• el año pasado
Even if Pamela believed what she said the attacks on her would still be fucking harsh. Stop you 'freethinkers'. Seriously.

Original video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51gMdlBu53k

And go look at TamTamPamela's channel comments. Even I think they are harsh. These are the people you attract and makes videos to, Thunderf00t.
Think about that. Think about that, for a second, will you?

Oh and read the info her from Potholer's video "Creationist Junk Debunked -- #2" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztejNZIZdsU )

"The original of this video had to be withdrawn very soon after it was launched, because there were audio upload problems and because one of the nominees exposed himself as a satirist."
Wonder if TF will show the same integrety or courtesy?

I would say it is possible to get fooled by this, even my friend Eimajun0 got fooled. But then I hope you both correct your error.


