Love Blooms in Contracted Heart PART -1

  • 6 months ago
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#reelshort #fyp #billionaire #rich #wealthy #app #drama #film #movie #tv #tvseries #romance #love #marriage #relationship #couple #couples #SATURDAY #saturday#saturdaymood #weekend
00:00:00 [Music]
00:00:14 Oh my god, I ended up in bed with my boss!
00:00:16 Finally you're back. I missed you so much.
00:00:27 You've got the wrong person. I...
00:00:31 My virginity is gone just like this.
00:00:37 Don't go. I won't let you go.
00:00:42 What should I do if anyone finds out? Losing my job is just the start.
00:00:48 What if they say I seduced my boss? No one in Rivera will hire me.
00:00:53 [Music]
00:01:23 Cici, hurry up!
00:01:24 The bus is leaving. Why are you so late? I can't find my phone. Get on first.
00:01:31 [Music]
00:01:36 Give my phone a call. You always forget things.
00:01:39 Is that Mr. Lamberth? Mr. Lamberth on the bus? Mr. Lamberth? Why is he here?
00:01:46 Hey, Cici, look, look. He's so handsome.
00:01:51 Cici, you've got a call. Cici, you've got a call.
00:01:57 Cici, why does Mr. Lamberth have your phone? Hang up now, okay?
00:02:12 [Music]
00:02:23 Your phone.
00:02:24 Thank you.
00:02:29 Thanks, Mr. Lamberth.
00:02:33 He left it at the front desk. Be careful next time.
00:02:36 [Music]
00:02:45 Shouldn't he have his own driver? Why is he on the bus with us? I don't know.
00:02:51 He's here probably to remind me that last night didn't mean anything to him.
00:02:56 Will this affect my hiring status?
00:03:01 [Music]
00:03:15 [Music]
00:03:37 [Music]
00:03:45 I'm here, Mr. Lamberth.
00:03:47 Wow, he's so handsome.
00:03:53 How about marrying me?
00:03:56 What did you say? You want to marry me?
00:04:02 Why would he suggest that so suddenly?
00:04:07 Maybe he's seeing if I take advantage of what happened between us.
00:04:13 Mr. Lamberth, I'm seeing someone.
00:04:17 Planning to marry him?
00:04:21 Not at the moment, but we do live together.
00:04:32 We've been a couple for a long time. I've been living with him since our last team-building
00:04:38 event. It's just that we were still schooling at the time.
00:04:43 Don't you know why I want to marry you?
00:04:47 My grandpa's really sick. He won't last much longer. He wishes to see me wed,
00:04:58 but I don't have a girlfriend. As for the reason I choose you, you should know it.
00:05:04 I looked everywhere, and you're the best fit.
00:05:11 We've shared a bed after all. What was I thinking?
00:05:17 In his view, I'm just another ambitious girl.
00:05:23 Within five million, you may name your terms.
00:05:27 There's a duration for this marriage. If you're in,
00:05:37 we can register tomorrow, and it'll end...
00:05:41 I don't agree.
00:05:42 What did you say? Fine. Then leave.
00:05:50 [SIGH]
00:05:59 Playing hard to get only makes you look foolish.
00:06:03 [SIGH]
00:06:27 Hello? What? My mom's condition has worsened? Okay, I'm on my way!
00:06:41 100 grand? But my salary isn't out yet. Can I get a few more days?
00:06:48 Two days max, or else we'll have to discharge her.
00:07:08 Hey, Robert? Mom's treatment costs 100 grand. Could you send some my way?
00:07:13 What? 100 grand? I don't have money. I told you to pull the plug, but you refused.
00:07:19 You insist on wasting money. Now you're trying to turn me? Find the money yourself.
00:07:23 Within five million, you may name your terms.
00:07:31 Right. If I agree to marry him, he can help me out.
00:07:36 [MUSIC]
00:08:03 Mr. Lamberth, please get in the car. Get in.
00:08:05 Put this on.
00:08:13 He is so handsome. Had enough staring?
00:08:29 Thank you, Mr. Lamberth. What do you need from me?
00:08:32 I wanted to ask about that thing you mentioned. Is it still on?
00:08:37 I mean, are you still looking for someone to get married?
00:08:44 Yes, I am. What's wrong?
00:08:54 I thought about it yesterday. I think I can do it.
00:08:58 It's true that I'd need to marry someone, but how do you know I haven't found someone else?
00:09:05 Oh, you already have?
00:09:08 Didn't you say you have a boyfriend? Why the sudden change of heart?
00:09:14 You said I can state my terms. I need money, and you need someone to take care of your grandpa,
00:09:24 so it's a win-win.
00:09:27 All right. Sounds fair. How much?
00:09:30 How much can you offer?
00:09:35 100 grand?
00:09:39 One million.
00:09:40 One million?
00:09:46 Just the base salary, excluding performance bonuses.
00:09:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:01 I'll get 10 grand for making Grandpa laugh, 20 grand for cooking,
00:10:05 and 100 grand if I take care of him in the hospital. Once I sign, I'll get 100 grand up front.
00:10:11 Look after Grandpa for a year, and you'll get five million.
00:10:19 In two years, you'll get a house.
00:10:21 Don't worry. I promise to take care of your grandpa.
00:10:31 Oh, right. Mr. Lambert, let's add each other on WhatsApp.
00:10:37 That way, you can reach out directly if needed.
00:10:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:10:55 Mr. Lambert, I've signed it. When will I receive the 100 grand?
00:11:01 You're in a hurry?
00:11:03 Text me if you have details.
00:11:10 OK.
00:11:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:11:15 It's done.
00:11:16 Then I should head out.
00:11:23 Don't worry, Grandpa. I will.
00:11:34 I'll be content as long as you two are a happy couple.
00:11:39 I'm eager to cuddle a chubby great-grandkid.
00:11:42 When Grandpa mentioned wanting a great-grandchild, Mr. Lambert didn't object.
00:11:53 But our deal didn't cover anything about sex. So tonight, will he have expectations?
00:12:01 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:11 Trying to seduce me?
00:12:12 No. Mr. Lambert, is sex part of our deal?
00:12:18 You were on top of me just now. What do you think?
00:12:24 Mr. Lambert, uh...
00:12:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:12:33 Mr. Lambert, my review for the internship is coming up.
00:12:37 I hope to stay at Zandora. Can you speak to HR for me?
00:12:41 Are you threatening me?
00:12:43 No, Mr. Lambert. I believe I've done well. So it's only fair to ask.
00:12:56 Mr. Lambert, is that OK?
00:12:59 About your boyfriend? While we're married, you can't sleep with him.
00:13:05 I don't share.
00:13:06 Mr. Lambert, I'm very professional. I know how to handle things. I'm clear on that.
