Frédéric Mitterrand: itinéraire d'un faux dandy à la "mauvaise vie"

  • 6 months ago
Il portait un nom admiré à gauche mais fut ministre de la Culture sous un président de droite: inclassable, Frédéric Mitterrand, décédé jeudi à 76 ans, racontait comme personne l'âge d'or du cinéma, naviguant entre télévision et postes prestigieux, et n'hésitant pas à confesser sa "mauvaise vie".
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00:00 He was an admired man on the left, but he was Minister of Culture under a right-wing, unclassifiable president, Frédéric Mitterrand,
00:06 who died on Thursday at the age of 76, told as a person the golden age of cinema,
00:10 sailing between television and prestigious positions, and not hesitating to confess his bad life.
00:16 Nephew of the former President of the Republic, he made in 2005 the story of his sexual errors and arrived in Thailand and the Maghreb.
00:23 First saluted, the book will then arouse controversy, forcing him to defend himself from any relationship with minors or apologizing for pedocriminality.
00:32 In April 2023, he announced he was sick, without giving more details, when he had just published an essay on Brad Pitt.
00:41 Joining the gesture to the word, he then posed in Paris Match, disguised as the Hollywood star, making fun of the hummingbirds.
00:48 In a statement transmitted to AFP Thursday, his family indicated that he had fought for several months against aggressive cancer.
00:55 Born on August 21, 1947 in the beautiful neighborhoods of Paris, his father, Robert Mitterrand, engineer,
01:01 and François's brother, Frédéric Mitterrand, broke through thanks to the small screen and a few famous shows.
01:07 His passion is cinema. At 13, he plays the son of Michel Morgan in Fortuna, with Bourville, 1960.
01:16 Adult, after a few years of teaching, he returns to his first loves, he buys a room in Paris and then creates a network of arts and essays that he animates for 15 years.
01:25 He also goes behind the camera and makes a love letter in Somalia, 1981, written to the first person, and the opera Madame Butterfly, filmed in Tunisia, 1995.
01:37 Television calls him. And the small screen allows him to share his love for the big one.
01:44 Star Star is the name of the first show he hosts on the Une. From 1981, he resurrects the stars with flamboyance, especially the actresses, and decorates the big films.
01:54 The man whispers his cinephilia to the spectator, captivated by this fluttering veil, with the recognizable phrase "between all".
02:01 At the end of 1988, Frédéric Mitterrand leaves with Fracas TF1, which has become a private channel, for Antenne 2 and the public service.
02:09 He doesn't like neither blacks, nor Arabs, nor pd, nor people on the left.
02:14 "I wouldn't say I had a lot of future," he says.
02:18 Nuclear missiles.
02:20 The titles of the magazines he hosts on television speak for themselves, Destiny, The Lovers of the Century, Star Palace, The Legends of the Century.
02:28 Portraits often heartbreaking of movie stars and crowned heads.
02:32 Without indulgence for private channels, he doesn't show more for the public audiovisual.
02:37 When he is rewarded in 1990 by a set of gold for his variety show and white cards to Frédéric Mitterrand, he places his trophy on the ground, where the public service is.
02:48 The character is just as unclassifiable in politics.
02:52 Despite his name, he refuses to walk on the footsteps of an uncle who admires him.
02:57 He joined the left-wing radicals in June 1993.
03:02 In May 1995, he supported Jacques Chirac, candidate for presidency.
03:08 Named at the head of Villa Medicis in Rome by President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008, he returned to Paris a few months later to take over the Ministry of Culture until the presidential election in 2012, lost by the right.
03:21 Minister, he supports the filmmaker Roman Polanski, accused of rape.
03:26 In a book, "Le Désir et la Chance" (2012), he comes back to this episode and evokes the nuclear missile launched against him by Marine Le Pen, who explains this support by his adventures in the nights of Bangkok.
03:37 His nomination "Valois Street" arouses some frowns of eyebrows, the newcomer has not done the "NA", does not come from the high public function and cultivates an image of Dandy.
03:46 At this post, he confronts the intermittents of the show, adopts the Adopi law and leads large construction sites, launched for some before his arrival, the Mucem, Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean, in Marseille, the Philharmonie in Paris.
04:00 Frédéric Mitterrand was the father of three children.
