• last year
#Aadujeevitham #GoatLife #Prithviraj #Blessy #ARRahman #SurvivalThriller



00:00 the press and media friends.
00:02 Which particular scene, because the entire team has worked hard to make the film,
00:07 which scene was the scene that you worked very hard to make?
00:12 Which took a long time, you would have pulled yourself back,
00:17 which particular scene was that?
00:19 I have done more than 100 films.
00:24 So, when you ask me about a film,
00:26 I am able to differentiate the experience of shooting the film as
00:29 that scene, in the fight sequence, in the climax sequence,
00:34 in that location.
00:36 I don't know, but for Aadu Jeetham,
00:38 beginning to end, even as we speak today,
00:41 I have only one whole experience in my mind.
00:45 I am not able to differentiate between days, scenes, events.
00:50 I remember how I felt, because I keep saying,
00:55 as far as this film is concerned, I have an overbearing memory of hunger.
00:59 I wasn't eating.
01:01 I have also done the six pack exercise at the gym.
01:05 That is another process.
01:08 As far as this film is concerned, the transformation required me to look like
01:11 somebody who did not have access to enough food.
01:14 Somebody who was starving.
01:15 That is the only way. I have to take that route.
01:17 I have to starve myself. So, I wasn't eating.
01:20 I was completely fasting.
01:23 Almost at times, the fast used to go on for 3 days, 72 hours.
01:27 So, when I was shooting this film,
01:30 I remember that hunger is the main thing.
01:32 When I wake up, I am hungry.
01:34 Through the day, I am hungry.
01:35 When I go to sleep, I am hungry.
01:36 So, other than that, I cannot differentiate between days, scenes, etc.
01:40 This is a huge, giant experience.
01:43 I feel like I have lived through that.
01:45 So, yes, it is tough for me to pick one.
01:48 Okay, thank you. Thank you so much.
01:50 Next, I would like to call upon
01:52 Mazook Rahman lyricist to share a few words, please.
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