00:13:17 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:13:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:13:48 She's so pretty. This photo has always been near his bed.
00:13:54 I wonder, she's the one he was calling that night. Someone he can't forget?
00:14:01 Bianca Yurton?
00:14:04 Um, Miss Elliot?
00:14:14 Cecilia, HR made you full-time. Make sure to finish your paperwork later.
00:14:20 Really? All right, I'll handle it after work.
00:14:24 I wonder what was HR thinking. They could have had a Hexton grad, not someone taking frequent leaves.
00:14:28 It seems I wasn't her pick. Did Liam really intervene with HR for me?
00:14:40 Hey, Lori. You got the notice too?
00:14:49 Awesome. Let's grab a treat after work to celebrate.
00:14:53 Mm-hmm. See you then.
00:14:55 Sean Spencer? Who's this guy? Why is he sending a friend request? Is he a scammer? I'll just delete it.
00:15:06 Mr. Lambert, yesterday's plan is set.
00:15:18 It looks good to me. All right.
00:15:21 Cece, have you applied for the dorm after promotion?
00:15:25 Not yet.
00:15:27 If you wait too long, there won't be any rooms left.
00:15:29 I've got some things going on from time to time, so my current place is more convenient.
00:15:37 Oh, I see.
00:15:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:15:56 This dorm is tiny, and there are no windows. I feel so damp and stuffy. How could anyone live here?
00:16:03 I had no choice. I applied too late, and this was all they had.
00:16:08 I'll just have to manage. It's all because of Mr. Lambert. He wants me in a quad just to keep tabs on me.
00:16:13 Otherwise, I wouldn't have to put up with this.
00:16:16 Parking near your dorm is faster.
00:16:31 But what if someone sees us? Rumors are already flying.
00:16:37 Mr. Lambert, did you finalize my position?
00:16:43 I don't have to justify keeping an intern.
00:16:46 But if you stay silent, people will speculate.
00:16:51 Oh, as if we'd never had anything. And you aren't my wife?
00:16:56 What's that smell?
00:17:06 Must be the mustiness. My room lacks a window, so clothes stay damp.
00:17:12 Open the car windows.
00:17:34 Mr. Lambert, I'll head back to the dorm now. Bye.
00:17:38 Hi, Miss Elliott.
00:17:48 What? I got a new dorm. And it's for two people?
00:17:54 OK, I'll move in with Lori now. Thanks, Miss Elliott.
00:17:58 Hey, Cece, we are so lucky. We got a new room and so quick.
00:18:04 I just thought it's got great light and it's so spacious.
00:18:07 Really? Now you don't have to worry about your clothes not drying.
00:18:11 I'm going to wash all of them. No more of that musty smell on me ever.
00:18:15 Hey, watch where you're going. Oh, it's you.
00:18:24 You know me?
00:18:27 Of course. You're pretty well known now. Your pictures are all over our company forum.
00:18:33 Oh.
00:18:34 Cece, who is this guy? Snapping pictures of you last weekend,
00:18:42 sharing them online and even asking who's your sugar daddy?
00:18:44 Cece, did you upset someone?
00:18:47 Did you upset someone?
00:18:52 Cece, you should just tell everyone that you went to the hospital to see your mom.
00:19:01 This is defamatory.
00:19:02 Hospital? Who dresses all fancy for something like that?
00:19:06 Moreover, the dorm is close to the parking. But she purposely traveled far. She must be...
00:19:12 Hush. She has someone backing her up.
00:19:16 I hear she's the only intern whose thing is in finance, even though she takes frequently.
00:19:21 Someone must be helping her.
00:19:23 How capable.
00:19:23 Well, let's leave. I don't want to stay here with a whore like you.
00:19:29 Hey, you! Forget it. Laurie, let's head back.
00:19:33 But they're picking on you. Are you okay with that?
00:19:37 What can we do? We're new here after all.
00:19:40 Let's go.
00:19:43 Hey, Cece. Everyone's still talking about that forum post.
00:19:50 Just now when you came for the physical, everyone was gossiping.
00:19:54 Look! Check the one over there. It's the fancy car from the post.
00:19:59 It's the fancy car from the post.
00:20:07 Yeah, you're right.
00:20:08 That's our CEO!
00:20:18 Is he Cecelia's sugar daddy?
00:20:26 Don't talk nonsense.
00:20:28 Hey, Cece. That post, it's gone.
00:20:34 It seems everyone thinks the guy in the story is Mr. Lambert.
00:20:39 But are you guys dating?
00:20:42 What? You slept with him?
00:20:51 I can't believe it. You're so bold.
00:20:56 If you marry him, don't forget to help your friend.
00:20:59 What are you talking about?
00:21:00 No CEO's wife will need to take an accountant certification exam.
00:21:06 Don't you think that him doing all that is like backing you up?
00:21:11 So,
00:21:19 this is my name. Just call me Mr. Spencer.
00:21:33 I heard he aced the accountant test on his first try.
00:21:39 I didn't know he was young and cute.
00:21:41 John Spencer? Is it a coincidence?
00:21:46 Cecelia, come here.
00:21:55 Why are you here?
00:22:03 Cecelia, since you can afford classes, maybe you can lend me some money?
00:22:08 Huh?
00:22:08 Hey, Mr. Spencer. Your ride is here. It's here.
00:22:12 Miss Kane?
00:22:13 You know my sister, Mr. Spencer?
00:22:17 What a small world. It must be fate. Am I right?
00:22:21 Where are you going, Miss Kane? Hop in. I'll take you there.
00:22:25 He's offering you a ride. Just get in the car already.
00:22:29 Hurry up. Get in the car. Come on.
00:22:31 Mr. Spencer, please get in.
00:22:34 Ah. Ah.
00:22:39 Mr. Spencer, do you have my sister's contact?
00:22:41 I tried adding her as a friend, but she didn't accept. So I stopped trying.
00:22:45 When I saw the class list, I thought it was someone else with the same name.
00:22:48 Should I send another request?
00:22:50 Sure.
00:22:52 Awesome.
00:23:00 So
00:23:09 what's your boyfriend's name?
00:23:19 My boyfriend? He's...
00:23:22 It's Sean Spencer, right?
00:23:28 He's just...
00:23:41 You saw him earlier, didn't you? He's texted you several times.
00:23:51 Just tell me if you need something. I can fulfill your needs.
00:24:05 Hey, Cecilia. I found a caregiver for Mom. Let's meet her.
00:24:22 Uh, okay. I'm on my way.
00:24:24 Oh, you're here.
00:24:31 Where's the caregiver?
00:24:32 She... She's tending to another person.
00:24:37 She should be done soon. Sit down. Come on. While we wait.
00:24:40 Thirsty?
