谴责网民肉搜逼道歉行为 律师:感觉被骚扰就可报警

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | KK超市售卖印有“真主”字眼袜子的风波,在政治人物的推波助澜下,在特定群体掀起了激昂情绪,甚至有人在网上发动人肉搜索,直接踩上门去辱骂或围堵被认为针对这事件发表了不恰当意见的人士。针对有青年被人肉搜和强迫道歉的行为,人权律师兼反贪会主席拉蒂花,在社交媒体X平台上,替受害者们抱不平。她认为,伊斯兰教义从未允许一个人“动用私刑”来解决问题,这是赤裸裸的霸凌,令人反感。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:04 K&K supermarket sales print has a wave of the owner's own socks.
00:09 Under the push and pull of the politicians,
00:11 a certain group of people have a fierce mood.
00:14 Some people even launched a search on the Internet,
00:17 directly step on the door to insult or encircle the bet.
00:20 It is believed that people who have expressed inappropriate opinions on this incident.
00:24 In the morning, a young man in Sabah Yabi
00:26 commented on the face book that those who have a real owner's own eyes on the not-to-buy socks are garbage.
00:32 As a result, a group of people went to his house to encircle the bet and finally made a police station.
00:37 In addition, there is also a young man in Kuala Lumpur who posted some uncomfortable remarks on the Internet,
00:43 and was searched by netizens,
00:45 and even asked him to apologize in front of the live camera.
00:48 Is this kind of encircling the bet and searching the Internet
00:51 a behavior of pressure or infringement of privacy?
00:55 From a legal point of view,
00:57 is it a violation of privacy?
01:01 How can the legal procedure ensure that a person's basic rights are not violated?
01:08 In response to the behavior of young people being searched and forced to apologize,
01:12 Human Rights Lawyer Latifah was unfair to the victims on the social media X platform.
01:17 She believes that Islamic education never allows a person to use privacy to solve problems.
01:23 This is a blatant bullying that is annoying.
01:26 Latifah emphasized that if you think someone has committed a crime,
01:29 please call the police and seek a legitimate legal procedure.
01:33 No one has the right to force a person to confess on the Internet
01:37 or search to find his whereabouts.
01:40 Professional lawyer Rao Zhaoying also emphasized when he was interviewed by 8 o'clock.
01:46 He found the person through human search and came to the door to ask for an explanation.
01:51 The behavior of forcing the other party to apologize is a behavior of disrespecting the spirit of law and using privacy.
01:57 No matter who made a mistake, they should be handed over to the police to deal with it,
02:00 and convict through the legal procedure.
02:03 If anyone can use their own privacy to carry out the so-called justice in their heart,
02:08 then the law will be like a falsehood.
02:10 Who will still follow the law?
02:13 In fact, this behavior has also violated the provisions of the law.
02:17 Rao Zhaoying pointed out that such behavior may be a threat to intimidation,
02:22 violation of public affairs,
02:23 and even a crime that may cause other people's physical harm or life-threatening.
02:27 And these are some of the clearly well-known acts in criminal law.
02:32 After the controversy of the real socks in the KK supermarket,
02:37 the Internet appeared two or three times these days.
02:39 Because of expressing personal opinions,
02:40 he was considered to offend Muslims and became a victim of public opinion.
02:44 As you can see in the picture, a group of people are out of the police station,
02:47 encircling a young man in Sabah Yabi.
02:49 Just because he left a message on Facebook,
02:51 the real owner also appeared on the socks,
02:53 and was insulted by some Muslims to abandon him to Islam.
02:56 And in Kuala Lumpur, there was also a Chinese man who left a message on the Internet,
02:59 and his house was encircled by people.
03:01 Finally, he apologized to all Muslims before the live broadcast.
03:04 I apologize to all Muslims in Malaysia.
03:10 Please forgive me.
03:11 I promise to do better.
03:13 For the people who search for human flesh,
03:15 encircle the shops,
03:16 and threaten to apologize to people related to the act,
03:18 Lawyer Rao Zhao Ying pointed out during the interview
03:21 that this is undoubtedly a bullying act.
03:23 And our country is a legal society,
03:24 so whoever breaks the law must be punished by law,
03:27 instead of punishing others in his own way.
03:30 He emphasized that the use of private torture in the legal process
03:33 does not respect the spirit of law at all.
03:35 This kind of style must be condemned.
