• năm ngoái
Matsukaze Tenma (Arion Sherwind), all 19 goals: 9 winning goals + 10 equalizing goals in the Inazuma Eleven GO. A total of 30 goals.
Winning goals:
1. V.s Arakumo Gakuen (4-3)
2. V.s Dragon Link (5-4)
3. V.s Protocol Omega 1.0 round 2 (1-0)
4. V.s Team A5 (1-0)
5. V.s Soccer Robots (1-0)
6. V.s Zanark Domain (1-0)
7. V.s Destructer (3-2)
8. V.s Mach Tiger (3-2)
9. V.s Ixal Fleet (8-7)
Equalizing goals:
1. V.s Gassan Kunimitsu (2-2)
2. V.s Zero (5–5)
3. V.s Arakumo Gakuen (3-3)
4. V.s Destructer (2-2)
5. V.s Knights of the Round Table (1-1)
6. V.s The Lagoon (4-4)
7. V.s Fire Dragon (1-1)
8. V.s Ixal Fleet (1-1)
9. V.s Ixal Fleet (7-7)
10. V.s Battle Eleven (2-2)
* (4-3 goal vs Zero is not counted since the match ended 5-5 draw)

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