抗议者摆乌龙 错把99超市当KK超市

  • 6 months ago
新闻报报看 | 最近,有一段视频在社交媒体上流出,画面显示一群抗议者举着写有“杯葛KK连锁店”字眼的大字报,却聚集在一间已经打烊的超市门外抗议。这段视频随即在网上疯传,但瞬间却成为大家的笑柄,因为他们将99超市和KK超市给混淆了。(主播:颜江瀚、林晓倩)


00:00 Recently, the trend of the real owner of KK supermarket has been a sensation.
00:04 Although KK has already apologized for this,
00:07 it is still hard to calm down the anger of some Malaysians.
00:10 There is a video on the Internet that is now in the air.
00:14 What does this video say?
00:15 The picture shows a group of protesters
00:18 protesting outside a store.
00:22 They became the laughingstock of netizens.
00:25 Why?
00:26 Because they mistook the 99 supermarket as KK supermarket.
00:31 They are confused.
00:33 According to the video,
00:35 the protester was holding a big sign that said "Bagga KK chain store"
00:39 but he was gathered in a 99 supermarket that has been closed.
00:44 The man who was filming the video witnessed the whole process.
00:47 He even shouted at the protesters,
00:50 "Bro, you got the wrong store."
00:52 For this misunderstanding,
00:56 some netizens felt helpless and ashamed of the ignorance of the protesters.
01:00 If the store can be mistaken,
01:03 what is the point of shouting "Bagga KK"?
01:07 The 99 supermarket was shot while lying down.
01:10 On the other hand,
01:11 the leader of the Muslim group "Bagga KK chain store",
01:14 Akhmar,
01:16 after he was supported by the leaders of the Uyghur community,
01:19 he continued to chase KK supermarket.
01:21 Akhmar said that he did not do this to become a Malay hero.
01:26 He just stood up for Islam
01:29 and conveyed the dissatisfaction of Muslims.
01:31 Akhmar also emphasized that he would continue to promote the "Bagga KK" movement
01:34 and call on KK supermarket to find another way out.
01:37 Of course,
01:39 not everyone can accept Akhmar's words.
01:43 The chairman of the "Bajji" supermarket,
01:45 Amir,
01:46 thought that the "Bagga KK" movement had been going on for more than a week.
01:51 It was time to stop the "pursuit of KK supermarket".
01:55 In addition,
01:55 he was also dissatisfied with those irresponsible practices of the whistleblowers.
01:59 He thought that these people should have found the problem
02:01 and directly negotiated with the management of KK supermarket,
02:05 asking them to immediately lower the price of the products,
02:07 instead of choosing to expose the whole thing on the Internet.
02:11 Amir admitted that this problem was indeed serious,
02:14 but there was no need to cheer on the sensitive issue.
02:18 The former president of the Mutom Women's Group,
02:20 Rafida, was also dissatisfied with Akhmar's practices.
02:23 He praised Akhmar for his actions
02:26 in these upheavals,
02:27 which did not conform to the teachings of Islam.
02:29 He believed that Akhmar's resistance to the KK supermarket movement
02:34 was a form of "creation and division".
02:36 Rafida said that
02:37 "There are still many more important and urgent issues in our country
02:40 waiting for us to solve and manage.
02:42 So we should not be distracted by the problem of socks, etc."
02:48 In addition,
02:49 for the past few days,
02:49 someone has been sentenced to prison and fine
02:53 for mocking the socks incident on the Internet.
02:55 Zayi Malik, the director of the Free Lawyers' Union,
02:57 expressed regret.
02:59 He criticized the government and the police
03:00 for having double standards in this incident.
03:04 Zayi Malik said in a statement that
03:05 two men are just beginners,
03:07 but they will face six months in prison.
03:10 The six months of imprisonment is too heavy for beginners.
03:15 He also mentioned that
03:16 why can ordinary people be dealt with quickly
03:19 when they comment on this incident on the Internet,
03:21 but those who use torture and incite others
03:25 can be released from prison?
03:26 Zayi Malik reminded that
03:28 the government has a responsibility to defend the multicultural culture
03:31 and the social structure of multicultural religions in our country.
03:33 For more UN videos visit: www.un.org/webcast
