• el año pasado
At FunHost.Net/makearobot, It's Robot time!! This is a free game which is so cool because it enables you to make a robot as you like. With this robot game nothing will be the same! This is the best game which you can use whenever you are bored. It's simple, but fun. Everything technological is so popular nowadays, like androids and many other cyber things and you should always be up to date. That's why you should have this robot maker game on your phone right now. With each robot you create, you will be one step closer to the perfect robotic creature such as the ultimate Terminator. This is a game for kids, teens and adults. You boys, if you like the famous Transformers, Robocop or Cylons then this is a perfect game for boys to create another generation of robots similar to Optimus Prime and the company. And girls are usually those who love Wall-e and they can also find this game fun! But everybody will enjoy this robot making game because it is the great way to explore your imagination and go beyond the limits of the unknown. New robots are here - waiting for you to come and show them to the whole world. Making a robot was never funnier or more exciting than now! - Click buttons with you mouse to change robotic face, eyes, mouth, ears, haircut, and robot hands, body and legs, respectively. – Use the shuffle button to make a random combination of all these items. - Use the mute button to turn on and off the music. - Press the button with the tick mark on it to save image to your computer( Dress-Up) (Dress, Girly, Kids, Logic, Love, Music, Robot Game) .

Play Make a Robot for Free at FunHost.Net/makearobot on FunHost.Net , The Fun Host of Apps and Games!

Make a Robot : FunHost.Net/makearobot
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