Skegness Standard is live from start of Great British Seaside Marathon

  • 6 months ago
The Skegness Standard was live from the start of the Great British Seaside Marathon next to Skegness Pier, who are this year's headline sponsors. Two hundred and 50 runners set off on a cool but sunny morning to c ompete in two races - a marathon to Sutton-on-Sea and back and the Ultra race which goes all the way to Mablethorpe and back.
00:00 Good morning from Skegness, next to Skegness Pier where it's a little bit
00:06 busier than normal because this morning it is the Great British Seaside Marathon.
00:12 Now runners are lining up, the race is due to set off at half past eight and
00:19 there are 250 competitors. There are two races, one is 26.2 miles and that's up to
00:28 Sutton and Seaham back and the other one is 35 miles, that's the ultra race, that's
00:34 for the hardcore runners and they're going all the way to Mablethorpe and back.
00:38 So we'll just head towards some of the competitors and see if they'll have a chat to us.
00:47 Good morning gentlemen, you're live on the Skegness standard Facebook page.
00:53 You're competing today I understand? Yeah, so where have you come from today?
01:04 So what attracted you to this race? Skegness.
01:12 Have you done this race, because it's only been going a couple of years, did you do it last year?
01:16 No, it's the first time. So is a marathon a challenge for you or do you do lots of marathons?
01:23 We don't do many marathons, but it's the ultra side I think, that's the biggest challenge now.
01:31 So you're doing the ultra? We both are, yeah.
01:34 Oh well, good luck and I hope you enjoy the coast. We've got glorious sunshine, it's a bit nippy.
01:41 Yeah, I think we're hoping it all holds off, so good luck.
01:48 Thank you.
01:50 Good morning, you're live on the Skegness standard Facebook page, competing today.
01:58 Can I ask where you're from? Sheffield.
02:01 And what attracted you to the race? The fish and chips.
02:05 Oh, the fish and chips! It is a bit of a different race isn't it, I mean obviously you're going to get all the lovely coastal views.
02:13 Have you done this race before? I did it last year, but I only got to half way and I had to give in.
02:20 So I'm coming back to finish it this year.
02:22 So you're coming back to finish it this year, well absolutely, congratulations.
02:25 Every luck with that. Thank you.
02:29 Right, now we've got the start, it's a bit breezy, we're just hoping that this doesn't blow away this morning.
02:42 So just coming over, Skegness Pier are the headline sponsors today and we've got James here from Skegness Pier.
02:53 You must be quite excited seeing all these people lining up.
02:57 Yeah, it's great to support events like this. It's what the coast needs, you know, to get some new things going.
03:03 And just, you know, nice to see the participation, nice to be here on the beach this early in the morning, it's beautiful.
03:09 Yeah, there's fewer people than normal, I mean there are some dog walkers obviously that come out every morning, and runners as well don't they?
03:16 Yeah, they do, but this is on the next level.
03:19 It really is. So Skegness Pier, it's the first year for you as headline sponsors, what attracted you to get involved?
03:29 It's a good community event, obviously the geography is correct, but we like to support community events, we like to get involved in things where it's gatherings of people and creating experiences and just things that people remember and enjoy. That's our mantra really.
03:45 Charities are being supported, we've got Spun Over Here, we've got Stormy Zamprom, the RNLI and Captain Jack.
03:56 Fantastic, thank you.
03:58 Getting their pictures. If you'd like to wave, you're live on the Skegness Standard Facebook page at the minute.
04:04 Ok guys, we are five minutes away, we're just waiting for all confirmation that the wind has died down and the course is ready. And then we'll get you cracking. So if you want to make your way into the starting tunnel.
04:19 Ok so, here is our lead bike.
04:23 We're all getting lined up now, we've just got five minutes to go.
04:30 We can be together baby, while the skies are blue.
04:37 Spectators over here, just have a quick chat to them.
04:43 Good morning sir, you're live on the Skegness Standard Facebook page.
04:48 Have you got any relatives in the race today?
04:51 Yes, my wife is.
04:52 Ok, so where have you come from today?
04:55 I'm from Basing, Skegness.
04:57 So did she compete last year or is it her first time?
05:02 It's her first time for the race.
05:04 Right, and a lot of training goes into doing these runs.
05:09 Yes, she has been practicing for the last three months I would say.
05:13 Wow, what attracted her to the race? Is it because it's local?
05:19 Yes, and she always wanted to do it. So definitely she has put so much effort into it.
05:25 I'll let you get, everybody's lining up.
05:29 Get everybody in place.
05:32 Do whatever you like.
05:34 Grab those start line pictures guys.
05:40 Ok, so just very quickly, you all know you're here for a marathon and an ultra-marathon, yeah?
05:51 No one's doing a 10k today guys, no one's doing a 10k.
05:55 Ok, so a very warm welcome to this Skegness marathon and ultra-marathon.
06:00 A big thank you to Skegness for this headline sponsorship.
06:04 We have got the RNLI Stormy Stand Down from our charity RNLI.
06:08 Links and Knots, Air Ambulance are also supporting and RISE are also supporting.
06:13 And we've got Black Bird from Fantasy Island.
06:16 So a massive welcome guys, today is going to be awesome.
06:20 For us here, for you it's going to be even awesomer because you're going to do the work.
06:25 Just as a quick reminder, you are going to head out over the little hump and onto the pier.