00:24:47 Here, have some water.
00:24:53 Thanks, Robert.
00:24:56 How much longer?
00:25:10 She should be here any minute. Just be patient.
00:25:13 Is the AC on? Why is it so hot?
00:25:24 It's running. Why? Are you feeling hot?
00:25:29 I'm feeling dizzy.
00:25:31 You trapped me.
00:25:47 Dear Cecilia, I'm doing this for you. Later, you just have to serve Mr. Spencer well.
00:26:01 And we'll have a better life.
00:26:04 [Laughter]
00:26:06 [Gasp]
00:26:08 [Gasp]
00:26:10 [Gasp]
00:26:12 Cecilia?
00:26:38 Cecilia? Cecilia, are you all right?
00:26:43 Cecilia?
00:26:45 Back off.
00:26:46 Cecilia?
00:26:49 Cecilia, we should get you to a hospital.
00:26:54 I can't.
00:26:54 Did you have a hand in this?
00:27:03 No. Robert just asked me to get something. Why are you here?
00:27:07 Huh? My brother gave me some weird stuff.
00:27:10 Cecilia?
00:27:11 Cecilia, this is serious. We should get you to a doctor.
00:27:17 No, I won't go to a hospital.
00:27:21 See if there's a sewing kit here. I need a needle.
00:27:25 Okay, okay.
00:27:26 Let me help you.
00:27:35 [Gasp]
00:27:39 Cecilia, I found it. Here.
00:27:41 We should go to the hospital. You shouldn't--
00:27:47 No, no. Just hand it to me.
00:27:48 Are you feeling better?
00:27:57 Let's leave now. If my brother returns, he might do something to us.
00:28:04 All right, let's move.
00:28:10 Mr. Spencer, thank you. I'll head back to my dorm now.
00:28:17 I'll wash and return your jacket.
00:28:18 You still look unwell. Let me drive you.
00:28:21 No, it's just a couple blocks away. I'll leave first.
00:28:27 [Music]
00:28:37 Why are you here?
00:28:38 Meeting your boyfriend.
00:28:40 Who are you? Mind your own business. Can't you see she's unwell?
00:28:44 Who do you think you are? Come here.
00:28:48 Mr. Spencer, I'll explain it to you later.
00:28:51 Uh, Cecilia?
00:28:52 [Music]
00:29:02 [Music]
00:29:27 Mr. Lambert, you've misunderstood.
00:29:29 Did you sleep with him?
00:29:31 No.
00:29:34 Don't lie to me.
00:29:35 Take two hours off tomorrow. We're picking up Grandpa.
00:29:42 Grandpa's coming? Is he planning to stay for a long time?
00:29:45 Yes.
00:29:47 Mr. Lambert, we've reached Ms. Kane's dorm.
00:29:50 [Music]
00:30:00 If Grandpa's here, does that mean I'm staying with Mr. Lambert?
00:30:04 [Music]
00:30:10 Surprise!
00:30:11 [Music]
00:30:17 Liam, long time no see.
00:30:20 Bianca, you're back.
00:30:22 Trying to play dumb? You didn't come fetch me, so I came to you.
00:30:27 Here's a gift from abroad. Open it, see if you like it.
00:30:32 This eye mask is so good for your eyes. Try it out and see how it feels. Here, let me help you.
00:30:41 Here.
00:30:45 Noni, my eyes are better now. I don't need it.
00:30:49 How could I not be worried? Back before I left, you had nearly gone blind.
00:30:55 You waited so long for a cornea donor. I was in pain for you.
00:31:03 Sometimes, I think it was fate.
00:31:11 After my dad entrusted me to you, he passed away, and then you got your sight back.
00:31:19 Why are you bringing up the past now?
00:31:21 Liam!
00:31:24 Liam, I was wrong. It was all my fault. I came back this time to apologize to you in person.
00:31:35 Whatever happened in the past belongs to the past. I'm doing well now.
00:31:40 Liam!
00:31:48 Cecilia, why are you in a rush? Could it be that you saw Bianca and felt a bit out of your league?
00:31:55 You probably don't know who Miss Yurton is. How would she know? Miss Yurton is Mr. Lambert's ex.
00:32:03 They were so close to getting engaged. Miss Yurton is clearly in his league, unlike some people.
00:32:16 So they were actually a thing.
00:32:18 If she's back, does that imply he'll pull the plug on our deal soon?
00:32:24 Forget it. No point overthinking it. I'm just here to do my job and get paid anyway.
00:32:30 I'll do whatever my employer wants.
00:32:32 What is it, Robert? Dad's diary?
00:32:44 Don't throw it away! I'll fetch it tomorrow.
00:32:46 Mr. Lambert told me to take a two-hour break tomorrow.
00:32:52 Maybe I'll just take the whole day off.
00:32:53 Your dad was a good man. When he was alive, he helped our school a lot.
00:33:06 He volunteered often. He was still thinking about buying computers for the kids before he died.
00:33:12 Don't worry. I'll fulfill my dad's wish. I will realize it in his place.
00:33:19 Hello? You took the day off using my name.
00:33:27 Where are you? Weren't we picking up Grandpa at three?
00:33:30 It's only noon. Why are you calling me now? I'm asking where you are.
00:33:36 Everyone's chatting about Bianca at work. I'm feeling down.
00:33:39 So I went for a walk the whole morning.
00:33:42 We had planned to get Grandpa later, but I had a sudden meeting, so I got him early.
00:33:46 How about this? Wait for me at my mansion. I'll text you the location.
00:33:50 So will we be living together? Forget it. I won't think about that for now.
00:33:57 I'll have to follow his plan anyway.
00:34:00 Right now, my priority is fulfill my dad's wish of getting 200 computers for kids.
00:34:09 If a computer is 4,000 each, it's going to cost me 800,000.
00:34:15 But now I have only 200,000. I also need money for Mom's medical bills.
00:34:20 Dad, don't worry. I will make it happen.
00:34:26 Grandpa.
00:34:32 Grandpa.
00:34:33 Has Cecilia arrived?
00:34:41 No, sir. Do you need me to call her?
00:34:43 No, it's okay. She's probably at work. Let's just go inside.
00:34:47 Grandpa, I've arranged a family doctor for you.
00:34:49 And all the medicine is here as well. You can stay with ease.
00:34:52 Okay, okay.
00:35:02 Welcome. Seems we're on the same wavelength today. I just arrived as you returned.
00:35:06 Grandpa, let me help you. Let's go.
00:35:11 Busy with work? Tired? I can get you...
00:35:18 Sorry I'm late.
00:35:31 Isn't this Bianca? What's she doing here? What is he up to?
00:35:37 Where's Grandpa?
00:35:42 He's asleep in the room. Let's not disturb him.
