BBC Licence fee - Liverpool

  • 6 months ago
BBC Licence fee will be going up in April: do you use the BBC services? Do you think we get good value for money?


00:00 There's an awful lot of repeats. I do like the news, I watch the news every day and I
00:05 watch it online as well, do it online. So from that point of view, yes, it's very good.
00:10 But there are a lot of repeats on other programmes.
00:15 At the moment, the answer is no. Because I've got a big screen, I've got no licence and
00:26 I haven't seen television for eight years. But I used to when I was growing up, but now
00:32 at the moment I don't.
00:33 I would go for the news and obviously I catch up with the news in the morning and then if
00:38 I miss something I can always use iPlayer.
00:41 No I don't because it's always repeats on the telly. I've seen one programme three or
00:49 four times and the films are repeats as well.
00:52 Yes, because there's some good programmes on, i.e. CSI and the crime programmes and
00:57 so on. Yeah, I do.
