
  • 6 months ago
00:00 If he could go back in time, he would have acted differently.
00:04 Pure and hard regret is what a world champion feels when he looks back
00:10 and sees himself leaving Arsenal and signing for Barcelona.
00:15 Champion with France in the 1998 World Cup,
00:18 Emanuel Petit left the Gunners in 2000, when he was doing better.
00:22 After three wonderful seasons at the London club,
00:26 who was signed by Arsene Wenger, the Frenchman went for Barça.
00:30 A decision that now he regrets and that he made in his day,
00:34 as he confirmed in an interview, for a woman.
00:37 That same year he married Agathe de Lafontaine,
00:39 but she was more attracted to Barcelona than London,
00:43 and they ended up packing their bags for the city of Condal.
00:47 His time at Barcelona barely lasted a season, until 2001,
00:50 and his marriage only one more year.
00:53 After the club, he returned to London, but not to Arsenal,
00:57 but to Chelsea, where he played another three seasons,
01:00 until in 2004 his knee said enough and he retired.
01:05 "I should have stayed at Arsenal, definitely.
01:08 Sometimes the grass is not greener in other places.
01:11 It is better to stay where you are when you receive love, happiness and success",
01:16 a regretful Petit assured.
01:18 (THE END)
01:20 (MUSIC)
01:22 (MUSIC)
01:24 (upbeat music)
01:27 (upbeat music)