What's your secret? || Acharya Prashant

  • 6 months ago
00:00 There's just so much nonsense inside all of us.
00:04 Each of us is born with a tendency to accumulate garbage.
00:07 And all that is there within.
00:09 And that has to be very carefully and purposefully wiped out.
00:14 It happens that when there is beauty in your being,
00:16 then people are attracted to you.
00:18 They'll come to you, they'll want to know your secret.
00:20 Then you have to display to the society
00:22 how beautiful and joyful and truly successful you are
00:27 with the choices that you have made.
00:28 And when people in the society will look at the beauty in your life,
00:33 the joy in your being,
00:34 then they'll be inspired to come to you and ask you,
00:37 "How did you manage this?"
00:38 And then you can tell them, "The secret is consciousness.
00:41 I avoided conditioned behavior.
00:44 I avoided doing something because culture dictates that.
00:49 So I went neither by conditioning nor by culture.
00:52 I went by consciousness."