New Tricks. S06 E02. The Truth Is Out There.

  • 3 months ago
First broadcast 23rd July 2009.

Jack attends the funeral of ex-cop Derek Brooker who went to his grave trying to prove that journalist Peter Edelmann was killed by the American Air Force to stop him exposing an alleged U.F.O. crash, and persuades Sandra to re-open the case.

Alun Armstrong ... Brian Lane
James Bolam ... Jack Halford
Amanda Redman ... Det.Supt.Sandra Pullman
Dennis Waterman ... Gerry Standing
Glynis Barber ... Cheryl Brooker
Raquel Cassidy ... Susannah Morton
Mark Williams ... David Beaumont
Mark Rice-Oxley ... Terry Thaxted
Michael Landes ... Leonard Kuziak
Michael Brandon ... Col. Charles Norton
Alexandra Boyd ... Melissa