Om Bheem Bush is a Telugu comedy entertainer movie directed by Sree Harsha Konuganti. The movie casts Sree Vishnu, Priyadarshi, Rahul Ramakrishna, Preethi Mukundhan, and Ayesha Khan in the main lead roles along with Srikanth Iyengar, Aditya Menon, Racha Ravi, and many others have seen in supporting roles.
శ్రీవిష్ణు, ప్రియదర్శి, రాహుల్ రామకృష్ణ నటించిన భారీ అంచనాల చిత్రం ఓం భీమ్ బుష్ ఎట్టకేలకు ఈరోజు ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా థియేటర్లలోకి వచ్చింది.
శ్రీవిష్ణు, ప్రియదర్శి, రాహుల్ రామకృష్ణ నటించిన భారీ అంచనాల చిత్రం ఓం భీమ్ బుష్ ఎట్టకేలకు ఈరోజు ప్రపంచవ్యాప్తంగా థియేటర్లలోకి వచ్చింది.
00:00 That sound. I said I will give it once. How many times will you give?
00:03 So, if you do that sound once. Because everyone in the theatre does that sound.
00:07 No, no. Because we have been doing that sound for the past two and a half years.
00:09 Since 200 years?
00:10 Two and a half years.
00:12 Two and a half years. Okay.
00:13 In the film, they say that the result of hard work is the fruit of hard work.
00:17 That is very useful for our director. Because he worked hard for us and he got the result.
00:25 But even in the process of hard work, there is a little bit of happiness.
00:30 That happiness is when we look at ourselves on the screen,
00:36 we are happy because everyone else is laughing with a happy smile.
00:40 For us, it is tears. We get tears when we are in trouble.
00:44 I am wearing glasses and walking around so that no one else can see those tears.
00:47 Oh, oh.
00:48 That is the story.
00:49 Is there so much pain behind these glasses?
00:51 There is a lot of pain. A lot of pain.
00:54 A terrible pain.
00:55 A terrible pain. I understood.
00:57 For supporting this film so much, I thank all the media friends,
01:02 the young people who are sitting outside in the theatres,
01:06 and everyone else. Thank you very much.
01:08 Watch the film and support it. Thank you.
01:10 It is over.
01:13 You said two and a half years. We did not even give you two and a half minutes of speech.
01:17 We expected it.
01:18 My work speaks for itself.
01:21 Yeah, everyone here is trying to escape by saying such small lines. Thank you so much.
01:26 And now, while you are here, we were thinking of inviting another brother to the stage.
01:29 Another brother is missing here.
01:31 I am getting a doubt whether he will come if I invite him.
01:35 Someone will call you, Sri Vishnuji.
01:37 Who is that? Where is he? I have to send the mic to him.