• l’année dernière
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 They're combing the streets.
00:06 [MUSIC]
00:08 Searching house to house.
00:10 [MUSIC]
00:12 If they arrest you too, they will take you to their headquarters and you will not return.
00:17 [MUSIC]
00:20 I'm more concerned with a six-foot cat man who's got claws that can cut through vibranium alloy.
00:25 [MUSIC]
00:35 By my count, that makes two super soldiers loose in Paris.
00:39 Three, counting you.
00:40 And that's two too many.
00:41 [MUSIC]
00:47 I'll be there before the sun rises, before the Germans, before that American.
00:52 The eye of force has been found.
00:54 [MUSIC]
00:59 Please, just stick to the rooftops.
01:02 [MUSIC]
01:04 Be careful, stand by me.
01:06 [MUSIC]
01:08 When am I not?
01:09 [MUSIC]
01:15 It's better if I tackle this one alone.
01:17 You may encounter some obstacles.
01:19 That won't be a problem.
01:20 [MUSIC]
01:24 Our cat friend is definitely here too.
01:26 By the look of things, he's not very far ahead.
01:29 The American boy is right on your heels.
01:31 [MUSIC]
01:32 Who the hell are you?
01:34 If you wanted us dead, we'd be dead.
01:37 So what do you want?
01:38 Answers.
01:39 [MUSIC]
01:42 That's far enough.
01:44 Stay out of my way.
01:45 Stand aside.
01:47 I do not take orders from anyone.
01:50 I don't have time for this.
01:52 Neither do I.
01:52 [MUSIC]
02:02 [MUSIC]
02:12 [MUSIC]