What to eat on Amalaki Ekadashi Vrat 2024: हिंदू धर्म में एकादशी तिथि का विशेष महत्व होता है. फाल्गुन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष में आने वाली एकादशी सभी एकादशी से अलग और खास होता है, क्योंकि यह एकमात्र ऐसी एकादशी है जिस पर भगवाव विष्णु के साथ भगवान शिव और माता पार्वती की पूजा की जाती है. इस दिन भोलेनाथ माता पार्वती का गौना कराकर काशी लेकर आए थे. भोलेनाथ के काशी आने की खुशी में लोगों ने उनपर फूल बरसाए और रंग, गुलाल लगाया था. इसलिए ही काशी और कुछ जगहों पर इसे रंगभरी एकादशी के नाम से जाना जाता है.आंवला एकादशी व्रत में क्या खाएं क्या नहीं ?
What to eat on Amalaki Ekadashi Vrat 2024: Ekadashi date has special significance in Hindu religion. The Ekadashi falling in the Shukla Paksha of Phalgun month is different and special from all the other Ekadashis, because it is the only Ekadashi on which Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati are worshiped along with Saffron Vishnu. On this day, Bholenath brought Goddess Parvati to Kashi after performing Gauna. To celebrate Bholenath's arrival in Kashi, people showered flowers and applied colors and gulal on him. That is why in Kashi and some places it is known as Rangbhari Ekadashi.Amla Ekadashi 2024: Amla Ekadashi Vrat Me Kya Khaye Kya Nahi ?
#amlaekadashi2024 #amalakiekadashi2024 #rangbhariekadashi2024 #amlaekadashivratmekyakhaye #amlaekadashivratmekyakhanachahiye #amlaekadashivratmekyanahikhaye
What to eat on Amalaki Ekadashi Vrat 2024: Ekadashi date has special significance in Hindu religion. The Ekadashi falling in the Shukla Paksha of Phalgun month is different and special from all the other Ekadashis, because it is the only Ekadashi on which Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati are worshiped along with Saffron Vishnu. On this day, Bholenath brought Goddess Parvati to Kashi after performing Gauna. To celebrate Bholenath's arrival in Kashi, people showered flowers and applied colors and gulal on him. That is why in Kashi and some places it is known as Rangbhari Ekadashi.Amla Ekadashi 2024: Amla Ekadashi Vrat Me Kya Khaye Kya Nahi ?
#amlaekadashi2024 #amalakiekadashi2024 #rangbhariekadashi2024 #amlaekadashivratmekyakhaye #amlaekadashivratmekyakhanachahiye #amlaekadashivratmekyanahikhaye