00:35:45 Why are you back so late?
00:35:54 He's trying to put on a show to make Bianca jealous.
00:35:58 Got it. I'll play along. Honey, the traffic was bad when I was on my way back.
00:36:05 Who is this woman?
00:36:08 Just a friend of mine.
00:36:09 Oh, I see. Just a friend. Honey, be nice to her. I'll be in our room.
00:36:19 All right.
00:36:21 So, you're married? Why didn't you tell me?
00:36:32 Did I need to?
00:36:34 That chick is really your wife?
00:36:37 She's my wife. Be respectful. So, she's pretty?
00:36:42 No comment. I'm leaving.
00:36:46 [Music]
00:36:55 She's gone? Let me go and see Grandpa.
00:36:58 What are you doing?
00:37:03 What? Are you shy or just acting? Stay with me from now on.
00:37:10 What? Stay with you?
00:37:13 What's wrong with that?
00:37:15 To Grandpa, we are a married couple. How will he think if you're not here?
00:37:20 That we're split up or you're cheating on me? I don't want him to worry.
00:37:24 Even though he has offered me five million, I haven't received the money yet.
00:37:29 Maybe I should ask for more money? Then I can fulfill my dad's wish.
00:37:36 Okay, I'm in. But pay me more.
00:37:40 How much? Ten thousand per night?
00:37:43 One million. Pay me now and I will move in immediately.
00:37:45 You've learned to bargain.
00:37:49 There'll be issues living together. It'll tire me out. So, I'm charging more.
00:37:55 So, if I say no, you won't do it?
00:37:59 Do you think you have the upper hand or that I'm just some rich fool?
00:38:06 No, it's because I'm worth it.
00:38:12 Ah!
00:38:13 Then prove that you're worth it to me.
00:38:16 I've got one million now. Next, I need to find the right computer dealer.
00:38:26 Cecilia!
00:38:28 Mr. Spencer!
00:38:31 I looked up the guy from that day. He's William Lambert, isn't he?
00:38:35 Did he hurt you later on?
00:38:38 No, he didn't. What's wrong?
00:38:41 He seemed so mad. I thought he might have hurt you.
00:38:44 Judging from his actions, are you two...
00:38:47 We're just... We're just... We're just friends.
00:38:53 Hey there!
00:38:54 Yeah, you're pretty. Let's grab a drink, my treat.
00:39:02 You're sassy. I love it.
00:39:06 Back off! Stop harassing her!
00:39:11 You shoved me! You wanna fight?
00:39:14 Who hit him?
00:39:31 I did.
00:39:33 You? Come with me to the police station.
00:39:35 You almost got me fired. Now you want my help?
00:39:40 No way! No way!
00:39:41 Really? You don't have anyone to bail you out?
00:39:48 My friend's away for a business trip. My brother... doesn't have the money.
00:39:54 I checked your file. You're married to Liam Lambert.
00:40:01 You're Mrs. Lambert. Why didn't you ask your husband to bail you out?
00:40:08 I didn't want to bother him.
00:40:10 Liam's on his way to bail you out. He'll be here soon.
00:40:14 You informed him?
00:40:16 Just a training class, and you ended up in such a mess.
00:40:24 Don't you even understand what it means to be married?
00:40:27 How much is the bail? I'll pay you back. I'm sorry for the hassle.
00:40:31 You've just taken 100 million from me. Now you're gonna repay me? With some of that money?
00:40:37 Cecilia, why didn't you call me? I've been waiting all day.
00:40:41 The officers wouldn't let me see you since I wasn't bailing you out.
00:40:45 They called me instead.
00:40:46 You had the officers notify him. Then you told them he was your friend.
00:40:52 Why didn't you tell them about me? I would have been there for you.
00:40:57 Cecilia.
00:40:59 Mr. Spencer, actually, he's not just a friend.
00:41:05 But my husband.
00:41:06 Let's go.
00:41:10 Robert, your sister's already married.
00:41:34 You're married, got a boyfriend, and now you're scouting for more?
00:41:37 No, I'm not. He's just my instructor. That's why I didn't explain much to him.
00:41:43 Instructor? Then drop that class.
00:41:46 I can't do that. I already paid 18,000 for it. No refunds if I quit now.
00:41:53 I'll give you 180,000. Just stop going.
00:41:57 If you don't, there'll be consequences.
00:42:00 The account receives 180,000 yuan.
00:42:02 [Music]
00:42:12 Actually, I don't have a boyfriend.
00:42:15 I lied to you. I didn't want to marry you, so I made it up.
00:42:20 And? Who knows how many other lies you've told.
00:42:25 As for that hotel incident my brother tried to set me up,
00:42:29 there was nothing between Mr. Spencer and me. Please believe me.
00:42:32 But you never really stopped his relentless pursuit, did you?
00:42:37 Nothing's going on now. But what about later?
00:42:40 I'm not that kind of person. Just let me finish my training class.
00:42:44 Um, I am your wife now. I won't cheat on you, or else I'll end up being punished by you.
00:42:58 You still want to go? Persuade me tonight.
00:43:01 Sorry, I forgot it's his nap time. Now you have to wait with me.
00:43:16 It's no big deal. You're here to see grandpa after all.
00:43:19 Liam, I...
00:43:21 Honey, can you help me find my ID card?
00:43:28 I can't take the test without it.
00:43:30 Sure.
00:43:30 Excuse me, I need to help Celia find her ID.
00:43:35 Maya, please help as well.
00:43:38 So,
00:43:42 I've always believed that better days were ahead, but now you're gone.
00:44:06 Rest assured, I'll fulfill your wish to donate computers to them.
00:44:10 The way she phrased it, who was she writing to?
00:44:14 Sir, I've found madam's ID.
00:44:17 Deliver to her now.
00:44:18 Weren't you looking for your wife's ID? Why are you reading this?
00:44:27 The way it's written... Is it to a lover?
00:44:31 A lover who passed away? Oh, I'm sorry.
00:44:35 I spoke without thinking.
00:44:36 Her ex-boyfriend is dead. That's why she's trying so hard to please me.
00:44:40 And that one million she took from me was all for him.
00:44:43 Cecilia?
00:44:49 Get in the car. You're moving back to your dorm tomorrow.
00:44:58 What about grandpa?
00:45:00 I'll tell him you're on a business trip.
00:45:04 You completed your mission. I'll transfer five million to your account.
00:45:07 Start these accounts out and hand them to me tomorrow.
00:45:15 Miss Elliot, there's so many of them. I don't think I can finish it on my own.
00:45:21 When you took leaves back then,
00:45:23 did you think about the extra load on the colleagues covering for you?
00:45:31 You've been kicked out of Mr. Lambert's mansion,
00:45:33 and now you're griping about the workload?
