• last year
The Antisocial Network Memes to Mayhem Documentary Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: From Rickrolling to viral conspiracy theories, explore how an anonymous website evolved into a hub for real-world chaos in this documentary.
00:00 Do we even know who is this 4chan person or website?
00:04 15 years ago, we were just dumbass kids
00:08 Having a good time sharing jokes and memes on the internet.
00:12 Their name comes from their secret website
00:15 4chan
00:17 It was things that you would not see anywhere else online except for there.
00:20 There's definitely a lot of stuff that was
00:22 super edgy
00:26 Being totally anonymous gave young people the opportunity to vent their thoughts and opinions without being judged for it
00:33 You just wanted another hit viral imagery blasting in your eyeballs
00:37 You didn't want the party to stop
00:40 We started something and never intended it for it to end up this way
00:45 It did start to shift to people actually like trolling in real life
00:50 If something drew the ire of anonymous it suffered
00:55 Hello leaders of Scientology
00:57 Anonymous has decided that your organization should be destroyed
01:00 What drives user base numbers and revenue is anger
01:09 So Facebook or Twitter is making more money as users are getting angrier
01:13 As the internet gets 4chanified
01:17 It's easier than ever to make really dark disgusting or screwed up things
01:22 And they can let it spawn in that environment
01:25 Until it spreads everywhere
01:28 We've all participated in undermining reality, but we never wanted things to turn into a living cartoon
01:36 Spread the information. That's what QAnon asks us to do.
01:40 It's never happened in the history of the world
01:42 And it's all happening because of the internet
01:47 [Music]
01:56 [Music]
