দিদি ও মোদী একে অপরকে সহযোগিতা করে আমাকে হারাতে চাইছেন: অধীর চৌধুরী

  • 6 months ago
‘দিদি ও মোদী একে অপরকে সহযোগিতা করে আমাকে হারাতে চাইছেন’, অভিযোগ অধীর চৌধুরীর
00:00 The TNM party wants to defeat me and the BJP party wants to increase their seats.
00:08 The BJP party is a two-top party.
00:12 Similarly, the Didi and Modi parties want to defeat the Aditya Party by making it a co-leader of the Pratakya Party.
00:23 You can understand this by listening to the people here.
00:30 When the Sajahan incident happened in Bangla Kolpat, the Didi went to the Raj Bhavan and said,
00:44 "I went to talk about my work, but my talk was not enough."
00:54 I want the Didi to say that she wants to defeat Aditya Chaudhary and if Aditya Chaudhary does not lose,
01:06 then I will be the Chief Minister.
01:09 At least, Khokha Babu should say that if Aditya Chaudhary does not lose, then Khokha Babu will lose.
01:16 I want to know from them whether they will say this.
01:21 Then this fight will be more interesting.
01:27 If the Didi or Khokha Babu say that if Baharatpur Aswant loses, they will lose. If they win, they will win.
01:33 Why are they fighting?
01:40 Why?
01:42 The Parliament of India has a lot of capacity to give respect to the great cricketers.
01:51 Sachin Tendulkar, Lata Mangeshkar, and many other great players.
02:12 But what do we see here? How long ago did the Rajya Sabha vote?
02:22 The MP of Rajya Sabha could have given the right to the people of Rajya Sabha.
02:27 They could have given respect to the cricketers.
02:29 They could have fought after that.
02:31 They could have said that if people come to the Parliament, Rajya Sabha will give them their place.
02:35 But here, the people of this area know who they want to give respect to, who they want to give facilities to, and who they want to give orders to.
02:48 I have no objection to anyone's opinion.
02:51 I have no objection to anyone's opinion.
02:54 But the fact is that I want this Baharatpur Aswant to win.
02:58 If he loses, then Didi will lose.
03:00 If Khokha Babu loses, then I will lose.
03:02 If Khokha Babu loses, then Didi will lose.
03:05 If Khokha Babu loses, then I will win.
03:07 I want this.
03:08 There will be some changes.
03:10 The cricketers will be thrown into the red market.
03:15 The biggest crime is the one that has happened in Kolkata.
03:22 In the month of Ramzan, the death of the missile.
03:25 The crime of the KAD is behind this.
03:27 The people of this area are being killed by the people of Kolkata.
03:35 We don't know how many people have died in this way.
03:41 Who will be the judges of the letter?
03:45 An engineer is trying to make the house of the crime.
03:48 What will the engineer do?
03:50 If the mayor says, "You have to do this", what will the engineer do?
03:55 The government is trying to save the looters by killing them.
