'If you break the rules, there are consequences' - former Leicester captain Morgan

  • il y a 6 mois
Wes Morgan reacts to Leicester being charged by the Premier League for alleged financial rule breaches


00:00 Obviously from the players' point of view and the club's point of view, it's not nice
00:05 to have this looming over and then it confirmed and you're just waiting your fate. Obviously
00:12 all clubs have rules to follow and if you break them rules there's consequences. I think
00:18 the only real downside, which is disappointing for me, is I think points deduction should
00:26 be at the beginning of the season rather than at any point in the season. I think that's
00:30 something that definitely needs to be looked at. I think that would make things much better.
00:33 There's nothing worse than having points deducted right at the end of the season, which could
00:38 be detrimental to the club. We've all got the rules to follow and there's consequences
00:48 there if you don't follow them. Leicester could be one of the victims of that.
00:53 (audience laughing)
