Monkton Priory CP School Human Body Workshop

  • 6 months ago
INTREPID scientists from Monkton Priory CP School explored the anatomy of human body during a recent workshop with Sam and Amy from the Dragon LNG Darwin Experience. 
After a journey through the body, stopping off at each of the vital organs they put their newfound knowledge to the test and built anatomy models of different body systems, examined x-rays and raced against the clock in a game to put all of the internal organs in their correct places.
Linking in with their topic on the brain, intelligence and empathy, pupils took part in a lamb’s brain dissection to help them to further link form and function.  They successfully identified the different lobes of the brain as well as some more complex structures such as the corpus callosum which connects the left and the right hemisphere together and the pineal gland that controls the sleep wake cycle.
Sam from the Dragon LNG Experience said: “We were incredibly impressed by year 5 class and their willingness to get stuck into all of the different activities on offer, especially the brain dissection.  They showed fantastic lab skills, we definitely have some future scientists in the making at Monkton Priory.”
The class went on to share what they had learnt during the workshop at their science fair where they used one of the frozen brains for their display.


