लीलासेवड़ी में देर रात महंत पर चाकू से हमला कर लूटपाट

  • 6 months ago
अजमेर.(Ajmer News). लीलासेवड़ी में श्रीअटल छत्र हनुमान मंदिर के महंत ओमप्रकाश शर्मा उर्फ पप्पू पर सोमवार रात नकाबपोश बदमाशों ने धारदार हथियार से हमलाकर लूट की वारदात अंजाम दे गए। नकाबपोश हमलावर महंत के गले से 28 तोला वजनी सोने की 4 चेन तोड़कर ले गए। पुष्कर थाना पुलिस ने प्रकरण


00:00 and the city of Gujarat. The city has been under heavy rain for the past two days.
00:07 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
00:15 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
00:24 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
00:31 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
00:39 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
00:48 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
00:55 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
01:03 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
01:12 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
01:19 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
01:27 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
01:36 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
01:43 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
01:51 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:00 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:07 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:15 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:24 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:31 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:39 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:48 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
02:55 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
03:03 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
03:12 The city is also under heavy rain for the last two days.
03:19 [End]