00:45:36 Watch yourself, or you might lose your job next.
00:45:39 Hmph!
00:45:40 Hmm, done at last.
00:46:08 I can still catch some sleep when I get back.
00:46:10 Mr. Lambert! Working overtime, too?
00:46:22 Hold on a sec.
00:46:24 It's raining out there. You never carry an umbrella.
00:46:28 I got this umbrella shipped from overseas. It cost me a fortune.
00:46:34 Just for me?
00:46:37 Yes, it suits you perfectly.
00:46:39 Mr. Lambert, I'll go back first.
00:46:42 Mr. Lambert, I did everything you asked me to do.
00:46:56 Miss Kane saw the computer posts I put up, and we've been messaging.
00:46:59 Did she seem interested in buying them?
00:47:02 Yes, she even asked for my number to discuss over the phone.
00:47:07 It's Miss Kane.
00:47:08 How to prompt her.
00:47:10 Just do as I told you.
00:47:12 Understood.
00:47:13 Hello? Yes, speaking.
00:47:17 Our warehouse is in the suburbs.
00:47:20 Okay, see you Sunday.
00:47:23 Cici, check this out.
00:47:27 This computer is pretty good.
00:47:28 I think so, too.
00:47:29 This computer looks quite solid.
00:47:33 If I order 200 of these, what's the best price I can get?
00:47:36 Uh, for bulk orders like that, I need to check with my boss.
00:47:40 Give me a moment, please.
00:47:42 Sure.
00:47:42 Lori, imagine if the children had these computers to work on.
00:47:50 My dad would be so proud if he knew.
00:47:53 Cici, isn't that guy over there...
00:47:57 Mr. Lambert?
00:48:00 Ah, so it's one of my employees.
00:48:02 Why do you need 200 computers?
00:48:04 Are you the one behind the seller I met online?
00:48:07 Okay, I'll be honest.
00:48:12 Someone I cared deeply for wanted to donate computers to a school in a rural area before he died.
00:48:20 I want to make that happen for him.
00:48:22 I assume that this person was very close to you.
00:48:25 Yes, he was.
00:48:28 But 200 computers will be expensive.
00:48:30 I'm not sure I can afford it.
00:48:31 But 200 computers will be expensive.
00:48:33 Where did you get the money from?
00:48:35 It's my savings.
00:48:37 Savings?
00:48:39 You need to earn money before you can save it.
00:48:43 How did you earn it?
00:48:45 Mr. Lambert, please trust Cici.
00:48:48 Even though she's in the finance department, she would never misuse company funds.
00:48:52 Plus, her role doesn't allow her to handle actual money.
00:48:56 You have to believe her.
00:48:57 Contact the school's principal.
00:48:59 Let him know Xandor Group will be donating 200 computers.
00:49:03 Okay.
00:49:04 Mr. Lambert, I've texted him.
00:49:10 He expressed his gratitude and mentioned that Miss Kane visited the school last week.
00:49:16 And now you're stepping in.
00:49:17 You're truly kind-hearted.
00:49:19 All right, now go back to your work.
00:49:20 So, the day you didn't come to pick up Grandpa with me,
00:49:27 you said you were out for a walk.
00:49:29 But you were actually at that school.
00:49:31 You're right.
00:49:32 Whoa, that freaked me out.
00:49:40 Mr. Lambert was so intimidating.
00:49:42 Cici, the school is going to get new computers, but you don't look happy at all.
00:49:48 Is it because of Mr. Lambert's attitude?
00:49:52 I had hoped that when the students used the computers, they'd remember my dad.
00:49:57 But now, they'll only think of Liam Lambert from Xandor Group.
00:50:01 The 200 computers are now in use by the students.
00:50:12 Here's the cert.
00:50:27 Why does it have my name and Mr. Lambert's?
00:50:30 He specifically instructed this.
00:50:31 I can't get back to work.
00:50:37 Stop looking.
00:50:38 Hello, Mr. Lambert?
00:50:45 What?
00:50:47 Grandpa passed out?
00:50:49 Okay, I'm going back right now.
00:50:51 Miss Elliot.
00:50:54 Cecilia, just go.
00:50:56 Be careful on your way.
00:50:57 Thank you.
00:50:57 Grandpa!
00:51:07 Took you long enough.
00:51:08 Luckily, we had meds on hand.
00:51:10 Otherwise, we could have lost Grandpa.
00:51:12 This isn't some drama show.
00:51:19 You can't take care of patients this way.
00:51:21 Well, I'm not exactly nurse material.
00:51:25 But you seem like a pro.
00:51:27 Why don't you do it then?
00:51:28 Liam sure struck gold with you.
00:51:40 If I were in your place, I'd be lost.
00:51:44 If something bad happened to Grandpa, I'd be useless.
00:51:49 But look at you.
00:51:50 You're practically his nurse now.
00:51:53 Step aside!
00:51:55 Cecilia, why are you just sitting?
00:52:06 How could you let Bianca handle this?
00:52:08 It's fine.
00:52:14 I should look after Grandpa.
00:52:15 Besides, haven't I always cared for you this way?
00:52:21 Grandpa.
00:52:22 What happened to me?
00:52:26 Liam?
00:52:29 Why are you home?
00:52:31 Grandpa, you fainted.
00:52:33 So I rushed over to check on you.
00:52:34 What about Cece?
00:52:36 Is she here with you?
00:52:37 I'm right here, Grandpa.
00:52:40 There you are.
00:52:42 Are you leaving again soon?
00:52:45 Um, I...
00:52:46 Grandpa, she's here to stay with us.
00:52:49 Oh, did you two have a spat?
00:52:52 Liam, well I'm sure it's your fault.
00:52:56 You two are still newlywed.
00:52:57 I've got to shoot later, but I didn't bring my car.
00:53:03 Liam, can you drop me off?
00:53:05 Just give me a ride.
00:53:09 Come on.
00:53:09 Let's go.
00:53:17 Let's go.
00:53:18 Liam.
00:53:20 Cece.
00:53:20 Come here.
00:53:24 I've got a secret.
00:53:25 I'm actually okay.
00:53:28 It was all a ruse.
00:53:29 Why would you do that?
00:53:31 Liam, I thought you never used umbrellas.
00:53:37 Oh my.
00:53:39 Liam, why did you get a knockoff?
00:53:42 A knockoff?
00:53:43 A knockoff?
00:53:47 Yeah.
00:53:48 The real deal costs over 9,000 bucks.
00:53:51 But this?
00:53:53 Looks like it's worth less than 10 bucks.
00:53:58 What if your clients saw you with it?
00:54:00 Would they think the Endura Group is just all show and no substance?
00:54:04 I wonder who gave you this junk?
