I Am not a celebrity Kany West says during Live Concert in New York


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Adult Swim had it's upfront party with a performance by Kanye West inside a huge pyramid. While he played the classics like 'Good Life' and 'Jesus Walks,' he also went on a 3-min rant about not being a celebrity, and how he won't be doing any paparazzi skits on Saturday Night Live this weekend. "I ain't here to appologize to no muthaf**kers man." he said. - Full Transcript below:

"I don't know if you know this one thing about me, but I ain't no Muthaf&*kin celebrity. I don't know if you know this one thing about me, but I'm a terrible, terrible, terrible celebrity. I don't know if you know this one thing about me, but I'm the worst kind of celebrity cause all I do is make real music. All I do is sit in the studio and make real shit and that's it.

So, I don't want nobody running up on me with no cameras, trying to like sell pictures and shit to magazines, asking me no dumb ass questions, throwing me off my focus and shit. Harassing you all muthaf**kin day.

It's so funny, somebody asked me, 'When you do SNL, are you gonna do like a skit about the paparazzi and shit, and like humanize yourself?' I ain't here to apologize to no muthaf*ckers man. It aint about me humanizing myself. At what point did I become un-human, where I had to turn myself back. Or maybe I was demonized or maybe I was treated inhumane and not human in that type of situation. I aint no muthaf*ckin celebrity. I ain't running for office, I aint kissing nobody's muthaf*ckin babies. I drop your baby and you sue me and shit. I'm trying to make some music that inspires people to be the best they can be. And I don't want nobody to ask nothing else of me. Don't ask nothing else of me.

Muthaf*ckers chasing you down, about to make you crash and shit ... Hell no I ain't doin no muthaf*ckin SNL skits. This is my Goddamn life. This ain't no muthaf*cking joke."