男子吃生炒菠菜终洗肾 医生“别忽略煮前1步骤!”

  • 7 months ago
新闻报报看 | 在中国浙江就有一名60岁的大叔,他因为近期猛吃生炒菠菜,导致出现出现身体无力,必须立马送院检查,结果发现他竟然患上急性肾损伤,往后的日子都需要靠洗肾来续命。(主播:蔡心慧、黄界錤)


00:00 Eating more vegetables is good for your health.
00:02 Everyone knows this.
00:04 But even if it's vegetables and fruits,
00:06 you have to eat them right.
00:09 In Zhejiang, China,
00:10 there is a 60-year-old man.
00:11 After eating stir-fried spinach recently,
00:15 he found that his body began to show strength,
00:17 and he couldn't eat.
00:18 After going to the hospital for check-up,
00:20 he was diagnosed with acute kidney damage.
00:23 In the future, he needs to rely on washing his kidneys to live.
00:27 Why does this old man eat spinach to wash his kidneys?
00:31 The report said that this old man actually has chronic kidney disease.
00:35 But because his condition was stable before,
00:37 he often went back to the clinic.
00:38 It shows that the kidneys function normally,
00:40 so he didn't take any special medicine.
00:42 But after he ate a lot of stir-fried spinach recently,
00:46 his body suddenly felt that there was no strength in his body,
00:48 no appetite,
00:49 and even nausea and vomiting.
00:51 After rushing to the hospital for medical attention,
00:52 he found that the liver of his blood was abnormally high.
00:56 He was diagnosed with acute kidney damage.
00:59 How can eating spinach cause a problem?
01:01 It is mainly due to the acidity of the spinach.
01:05 The doctor did a kidney tissue penetration test for this old man,
01:08 and found that there was a lot of acidity in his kidney tube.
01:13 He was diagnosed with acidity.
01:15 As I said,
01:16 there was a lot of stir-fried spinach before the old man was hospitalized.
01:20 So the doctor speculated that this was the cause of the disease.
01:24 The doctor said that if you eat too much acid in a short time,
01:28 the acid will form a "causative" in the body and the liver,
01:31 which increases the risk of acute kidney damage.
01:35 Especially for people with kidney problems,
01:37 it is more dangerous.
01:39 Yes, in addition to spinach,
01:41 vegetables such as celery, horsetail, mustard, and coriander
01:44 are all vegetables with high acidity.
01:46 They should be eaten in moderation.
01:48 The doctor also reminded that
01:50 when cooking these five vegetables,
01:52 you should first rinse them with water.
01:54 Using the property of spinach that is easy to dissolve in water,
01:56 remove most of the acid.
01:58 The doctor said that for patients with chronic kidney disease,
02:01 for patients with kidney stones,
02:03 they should not take excessive acid,
02:05 otherwise it will lead to increased kidney load,
02:08 leading to kidney stones and damage to the kidney.
02:14 In addition, the report also summarized three cooking habits
02:17 that may endanger the health of the human body.
02:20 First, avoid putting food in the pan after it is smoking.
02:24 Because most of the cooking oil on the market
02:26 is refined vegetable oil,
02:28 it is not easy to smoke even if heated.
02:31 If you wait for the pot to smoke,
02:33 the oil temperature may be up to 200 degrees Celsius or even higher.
02:37 This cooking method not only causes food loss,
02:40 but also may cause cancer.
02:43 Second, do not wash the pot and continue to fry the vegetables.
02:46 Many people may say that it is convenient,
02:48 and it does not affect the taste of the next dish,
02:50 so it is okay not to wash the pot.
02:52 But in fact, when cooking the last dish,
02:54 some food residue has remained on the surface of the pot.
02:57 If heated again at a high temperature, it may produce carcinogenic substances.
03:00 The last point is to put salt in time.
03:03 They suggest that salt should be put before frying the vegetables.
03:06 If you put salt too early,
03:08 the vegetables will release too much water,
03:10 and the nutrients will also be lost.
03:13 Thank you.
03:14 (upbeat music)
03:16 (dramatic music)