00:54:07 Liam, how about I toss it for you?
00:54:12 No need. Just leave it there.
00:54:14 By the way, Liam, Cecilia is young.
00:54:21 Not to mention, she's from a modest background.
00:54:23 It's normal for her to be naive.
00:54:25 Things might worsen if you be harsh to her.
00:54:27 You hear me?
00:54:28 I got this umbrella shipped from overseas.
00:54:33 It cost me a fortune.
00:54:35 Just for me?
00:54:41 Yes, it suits you perfectly.
00:54:43 Was she being sarcastic?
00:54:45 She'd rather get me a fake than a cheap brand?
00:54:48 Using my money but won't spend on me?
00:54:51 Who am I to her?
00:55:07 Grandpa knew Liam kicked me out, so he faked a feint to bring me back.
00:55:12 He's so good to me.
00:55:15 But does he know about the deal behind our marriage?
00:55:20 Take the umbrella back.
00:55:26 Tonight, sleep in the guest room.
00:55:37 Liam!
00:55:37 Why'd you give back this umbrella?
00:55:42 I specifically had my friend buy it from overseas.
00:55:45 Rain's bad for your health.
00:55:47 My dad got pneumonia from the rain, and it killed him.
00:55:53 Specially?
00:55:55 Did you specifically buy a fake?
00:55:57 A fake?
00:55:59 What do you mean?
00:56:02 You know exactly what I mean.
00:56:05 It must have been Bianca lying about the umbrella.
00:56:08 And Liam, he just believed her.
00:56:10 Liam, you jerk.
00:56:12 Talk about being ungrateful.
00:56:14 Hey, Mr. Lambert's giving a lecture.
00:56:36 You're asking for trouble.
00:56:38 [knocking]
00:56:58 It's over.
00:57:07 Follow me.
00:57:08 Want to quit?
00:57:19 Are you suspecting that the umbrella I gave you is a knockoff?
00:57:23 You're pretty sharp.
00:57:25 See for yourself.
00:57:35 Didn't I transfer $10,000 to my friend to bring it back for me?
00:57:38 She's not a shopping agent.
00:57:40 Even if she tried scamming me, she wouldn't have the means to.
00:57:43 So do you think this umbrella is real or fake?
00:57:44 The umbrella is for someone special to me.
00:57:48 Why?
00:57:52 Did you have a hard time sleeping alone and want to join me in my room?
00:57:57 No.
00:57:58 Don't flatter yourself.
00:58:00 You may move back into my room.
00:58:03 But there's a condition.
00:58:05 Prove your worth.
00:58:08 I'll eventually get used to sleeping alone.
00:58:12 Didn't I just embarrass you?
00:58:14 We're even.
00:58:16 I'm heading back to work.
00:58:31 [ding]
00:58:38 Come on, hurry!
00:58:39 Faster!
00:58:41 Faster, faster, faster!
00:58:43 Bianca's shooting over there!
00:58:47 Let's go check it out!
00:58:47 Hey, let's get another shot.
00:58:52 Bianca.
00:58:54 Her again.
00:58:56 There's always trouble when she's around.
00:59:00 [ding]
00:59:11 Mr. Spencer, what brings you here?
00:59:13 Robert told me about your mom's condition, so I came to visit.
00:59:21 Uh, thank you.
00:59:23 That's kind of you.
00:59:24 Cecilia!
00:59:24 You're already married.
00:59:28 And Liam has become my brother-in-law.
00:59:30 How could you keep such big news a secret?
00:59:32 That's my business.
00:59:34 It's none of your concern.
00:59:35 What do you mean?
00:59:36 Liam marries my sis and keeps quiet about it.
00:59:40 He's taking advantage of you.
00:59:42 I'll confront him.
00:59:43 Don't do anything stupid.
00:59:44 It's not what you think.
00:59:45 Cecilia, come out.
00:59:50 Let's talk.
00:59:56 [music]
01:00:06 Cecilia, I know your mom's situation is financially draining.
01:00:11 We were strangers, but not anymore.
01:00:14 You can ask me for anything.
01:00:16 Don't compromise yourself for money, especially in marriage.
01:00:24 Mr. Spencer, my marriage with Liam isn't what you think.
01:00:28 I'm doing just fine.
01:00:29 Cecilia.
01:00:31 Mr. Spencer, I'm a married woman.
01:00:36 [music]
01:00:50 [grunts]
01:00:51 So heavy.
01:00:53 [laughs]
01:00:56 Liam, I just wrapped up my new medical drama.
01:01:00 You'll have to help promote it for me.
01:01:01 Huh?
01:01:03 I don't run a PR company.
01:01:05 I can't help with that.
01:01:06 Also, the food I just ate can't eat anymore.
01:01:12 Jessica, take this to Cecilia.
01:01:22 Speaking of which, I saw Cecilia at the hospital while filming.
01:01:26 She was outside talking with a guy for quite a while.
01:01:31 That's her brother.
01:01:34 Oh, so she has two brothers?
01:01:38 I guess if it was her brother, then holding her hand makes sense.
01:01:43 I was thinking you should talk to your wife about it.
01:01:47 I better go now.
01:01:49 [music]
01:01:57 Bye.
01:01:58 Two men.
01:01:59 One was Robert, and the other was holding her hand.
01:02:03 It was most likely him.
01:02:05 Sean, you've got some nerve.
01:02:07 [music]
01:02:17 Who upset you now?
01:02:19 You.
01:02:19 What did I do again?
01:02:23 Hey, Mr. Lamberth.
01:02:25 Hello.
01:02:26 And you are?
01:02:27 This is my wife, Cecilia Kane.
01:02:32 Oh, so it's Mrs. Lamberth.
01:02:34 Nice to meet you.
01:02:35 Please come in.
01:02:36 [music]
01:02:41 [laughs]
01:02:41 Oh, right this way.
01:02:43 [laughs]
01:02:45 Come here, Sean.
01:02:46 Meet Mr. and Mrs. Lamberth.
01:02:47 [music]
01:02:49 Mr. Spencer?
01:02:50 [music]
01:02:55 Uh, you know each other?
01:02:57 Uh, I was his student.
01:03:00 He taught me in an accounting cert class.
01:03:02 Oh, what a coincidence.
01:03:04 Come, have a seat.
01:03:05 [music]
01:03:14 Did you plan this dinner?
01:03:16 What do you think?
01:03:17 Mr. Lamberth?
01:03:19 [laughs]
01:03:19 Mrs. Lamberth, have a drink.
01:03:21 [laughs]
01:03:21 Sean, you look so accomplished.
01:03:24 Got a girlfriend yet?
01:03:25 No.
01:03:27 Haven't found the right one.
01:03:29 [music]
01:03:32 Gerard, did you hear?
