• last year
Venture into the Salopian Brewery near Shrewsbury, where they have just scooped four awards at a major festival. Meet the MD and learn a little about life at the Salopian.
00:00 How you doing Trevor? We're just here at Silopian Brewery. Been a good event for you, this awards that's just gone past yeah?
00:06 Yeah it has actually. Well firstly welcome to Silopian Brewery here in Haddonfield.
00:11 Thank you sir.
00:11 We're kind of thrilled actually, we're at the Society of Brewers and Associates Beer X event last week up in Liverpool.
00:20 And we had four beers, or four beers entered into the awards and all four of them scored which was absolutely fantastic
00:28 including these two here. Paper Plains 4.6% New England IPA, won gold in its category of Pale Ale and Golden Thread,
00:39 one of our oldest recipes from probably 25 years ago and that won gold in Best Bitter, the Best Bitter category.
00:48 And then overall from that Paper Plains finished third overall out of all the beers that has entered which I believe was well over 500 entries
00:56 and we came top so we were really really thrilled actually.
01:00 That's great going. And you were saying Paper Plains, it kind of makes an annual appearance at the bar doesn't it?
01:06 It does indeed yeah, so Paper Plains we kind of keep it special, it comes into land once a year.
01:12 Comes into land a lot yeah.
01:13 Because it's really starting to take off as you can probably tell. So it appears as a sort of once a year so brewed now and this is probably it until next year actually.
01:22 Yeah, what is it that's special about these particular drinks then? I know it's difficult to say but if I was going to get you to put into words, what's special?
01:31 Well it's how do you pick your favourite child really. The beers themselves they're all crafted in what we call the Silopian way,
01:39 so it's our attention to detail and the sort of craftsmanship that goes into it and the use of hops and how we're uncompromising in the quality that we try and make in the beers that we produce.
01:50 So the best quality ingredients produced the best way and that's how we work it from there.
01:56 And you're one of the biggest breweries in the Midlands were you saying, the West Midlands?
02:00 We're one of the most, yeah we could say we are one of the sort of bigger breweries in the West Midlands.
02:09 And our brew house is one of if not the biggest independent brew house in the West Midlands. So we can produce up to five million pints per year.
02:21 Wow, that's some going. And just in terms of business you know, are you finding that people they might not be able to afford the big posh holidays abroad but they still want to go down the pub and give themselves a treat so it's business as normal in the Silopian?
02:33 It's absolutely soft on actually. The beer for us it's kind of it's an everyday luxury so it's you may well decide to sort of step back on the holiday or the new kitchen but going out to the pub to see your friends to enjoy good beer, good company, that's kind of probably the thing that you last want to give up.
02:49 And whilst it's not easy out there we're pleased in what we're doing you know we're growing which is the key thing for us and we're trying our best to continue making great beer that we've been awarded for or recognized with this time at Siba.
03:01 And always evolving you were saying you come out with many many different beers a year don't you?
03:05 We do indeed, we do indeed. So for us as a brewer we have a core range of six beers which Golden Thread sits within that and then we have our seasonal range so we have a new beer that appears every fortnight and they will appear in pubs all around the country.
03:19 And alongside that we also have our black range which is where Paper Plane sits and we produce a new one of those each month so all together there'll probably be 25 brand new beers from Silopian this year.
03:32 And if people want to kind of come to the heart of the Silopian this lovely setting at the brew house here, the bar, that's open at regular little intervals isn't it as well?
03:41 It is indeed, so our tap room here we open up once a month it's generally the first Friday and Saturday of the month apart from April because it's Easter weekend so it's actually the fifth and sixth and we open on a Friday afternoon and a Saturday dinner.
03:57 And if you like Silopian beer this is hopefully the place to come as we'll have eight different beers on and we look to debut a lot of our new beers here so you're the first to try and it will be, well it can't be fresher because literally we make it five metres away from here.
04:13 (popping)