03:37 And another professional lawyer, Zheng Yihua, also said
03:39 that the use of private torture is actually a violation of the law.
03:42 It must be a use of private torture.
03:44 I think this behavior must be condemned.
03:47 Because we are a legal country,
03:49 the law that this person violates is sanctioned by the legal process.
03:53 For example, the police arrested him,
03:55 and then through the prosecution's prosecution,
03:57 and then through a legal process,
03:59 you can finally say that this person is guilty or not,
04:03 and then accept the legal punishment.
04:05 So this use of private torture,
04:07 in fact, in our legal civilized society,
04:10 is completely unacceptable.
04:12 For example, let's look at the 509 Act.
04:16 The 509 Act is an act of insult to other people's character,
04:19 speech or action.
04:21 The second possibility is that it is in the
04:23 223rd Article of the Communications and Multimedia Law of the Malaysia,
04:28 which is called "Use of Internet facilities or Internet services improperly."
04:32 It is through some network facilities and network services,
04:35 the platform presented,
04:37 after obtaining some information,
04:39 and then improperly used,
04:41 including bullying,
04:43 or verbal insult,
04:45 and so on.
04:47 It also depends on where the person lives.
04:49 If there is a management,
04:51 and the person did not agree to the management,
04:53 and let him run into his home,
04:55 it actually violates the crime of illegal entry.
04:57 Zhao Ying Rao mentioned that although the legal provisions are clear,
05:00 sometimes when a crime occurs,
05:02 the people can use the right of citizen arrest,
05:04 but it must be the first time to hand the suspect over to the police,
05:07 and not to use torture, punishment or beating him.
05:10 In fact, our criminal law also says that
05:12 private citizen arrest can be done.
05:14 If you see a crime happening,
05:17 you can use your citizenship to arrest,
05:22 but this is under very conditions.
05:26 Then you have to be in the shortest time,
05:29 hand over the person you arrested to the police,
05:33 or take him to the police station as soon as possible.
05:35 And in the whole process,
05:37 you can't use torture, beating him,
05:40 or anything else.
05:41 You can only bring the person to the nearest police station,
05:45 and let the police handle it.
05:47 And if you really encounter the situation in the video,
05:50 being bullied online or forced to apologize by a thief,
05:52 what can the person do?
05:54 The two lawyers pointed out that
05:55 if the victim feels harassed,
05:57 or even feels that there is a risk of life,
05:59 you can immediately call the police to seek police protection.
06:01 Because of the criminal law,
06:03 the police can issue a protection order based on the needs.
06:05 And if personal information is publicly spread on the Internet,
06:08 you can also report to the Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission MCMC.
06:12 In theory, if the person feels harassed,
06:17 then he is.
06:18 The only thing he can do is to call the police in the situation,
06:22 and seek police protection.
06:24 In terms of civil affairs,
06:25 of course, you have to hire a lawyer to investigate the damage he suffered.
06:29 That will be investigated later.
06:30 First, you have to call the police.
06:32 But if your personal privacy is all publicly disclosed,
06:35 you can also report to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission MCMC.
06:38 There is even a law that protects personal privacy.
06:42 This law is also within the framework of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission MCMC.
06:45 He even said that because of some online remarks,
06:49 I also feel that my life will be threatened,
06:52 and my whereabouts will be tracked.
06:54 This can also be reported to the police
06:57 and make a correct complaint.
07:01 Two lawyers mentioned that if the other party's behavior
07:05 makes you feel harassed,
07:07 whether it is a direct impact on your body or a collision,
07:12 you have the right to call the police.
07:14 If it is a report, it will be a criminal case.
07:17 The police will investigate.
07:18 You can also seek personal safety protection.
07:21 In fact, in this matter,
07:22 the number of cases of people's unauthorized actions is not only the two mentioned above.
07:26 Yesterday, a video was circulated on the Internet,
07:28 showing a few men stepping on the door directly,
07:30 and confronting the staff of the KK supermarket in Bajubahar.
07:34 For this matter,
07:35 the director of Bajubahar police station, Ismail, urged the public
07:38 not to take action on their own.
07:41 He urged the investigators to call the police and check,
07:43 and said that the police will closely monitor,
07:45 and hope that individuals or any non-governmental organizations do not act arbitrarily.
07:51 To be continued...
07:55 To be continued...
07:59 To be continued...