01:03:33 Big news about the Zanes.
01:03:35 Mrs. Zane had an affair with a younger man,
01:03:38 thinking no one would find out.
01:03:40 But her husband caught them in the act.
01:03:43 She was thrown out.
01:03:46 Both of them lost their reputation.
01:03:49 Oh, I see.
01:03:52 She clearly didn't know her place.
01:03:54 Cheating on Mr. Zane like that?
01:03:57 Well...
01:03:58 It's all that young man's fault.
01:04:01 He dragged a married woman down with him.
01:04:04 He deserves the worst.
01:04:05 [music]
01:04:08 Oh, Mr. Lamberth, you're right.
01:04:10 Cheers to that.
01:04:13 [music]
01:04:24 Mr. and Mrs. Lamberth, take care.
01:04:25 [music]
01:04:32 How dare you embarrass me?
01:04:33 [music]
01:04:39 How dare you embarrass me?
01:04:40 Dad, I just want to be with someone I like.
01:04:43 Is that wrong?
01:04:44 I don't love each other.
01:04:45 They'll split up soon.
01:04:46 How dare you talk back?
01:04:47 Liam was warning you just now.
01:04:50 He meant you when he talked about that young man.
01:04:53 Listen, you better stay away from Mrs. Lamberth.
01:04:58 She's Liam's wife.
01:04:59 Dad, why are you so scared of Liam?
01:05:02 Just because their business is bigger?
01:05:04 It's not that simple.
01:05:06 He has something on me.
01:05:10 [music]
01:05:13 Stop.
01:05:14 Why did you do that?
01:05:18 Didn't you just embarrass me?
01:05:20 Why not just ask me?
01:05:21 Ask you?
01:05:22 Would you even tell me?
01:05:24 No, I wouldn't.
01:05:26 Bianca came to see you again, didn't she?
01:05:29 You believe everything she says.
01:05:31 So then what she says isn't true?
01:05:32 [music]
01:05:35 Don't you seduce a guy behind my back again.
01:05:38 Tyrant.
01:05:39 You're a tyrant.
01:05:40 Why?
01:05:42 You want a divorce?
01:05:43 Yes, I really do.
01:05:45 Don't even think about it.
01:05:47 [music]
01:05:58 Why are you moving back in?
01:06:00 How big was the fight this time?
01:06:01 Don't even ask.
01:06:03 He believed Bianca's lies again.
01:06:05 He claimed I was seeing Sean behind his back and even set a trap for us.
01:06:09 There's nothing between us at all.
01:06:10 [music]
01:06:17 Wait, you got married?
01:06:19 To Mr. Lamberth?
01:06:20 Don't tell anyone.
01:06:24 Keep it a secret from me.
01:06:26 Well, later, Mr. Lamberth is giving a lecture for Xandor Star Training.
01:06:32 Will you attend?
01:06:33 Don't let your pride get in the way of your career.
01:06:38 [music]
01:06:53 Cici, I'm so sorry.
01:06:55 I made a mistake.
01:06:56 I wanted to remind you to attend the class, so I texted.
01:07:00 Since you and Mr. Lamberth are married, it'd be rude not to show up.
01:07:04 Then I realized I accidentally sent it to the training class group chat.
01:07:09 Now the whole company knows.
01:07:13 Let's begin.
01:07:26 Do you understand?
01:07:34 Yes.
01:07:35 Someone was hesitant to come, but in order to avoid being impolite, she still showed up.
01:07:45 I trust that she knows what she's doing?
01:07:47 Cici, did he just confirm that you two are married?
01:07:56 And he's even confronting you publicly?
01:07:58 No matter what, I leaked it first.
01:08:01 He has every right to take back his five million, or even charge me a penalty.
01:08:07 Looks like I'll have to apologize to him again.
01:08:13 Miss Kane, what are you doing?
01:08:30 Mr. Lamberth, I'm worried Grandpa might miss me, so I want to come home with you.
01:08:35 Just what are you proposing?
01:08:36 And who do you think I am?
01:08:39 Coming and going as you please without a word?
01:08:40 I simply can't let you off the hook.
01:08:47 So, promise me, from now on, you won't leave the Labyrinth residence without telling me.
01:08:54 And no flirting with other men.
01:08:55 I didn't flirt.
01:08:59 Okay, I swear.
01:09:00 I won't leave on my own.
01:09:03 And I won't flirt.
01:09:05 Hey, Miss Elliott, clear out Cecilia's room for newcomers.
01:09:13 I'm taking her to her dorm to pack her stuff.
01:09:16 Oh, by the way, Grandpa's birthday's in a few days.
01:09:23 Pack up and join us.
01:09:25 It'll be just the three of us.
01:09:27 All right.
01:09:28 [Music]
01:09:43 It's 10 30.
01:09:44 Oh no, oh no.
01:09:45 Today is Grandpa's birthday.
01:09:47 Oh, you just woke up.
01:09:51 You didn't forget.
01:09:53 It's Grandpa's birthday, did you?
01:09:56 Grandpa, I'm sorry I overslept.
01:09:58 It was all Liam's fault last night.
01:10:01 He kept me up.
01:10:01 It's okay.
01:10:05 I know that you're very sensible.
01:10:07 Besides, you and Liam, you guys are still young.
01:10:11 I know.
01:10:12 Grandpa, I've got a birthday gift for you.
01:10:16 I'll show it to you later when we eat.
01:10:18 Sounds good.
01:10:19 You even got a gift?
01:10:21 Did you just buy it for Grandpa?
01:10:24 Considering you overslept, that was a smart move.
01:10:27 Liam brought the cake.
01:10:29 Grandpa, I should help you with your birthday hat.
01:10:36 All right.
01:10:36 I thought you said there'd just be three of us.
01:10:41 Why are there four places?
01:10:42 We have a guest.
01:10:43 He claims to be Madam's brother, Robert Kane.
01:10:46 Have him wait outside.
01:10:48 Hey, we're family.
01:10:51 It's Grandpa's birthday and I'm Cecilia's brother.
01:10:53 Why should I wait outside?
01:10:54 Isn't that right, Grandpa?
01:10:57 He has a point.
01:10:58 Liam, this is on you.
01:11:00 He's your brother-in-law.
01:11:03 Why didn't you invite him?
01:11:04 Hey, it's not his fault.
01:11:06 After all, Liam and Cecilia's marriage is contractual.
01:11:10 Contractual marriage?
01:11:16 That's a new one for me.
01:11:17 Oh, a contract marriage.
01:11:21 What on earth is going on?
01:11:23 Cecilia, how about you explain to us about what's going on?
01:11:30 Contract marriage?
01:11:31 I'm pregnant now.
01:11:33 Do you think it's part of the deal?
