• 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 尽管同属一个阵营的马青团长林添顺和社青团长俞利文纷纷出面,呼吁发起KK超市杯葛行动的巫青团长阿克马冷静,停止号召抵制行动。然而阿克马并不买账,甚至反呛,要马华和行动党先去基层了解穆斯林的感受,去明白为什么“真主”字眼会惹怒穆斯林。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Re.com website.
00:04 The KK supermarket socks have been burning for a long time, but there is still no sign of a calm.
00:09 Today, the police dispatched 40 police officers to the new health-limited company that supplies real-life self-made socks for the public to conduct a comprehensive inspection.
00:17 The director of the Bajubaxia police station pointed out that the police have acquired five pairs of real-life self-made socks returned by KK supermarket.
00:26 According to preliminary investigation, the supplier imported the socks from China and then sold them to the local market.
00:32 Seeing the rise and fall of the socks, the new health-limited company also appeared again today.
00:37 The company issued a statement that after they found the problem, they immediately recovered all the products affected and clarified that there were only five pairs of socks.
00:49 At the same time, the statement also stated that the company has never thought of ordering any products with authentic designs.
00:56 And when the order was confirmed, it has also clearly told the Chinese supplier to avoid providing products that may offend the Muslim community.
01:04 The statement pointed out that after the incident, the company has contacted the Chinese supplier for an explanation.
01:10 And the other party also admitted that they accidentally mixed in the wrong products.
01:16 The new health company is now seeking legal assistance from lawyers to discuss possible legal actions.
01:20 At the same time, they will also do their best to cooperate with the investigation of the authorities.
01:23 In addition, the company also revealed in the statement that its employees have recently been threatened by the Internet, human trafficking, and search.
01:30 It has threatened their safety, so it calls on all sectors to remain calm until the authorities complete the relevant investigation.
01:38 Now this KK supermarket socks wave has also erupted in the political arena.
01:44 The same camp's leader of the Maqing group, Lin Tiansheng, and the leader of the Socialist Youth League, Yu Liwen, have all appeared.
01:48 The leader of the Wuqing group, who called for the start of the KK supermarket socks wave, Akhmar, has been calm and stopped calling for a boycott.
01:56 However, the two people repeatedly persuaded, but still could not calm Akhmar's anger.
02:00 Akhmar even rebelled, asking the Mahua and the Action Party to first go to the grassroots to understand the feelings of Muslims.
02:05 To understand why this "realist" self-declaration would anger Muslims.
02:11 He even warned, "Our Muslim country is already very calm. If not calm, I'm afraid it will be like other countries, already set on fire."
02:19 It is hoped that YB Akhmar is not easy to be swayed, but rather more professional, rational and calm.
02:29 More and more to the three issues that easily cause tensions between religion and the community.
02:37 The leader of the Maqing group, Lin Tiansheng, uploaded a video yesterday, calling for Akhmar not to call for a boycott of the KK supermarket.
02:46 He believes that although the KK supermarket is wrong and negligent, they have already called for an apology from the press conference, and promised that the same thing would not happen.
02:55 So I hope everyone will not let this storm continue to ferment.
03:00 Akhmar did not buy the video, and even replied to Lin Tiansheng. He said that the KK supermarket apology was not enough to calm the anger of Muslims, and that they would continue to carry out the "sacred" actions.
03:11 "Our Muslim country is already very calm. If not calm, I'm afraid it will be like other countries, already set on fire.
03:24 If there is no apology, then all the people must be calm and do not need to call for a boycott."
03:30 As for the actions of the Maqing group leader Akhmar, the acting party secretary Lu Zhaofu said that the KK supermarket founder had met with the representative of the Islamic Development Bureau of Myanmar and made an explanation, so there was no need to make a big deal out of it.
03:46 He reminded that as a political leader, it should be more sensitive to the topic, and not to let it continue to rise in temperature.
03:53 He also asked Akhmar, if this incident happened in a Muslim-owned store or supermarket, what would the Maqing group do?
04:01 Anyway, Lu Zhaofu said that he had already conveyed his position to the leaders of the KK, hoping that the KK could handle this matter well.
04:09 As for the tourism minister Zhang Qingxingze's criticism, Akhmar tried to make a big article in the "sock storm" to incite ethnic tension.
04:18 He said that Akhmar should not use this topic to engage in personal heroism, because this is a very shameful and shameful attitude of the Chinese people, and it is more shameful for him to be a young political leader.
04:28 At the same time, he pointed out that the KK supermarket management has already apologized in the first place, and has already put down the relevant socks, so he called on all sectors to remain calm and give the KK supermarket a chance to change their own minds.
04:41 In addition, this incident has also aroused the attention of the national leader of Sudan, Ibrahim.
04:46 The emperor pointed out that he was angry and saddened by the KK supermarket for selling socks with the word "Allah" on them.
04:52 The emperor said that Allah's words were taken seriously by all Muslims, and now it is the month of Zajjaj, and there should be no anger.
05:01 The emperor hopes that after the investigation, the authorities will take the strictest action against any party that makes a mistake, ensuring that similar incidents will not happen again.
05:10 For more information, visit www.fema.org
05:13 Thank you for watching
