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Dapat ke Mierul Aiman teka bahan rahsia kali ini? Katanya Bermula dengan huruf “T” dan memang bila di tambah bahan ni, lagi padu rasa Mee Rebus.

Jom saksikan You Know Nothing About Cooking bersama Sherry Al Hadad & Datin Marlia Musa serta tetamu jemputan setiap hari, 12 tengah hari di Gempak.com!



00:00 Sherry is not a fan of this kind of food.
00:05 But I like the food we're going to cook this week.
00:09 Approved.
00:10 Because of the fat from the soup.
00:13 With the meat, tofu, egg and crunchy crackers.
00:18 Mee Rebus.
00:20 That's why it's delicious.
00:22 Who do you want to invite?
00:24 I want to invite the young hero, Miro Aiman.
00:27 [music]
00:33 [music]
00:58 [music]
01:04 [music]
01:10 Hi!
01:32 Sherry, what are we going to cook today?
01:36 Mee Rebus.
01:39 Mee Rebus is Wawa's favourite.
01:49 So, make sure you cook it well.
01:53 I have to do it properly.
01:54 Otherwise, Wawa will say, "Sherry, what is this? It's not good."
01:59 If Dato' says it's not good, I don't know.
02:06 Is that enough?
02:09 If we add too much, it will be too thick.
02:13 So, it's only for sweetness, right?
02:17 Yes, and to thicken the soup.
02:19 It's like when people cut the cow's intestines.
02:24 Big or small?
02:26 Yes, like when people do biotrich.
02:29 I want the bones.
02:42 Oh, the bones.
02:43 The bones are for later.
02:44 We have to boil the bones first?
02:46 That's right.
02:47 I'm clever already.
02:49 [music]
02:53 Okay.
03:16 The bones are here.
03:17 Are the bones clean?
03:19 Yes, they are.
03:20 Put them in the pot.
03:21 I want to boil them.
03:23 We boil them with this.
03:25 We put a bit of ginger.
03:27 Oh, a bit of ginger.
03:28 Do we put water first or just the meat?
03:30 Water.
03:32 The bones are also different.
03:36 If there are young bones, they don't need to be cooked for long.
03:41 Turn on the stove.
03:42 Okay.
03:45 While we're boiling the bones,
03:51 we'll prepare the crackers.
03:53 It takes time to make.
03:56 The crackers are delicious.
03:58 Yes.
03:59 I know who steals the crackers.
04:01 Who?
04:02 Our friend.
04:04 Yes, I know.
04:06 I know our friend.
04:07 Yes.
04:08 [music]
04:12 How many crackers do you want?
04:14 Can I put two?
04:15 Yes.
04:16 Put in the garlic.
04:19 Okay.
04:20 The hard-boiled eggs.
04:21 We blend them all together.
04:24 Is it done?
04:31 I'll turn off the stove.
04:32 Shari, before we start,
04:39 we need to check if the water is boiling.
04:42 Okay, put in the bones for us to boil.
04:45 Put in all of them.
04:51 Okay.
04:52 What I like is the bones.
04:54 The bones need to be boiled with the halia.
04:57 Halia gives a flavour when we boil it.
05:01 We'll make the crackers first.
05:05 Okay.
05:06 Rice flour.
05:10 This is a bit tricky.
05:12 This is similar to the ingredients we used for the crackers.
05:16 Yes.
05:17 Now, we'll put in the ingredients.
05:20 The rice flour needs to be liquid
05:22 because we want it to be thick.
05:26 Salt.
05:30 Turmeric powder.
05:33 To make it crumbly,
05:38 we'll use kapur.
05:40 Is there any kapur?
05:42 Kapur?
05:43 Kapur for cooking.
05:44 I thought it was for the shoes.
05:46 Kapur for the shoes.
05:47 I made it especially for you.
05:49 You can't use too much,
05:53 or it'll be bitter.
05:54 We'll fry it.
05:58 Just fry it until it's crumbly.
06:01 Okay.
06:02 The noodles are soupy.
06:03 You'll get the crumbly texture.
06:06 You'll enjoy the taste.
06:08 It's ready.
06:13 The wok is hot.
06:15 This is how you do it.
06:18 Just like that?
06:22 Sherry, you have to do this.
06:27 Okay.
06:28 This is my job.
06:35 I'm going to blend the ingredients.
06:38 The shallots, garlic,
06:41 and dried prawns.
06:46 I'm going to add some lemongrass.
06:50 We're going to make a soup.
