Mudik Lebaran Bakal Dorong Kinerja Jasa Marga (JSMR)

  • 6 months ago
Pemerintah memprediksi 193,6 juta masyarakat melakukan mudik pada libur Lebaran tahun 2024, banyak sektor usaha yang akan menadah berkah dari besarnya jumlah pemudik tersebut. Tak terkecuali PT Jasa Marga Tbk yang memproyeksikan adanya kenaikkan pendapatan dari lonjakan traffic jalan tol selama musim mudik Lebaran berlangsung.


00:00 The government predicts that 193.6 million people will be doing mudik on Eid al-Adha in 2024.
00:07 Many business sectors will be blessed by the large number of people doing mudik.
00:12 Except for the TBK's private sector, which projected an increase in income from the increase in traffic jalan tol during the Eid al-Adha.
00:25 The TBK's private sector projected an increase in income from the increase in traffic jalan tol during the Eid al-Adha.
00:31 This is in line with the government's prediction that 193.6 million people will be doing mudik on Eid al-Adha in 2024.
00:40 The potential increase in traffic jalan tol during Eid al-Adha is quite significant.
00:45 The private sector predicts that the number of vehicles leaving the Jabodetabek area during the period of the H-min7 to H+2 Idulfitri traffic jalan tol
00:52 will increase from 3 April to 11 April 2024 by 1.86 million vehicles.
00:57 This number is 54.13% higher than normal and 5.94% higher than the Eid al-Adha period in 2023.
01:05 The private sector has not yet been able to mention the details of the potential increase in income from the increase in traffic jalan tol during the mudik season.
01:13 Certainly, with the formation of mudik al-Adha, this year the private sector has projected an increase in income from the increase in traffic jalan tol by 8% to 10%.
01:21 To do this, the private sector allocated capital spending of 10 trillion rupiah to pay for this year's investment needs.
01:28 The majority of capital spending will be used to finance a number of new traffic jalan tol projects.
01:33 And so, the use of capital spending depends on the land liberation process and the construction progress of the project that is currently underway.
01:41 The progress of land liberation also depends on the allocation of the budget from the government
01:45 because land liberation funds are fully responsible from the government.
01:49 Reported by IDX Channel.
01:51 [Music]
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