Hartadinata Abadi Targetkan Pertumbuhan Pendapatan 30%

  • 6 months ago
PT Hartadinata Abadi Tbk (HRTA) menargetkan, pertumbuhan pendapatan sebesar 30% di sepanjang 2024. Kinerja tersebut akan ditopang oleh penjualan di dalam negeri, sebesar 60% dengan memperluas gerai retail.


00:00 From the election topic, we turn to the information of the voters' election ballot
00:03 this time from the energy sector ballot, especially for the gold and jewelry community.
00:07 Where the jewelry ballot, the Pertama Pendapatan Pertama Pendapatan
00:12 for the 30% of GDP throughout 2024.
00:16 The energy will be contributed by domestic sales of 60% by expanding the RTO.
00:28 Quoted from the information of the Indonesian Stock Exchange,
00:30 the Director-General of the Pertama Pendapatan Pertama Pendapatan in the TBK or HRTA,
00:34 Sandra Isunanto, said that the party targets the growth of income of 30%
00:38 and the clean rate of 15% in 2024.
00:42 The energy will be supported by domestic sales of 60%
00:46 and export contribution of 40%.
00:49 Meanwhile, the contribution of jewelry to energy in recent times
00:52 has experienced a shift from 80% to 60%.
00:57 To achieve this target, the HRTA also plans to develop the export market
01:02 to several countries outside India and the United Arab Emirates,
01:05 such as Singapore, Vietnam, the United States and Europe.
01:10 In the country, the HRTA will expand its retail target this year
01:13 with the expansion target from 83 Gradie 2023
01:16 to a minimum of 100 Gradie at the end of 2024.
01:20 The management emphasizes that the HRTA strengthens the company's ecosystem
01:23 through strategic partnership programs
01:25 not only with the shareholders in the jewelry and jewelry industry in the country,
01:30 but also with the shareholders outside the industry,
01:33 such as financial institutions and other institutions.
01:35 The commitment of the initial sales of jewelry to make jewelry inclusive for all layers of society in Indonesia
01:41 remains a priority as part of the company's vision and mission.
01:45 From various sources for Ali Exter.
01:47 The global increase in the price of jewelry communities
02:01 throughout today's trade
02:03 also contributes to the technical movement of jewelry stocks
02:06 for jewelry stocks and also jewelry products,
02:08 including for real estate.
02:10 Today, it also experienced significant strengthening.
02:13 Technically, the record is that the HRTA today has reached level 400
02:17 after throughout 2024,
02:20 the level 400 is quite difficult to be achieved by HRTA.
02:24 Let's go straight to the first graph.
02:26 The judges will try to see how the movement of the shareholders of HRTA
02:29 throughout today's trade.
02:31 You can see the graph on your television screen.
02:34 Opened in the first session this morning for the shareholders at Rp. 388 per share.
02:40 This is a strengthening compared to the previous closing at Rp. 386 per share.
02:47 9.35 experienced a strengthening, has passed above the 400 level.
02:51 At 10 past 5 minutes, this experienced a significant strengthening at Rp. 406 per share.
02:57 However, at the closing of the first session this morning,
03:00 the strengthening was more limited and at the same level at the opening of the second session.
03:04 Meanwhile, the update in a few minutes after the closing of the second session today,
03:08 the strengthening continues, where HRTA is stronger than 7% of the shareholders,
03:13 7.25% and at the level of Rp. 414 per share.
03:18 Intradea today was at the level of Rp. 416 per share.
03:22 This level was touched by HRTA a few minutes ago,
03:26 which is at the position of 30 minutes at the closing of the second session today.
03:30 Let's move on to the next graph.
03:32 We will try to see how the movement of the shareholders of HRTA in the last few months.
03:37 You can also watch the graph on your television screen.
03:40 In September trading, exactly in 2023,
03:44 Sam Harta was still traded above the 500 level.
03:48 However, in October, November, December,
03:50 this is more likely to experience a weakness, even at the end of December,
03:54 in the 20s, this touched the lowest level at Rp. 342 per share.
03:59 In January, February, March, Sam Harta tried to rise and was traded today,
04:04 again, it passed above the level of Rp. 400 per share.
04:09 How about the valuation?
04:11 Let's move on to the next graph.
04:13 We will try to see the shareholder with some indicators.
04:17 From the position, the price to earnings ratio is still at 5.34x,
04:22 the PSR is at 0.15x,
04:24 the PVV is still at 0.96x,
04:26 and the PCFR is -2.13x.
04:30 The combination is fundamentally technical and also from the valuation side.
04:34 Hopefully, this can be one of your references.
04:37 Thank you for watching!