01:11:34 Would I agree to have his child?
01:11:37 Robert, I know you're short on cash, trying to scam money,
01:11:41 but your words are absolutely ridiculous.
01:11:43 You're pregnant.
01:11:46 If I were you, I would say that too.
01:11:48 Cecilia, don't forget you're a Kane.
01:11:51 Don't lose your mind and pick the wrong side.
01:11:53 I'm pregnant with Liam's child.
01:11:55 I know whose side I'm on.
01:11:56 If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you.
01:12:00 Hey, Laurie, you were with me for the checkup last week.
01:12:10 Amanda said I was pregnant, right?
01:12:12 I left the test results in the dorm.
01:12:14 Can you bring them over?
01:12:14 You outside?
01:12:17 Okay, I'll wait for you.
01:12:19 Hmm.
01:12:19 You say it's a sham marriage and that I'm faking the pregnancy?
01:12:28 I'll show you evidence.
01:12:29 Just watch.
01:12:30 Cece, look.
01:12:36 Take a good look at it yourself.
01:12:43 [Music]
01:12:51 [Laughter]
01:12:51 Ah, it's a misunderstanding.
01:12:56 That's it, huh?
01:12:57 Cecilia, don't be mad at me.
01:12:59 I'm just worried that you get hurt.
01:13:02 I have other matters I need to attend to.
01:13:06 You go ahead and celebrate grandpa's birthday first, huh?
01:13:08 I'll be going now.
01:13:09 Pardon the intrusion.
01:13:13 [Laughter]
01:13:14 Don't need to see me out.
01:13:15 Goodbye.
01:13:16 Cece's pregnant?
01:13:18 And that's the best gift today.
01:13:22 I'm so happy.
01:13:24 Come on, let's celebrate.
01:13:25 Come on.
01:13:26 Good thing no one suspected.
01:13:31 But the issue is, how do I pretend to miscarry without arousing suspicion?
01:13:41 Are you really pregnant?
01:13:42 You always use protection.
01:13:44 How could I be pregnant?
01:13:45 I just got a fake note from my gynecologist.
01:13:48 That's it.
01:13:49 Never realized you're such a good actress.
01:13:51 My acting is nowhere near as good as Bianca's.
01:13:53 Those who don't know might think Bianca's your wife.
01:13:57 Jealous again?
01:13:58 I'm not jealous.
01:14:00 I just suspect that Bianca instigated my brother today.
01:14:05 Never mind.
01:14:08 You won't believe me anyway.
01:14:09 I'm going to bed.
01:14:12 [Music]
01:14:16 Madam, you're awake.
01:14:25 Mr. Lamberth is on a business trip and won't be back for a few days.
01:14:30 Business trip?
01:14:31 That's odd.
01:14:33 Whenever Liam went on trips, he'd tell me directly.
01:14:36 Why is he passing the message through the servant now?
01:14:40 [Phone ringing]
01:14:42 Hello?
01:14:50 Bianca?
01:14:52 What do you want?
01:14:54 Cecilia, Liam has left.
01:14:57 I assume he didn't tell you where he's gone today.
01:15:00 Meet me and I'll tell you where Liam went.
01:15:04 [Music]
01:15:06 Cecilia, are you curious why I'm dressed in white?
01:15:18 It's because in a few days it will be my father's memorial.
01:15:24 Your father's memorial?
01:15:26 It's related to Liam's trip?
01:15:28 Of course.
01:15:31 Liam has actually gone to my hometown to visit my mother.
01:15:34 Later on, he'll bring my mother here.
01:15:39 And together, we will honor my father's memory.
01:15:43 It's the same every year.
01:15:44 It's never changed.
01:15:59 My dad saved Liam's life.
01:16:04 So every year, Liam will visit my mom.
01:16:07 And buy her several houses.
01:16:10 Back then, I was so naive.
01:16:16 I resented him for prioritizing work over me.
01:16:19 So I broke up with him.
01:16:20 I see.
01:16:22 Liam pursued me for a long time.
01:16:27 But I didn't want to reconcile with him.
01:16:30 He got angry after that.
01:16:32 He said if I didn't return to him within a year, he would move on.
01:16:39 I thought he was just bluffing.
01:16:43 But then, he found you.
01:16:57 However, he regrets it.
01:16:58 Liam told me he plans to marry me soon.
01:17:05 But I've always known he doesn't love me.
01:17:10 Since he said that to you, he's likely set on divorce.
01:17:17 Cecilia, don't take it too hard.
01:17:21 I'm telling you this genuinely for your own good.
01:17:25 With a divorce inevitable, it's tough being a single mom.
01:17:31 What about...
01:17:33 What's the use of keeping his child when we are going to divorce?
01:17:39 I'll get an abortion tomorrow.
01:17:41 Bianca, how about you add my WhatsApp?
01:17:48 After the abortion, I'll send you the records.
01:17:52 Okay.
01:17:54 [MUSIC]
01:18:01 Well, I should leave now.
01:18:04 [MUSIC]
01:18:12 I can't believe she took the bait.
01:18:15 What a fool.
01:18:16 I have a fake abortion excuse now.
01:18:18 All thanks to Bianca.
01:18:20 [MUSIC]
01:18:24 Cece, why not just make up an excuse and tell Bianca that the baby miscarried naturally?
01:18:30 Why bother getting Amanda to give you proof?
01:18:32 I don't trust Bianca.
01:18:35 If I directly tell her I miscarried, she'll go around saying I faked the pregnancy.
01:18:40 It'd be even more trouble then.
01:18:41 Better to just get a proof to shut everyone up.
01:18:44 That makes sense.
01:18:47 Hey, where do you want to go today?
01:18:50 Your call.
01:18:50 But I want ice cream.
01:18:53 [LAUGH]
01:18:55 You just had an abortion.
01:18:57 I'll get it for you.
01:18:59 Wait here.
01:19:00 All right.
01:19:01 [LAUGH]
01:19:03 [MUSIC]
01:19:07 Celia.
01:19:08 She left the hospital so quickly.
01:19:11 She doesn't seem like someone who just had an abortion.
01:19:15 Here you go.
01:19:16 Thanks, Lori.
01:19:18 Let's go.
01:19:19 Cheers.
01:19:20 [LAUGH]
01:19:21 And even eating ice cream?
01:19:22 She may be young, but she sure is gutsy.
01:19:28 To gain favor, she even faked a pregnancy.
01:19:32 [MUSIC]
01:19:43 I bet she thinks by sending me a fake abortion report, I will fall for her tricks.
01:19:48 Does she think I'm a fool?
01:19:49 [MUSIC]
01:19:51 I'll settle the score with you later.
01:19:53 [MUSIC]
01:20:00 [BLANK_AUDIO]