00 The first lady is bound to be late for work.
20:02 She's trying to style her hair, but the tool she is using is unplugged.
20:08 Look at these dishes very closely.
20:11 Do you think any of them isn't safe to eat?
20:14 Comment below. Let's compare the answers.
20:17 [clock ticking]
20:27 Look at this piece of cake.
20:29 There's a spider on it. And is it spinning a tiny web?
20:33 I wouldn't eat that dessert if I were you.
20:36 Now, we've got these people who look pretty normal and all.
20:40 But one of them is actually from the future.
20:43 If you can figure out who it is and write your answer, you might save the planet.
20:48 [clock ticking]
20:58 It's this guy. He's carrying a smartphone in his pocket.
21:01 That's it for today. So, hey, if you pacified your curiosity,
21:05 then give the video a like and share it with your friends.
21:08 Or if you want more, just click on these videos and stay on the Bright Side.
