Amir Saheb Ahmad Shah Masoud
Afghanistan Herati Ismail Khan
Afghan National Army Afghan National Army Afghan National Army muslim islam shaheed chechnya afghanistan kabul iran palestine jihad turkey
Afghanistan Kaboul Pakistan afghan afghans afghane afghanes taliban talibans pakistanais vallée du Panshir islamiste islamistes journalisme journaliste journalistes reportage reportages grand reporter grands reporters mollah mollahs guerre guerres charia école coranique écoles coraniques madrassa madrassas commandant Massoud FIGRA presse presses
Amir Saheb Ahmad Sh... (suite)
Ajoutée : 12 mars 2008 restaurant-pamir
Amir Saheb Ahmad Shah Masoud
Amir Saheb Ahmad Shah Masoud
Amir Saheb Ahmad Shah Masoudvoice of Mr. Naim Popal Hero Of Afghanistan Legendary Hero of Afghanistan Shaheed Ahmad Shah Massoud ih Bozourg..This video also shows the Beauty of Panjshir along with the great voice of Mr. Naim Popal Farsi=Tajiki=Dari A view of Panjsher Valley (Dare Jahad wa moqaum...
A view of Panjsher Valley (Dare Jahad wa moqaumat) Panjsher Afghanistan kabul...Dari Tajiki
Afghanistan Herati Ismail Khan
Afghan National Army Afghan National Army Afghan National Army muslim islam shaheed chechnya afghanistan kabul iran palestine jihad turkey
Afghanistan Kaboul Pakistan afghan afghans afghane afghanes taliban talibans pakistanais vallée du Panshir islamiste islamistes journalisme journaliste journalistes reportage reportages grand reporter grands reporters mollah mollahs guerre guerres charia école coranique écoles coraniques madrassa madrassas commandant Massoud FIGRA presse presses
Amir Saheb Ahmad Sh... (suite)
Ajoutée : 12 mars 2008 restaurant-pamir
Amir Saheb Ahmad Shah Masoud
Amir Saheb Ahmad Shah Masoud
Amir Saheb Ahmad Shah Masoudvoice of Mr. Naim Popal Hero Of Afghanistan Legendary Hero of Afghanistan Shaheed Ahmad Shah Massoud ih Bozourg..This video also shows the Beauty of Panjshir along with the great voice of Mr. Naim Popal Farsi=Tajiki=Dari A view of Panjsher Valley (Dare Jahad wa moqaum...
A view of Panjsher Valley (Dare Jahad wa moqaumat) Panjsher Afghanistan kabul...Dari Tajiki