• el año pasado
Someone has been playing with Hitler's Playstation 3 on March 1 2010 and now it shows 8001050F error. This will piss off our friend...

Rate, share, flame, enjoy :D

UPDATED DESCRIPTION!! Read before post:
Known bugs to be fixed:
-Grammar fails
-Change "sony device" to "sony timer"

Ok guys, I never expected this video to become viral. There are some simple things to clarify:

-I Know that Hitler is dead. I know a lot about WWII history. This video was made with footage from "Der Untergang" a really good film about last days of Hitler. All rights of the film reserved to their respective owners.

-This is another of the "Hitler Spoof" videos with the same footage. Google them. They are an Internet Meme really popular and It's not my problem if you didn't know them or if you have no humor sense. Here was no intention to offend anybody, so stop complaining about holocaust.

-Of course the subtitules are fake (read previous point). I understand that German people don't find funny the video. (My grandfather was german, and I understand what the actor are saying on the video because this is one of my favourite films).

-Lot of people are downloading this video an uploading it under their accounts to draw visits to their profile. Share the original ;) This video was made for the fun of everyone, not to draw any attention. I hate people who only wants to draw views to their profiles.

-Stop complaining about what happened on WW2, holocaust, or what nazis or hitler did. Human history is PLENTY of worse periods (russian gulags, spanish inquisition, US raids with napal over civilians on vietnam, european crusades on jerusalen) and there is not tabu to talk about them. Why is then tabu talk about WW2 or make a humor video with fake subs from a WW2 movie?
The WW2 was 60 years ago. Cure the wounds of your past and make a better future all togheter

-Der Untergang (The Downfall) is a really good film, with great acting, and is maybe the best WW2 movie in terms of historic accuracy. I advice the watch of the film to anyone interested in WW2 history and/or WW2 movies.

-The PS3 bug fixed itself on March 2.