06:30 Guys, when you return after your 26 miles, or 35, or whatever you're going to do, ridiculous mileage.
06:38 When you come back down here, this is what your finish line, sorry about that, ok?
06:44 You've got to keep going, two more minutes down the road, get to the RNLI station and turn right.
06:52 Ok, and follow the arrows and back into the finish line which is the back of the leisure centre.
06:57 So do not stop, this will be all cleared so it won't look like a finish line.
07:00 But just keep going straight down, turn right at the RNLI station.
07:04 That will be your finish line, follow the arrows.
07:07 We will be there to welcome you.
07:09 Ok, I am going to get consolation from the boss, because you're all eager to go.
07:14 He's hugging the gantry, he loves this gantry.
07:18 Boss, are we ready?
07:20 Ok, time keepers, are we ready?
07:24 Contenders?
07:26 Oh man, that is not good enough.
07:30 Contenders, are we ready?
07:33 Yes, lead bike, where are you?
07:38 Alone at W, W, W.
07:41 Guys, have a brilliant morning.
07:43 Time keepers get ready, lead bikes on its way.
07:46 3, 2, 1, go!
07:50 And they are off, our marathon runners, our ultra marathon runners.
07:59 You look beautiful guys, you're looking beautiful.
08:03 Go get it guys, go get it.
08:05 Have an amazing time, we will see you at the finish.
08:08 Volunteers are on route.
08:10 Morning, ladies and gentlemen.
08:12 Have a great day guys, you're looking gorgeous.
08:16 You're going to do an amazing job.
08:18 We can't wait to see you at the end.
08:20 Fantastic, enjoy, stay safe.
08:23 Enjoy.
08:25 See you soon folks.
08:26 Give them a wave, spectators.
08:28 Give them a cheer from this pier.
08:30 Give them a big clap.
08:32 A wave.
08:33 Tell them that you love them and you'll see them soon.
08:37 Well done folks.
08:39 And they are off.
08:43 Now I'm going to try and get a word with the organiser who's doing a busy job at the minute,
08:50 making the start arch safe.
08:54 It seems to be wanting to blow away.
08:57 Let's see if I can just get over here.
09:00 Curly, we're still live on Facebook.
09:04 You did a fantastic job keeping the start up there.
09:07 That's really dedication to job, holding it up yourself, isn't it?
09:10 Yeah, it's good.
09:12 We've got over 200, 250 runners on the way.
09:15 Enjoying the sunshine.
09:17 It's disappeared now, it's gone for a while.
09:19 Yeah, but it was here at the right time, wasn't it?
09:21 Yeah, it definitely was.
09:23 So it's great, and we'll see them in between three and ten hours.
09:26 Yeah, it must be great to be back.
09:28 It is, it's great to be back, it's great to get to see the sun, it's great to have the sun.
09:33 Yeah, it's fantastic.
09:35 We look forward to welcoming those guys over, cheering them on the way,
09:39 and probably giving them a cuddle at the end because it's a pretty emotional distance, 35 miles.
09:44 It is, isn't it?
09:46 And what are the challenges of running the coast?
09:48 So the challenge, the wind would be one of the things.
09:51 So yes, definitely the wind.
09:53 I think we've got varied conditions.
09:55 So we have tarmac, we've got sand, we've got trails,
09:59 but that's part of the beauty of the British seaside coast is that it's very smooth.
10:02 The biggest challenge is probably for the ultravisors.
10:04 They get 18 miles in and have to run past the chip shop.
10:07 Yeah, I've already spoken to some of the competitors,
10:11 and they said one of the biggest things that attracted them was fish and chips at the end.
10:15 It is, but some do stop, and some do stop on the way for a pint.
10:19 The other good thing is that they bring loads of supporters with them.
10:22 So you might have 250 runners, but they bring 250 supporters,
10:26 as well as people staying over.
10:28 So there will be a party tonight, but I'm not sure they'll all be dancing,
10:32 but they'll definitely be going.
10:34 Well, the Show Bar at Fantasy Island, it's their big launch tonight as well.
10:38 So that's why Captain Jack's been down here getting some photographs with some of the competitors.
10:45 So they've already been spreading the word about where to go to party, I think.
10:49 Fantastic. Well, the pier scene has been great, and it's been really great to get the view from the pier.
10:53 I'm in the background, and it's a good heart-escape nest to be involved in.
10:57 Those guys are as enthused as we are. I think they'll be running in.
11:01 Yeah, well.
11:02 I won't commit to the pier scene.
11:04 I mean, you do keep it to 250 for safety reasons, you said.
11:09 Yeah, we just want to be honest. They're out there. It's an adventure.
11:12 We want to look after people, and we want to kind of--
11:15 So it's not your traditional long-road marathon. We've got really kind of well-stocked aid stations,
11:19 and lots of food and snacks and sweets.
11:21 We want to be able to kind of build some great community, and it's a big seaside adventure.
11:26 We want to kind of-- We like the niche element. We like the smaller--
11:30 We have events with thousands of people. This, for us, is extra special because we get to know all of them,
11:35 and that kind of brings it in a little bit.
11:38 And we can only fit so many biscuits in our vans, so.
11:43 Well, there you have it, everyone. The race is underway.
11:47 I'll let you carry on doing all the stuff you've no doubt got to do before they all head back.
11:53 So thank you for letting us join you this morning.
11:57 Oh, thank you.