07:04 The ingredients are ready.
07:07 Now, we'll make the...
07:11 How much do you think it'll cost?
07:18 I'm going to ask you.
07:19 I'm not asking you to eat it.
07:21 I'm asking if it's soft.
07:22 A friend of mine told me
07:30 that she makes this soup
07:34 with fresh prawns.
07:36 Does she blend the prawns?
07:39 She'll boil the prawns,
07:40 and she'll take the heads.
07:42 She'll make a stock of prawns.
07:43 We'll let it dry.
07:44 It'll take a while.
07:46 You always say that your secret ingredient is eggs.
07:51 And beans.
07:53 Sometimes, you have other secret ingredients.
07:58 The ingredient I'm using is taucu.
08:01 Why did I tell Sherry about my secret ingredient?
08:05 So that the food she eats at home
08:08 and the food she cooks
08:10 will taste the same.
08:11 This is a recipe for a soup from the south.
08:23 The Singaporeans in Johor
08:26 put taucu in their soup.
08:28 We need to blend the...
08:32 The beans.
08:33 It's dry now.
08:43 I'm going to add curry powder.
08:45 We'll add it to the soup.
08:51 The smell.
08:52 The soup is...
09:01 It's hot.
09:09 It's smoking.
09:11 What else do you want to try?
09:14 The stove is on.
09:15 The oil is hot.
09:17 I've told her twice.
09:19 The oil is hot.
09:21 She's trying to show off.
09:25 She took a wooden spoon
09:27 and put it in the oil.
09:29 The spoon was wet.
09:31 When I put the spoon in the oil,
09:33 it exploded.
09:35 You're wrong.
09:36 Now, you're showing off.
09:38 What did you say?
09:42 I said, "Serve her a little."
09:44 What did you say?
09:47 I don't know what I said.
09:49 The soup.
09:51 We have the soup.
09:53 Where do we get the soup from?
09:56 Where do we get the soup from?
09:58 From the clay pot.
10:01 We need to thicken the clay pot.
10:03 We add water.
10:05 Boiling water.
10:07 Let me answer.
10:09 The boiling water from the bones.
10:11 Is that right?
10:12 Yes.
10:13 You're so smart.
10:15 You're so smart.
10:17 You're so smart.
10:20 You took the clay pot from me, right?
10:34 I'm going to blend the clay pot
10:36 to put it in the soup.
10:40 Add the soup to the clay pot.
10:42 Let's add the meat.
10:58 The meat was so tender.
11:00 The meat was so tender.
11:04 I remember we went to Johor.
11:08 We left home early in the morning.
11:12 What was our plan?
11:14 We wanted to eat noodles.
11:16 Just for that?
11:17 I don't remember.
11:18 Yes, we stopped by.
11:20 Don't tell me.
11:22 I thought,
11:23 we can't eat noodles every time we go to Johor.
11:29 We have to go to Johor.
11:31 We have to go to Johor to boil the noodles.
11:35 We have to go to Penang to eat Melaksa.
11:39 It's impossible, right?
11:40 Yes.
11:41 So, we have to learn.
11:42 Have you added the clay pot that I cut?
11:47 No, I only added the meat.
11:49 The meat and bones.
11:50 Okay.
11:51 I think she has added the meat.
11:55 Don't lie.
11:56 No, I didn't.
11:57 I didn't.
11:58 I only took the meat.
12:00 What about the clay pot?
12:02 The clay pot?
12:03 You added the meat, right?
12:05 No, I didn't.
12:06 I just added the meat.
12:08 I'm not lying.
12:13 I'm smart.
12:14 That's not a clay pot.
12:16 That's a potato.
12:18 The one in the pot...
12:20 ...is just a piece of clay pot.
12:23 I thought it was a potato.
12:26 It looks like a potato.
12:30 But, she knows that she's the one who cooked it.
12:33 How did she know that it's a clay pot?
12:36 How can you serve it to someone?
12:40 What if your friend thinks that it's a piece of meat?
12:43 But, it's actually...
12:45 ...a clay pot.
12:46 What? - A clay pot.
12:48 What if she comes with her parents?
12:51 She'll be your daughter-in-law.
12:53 Aren't you ashamed?
12:54 Don't blame me.
12:56 But, this is common sense.
12:58 Okay, put the clay pot in.
13:00 It looks delicious.
13:02 Did you add salt? - Not yet.
13:05 Is it okay? - Yes.
13:21 It's done.
13:23 We did it.
13:26 The End
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14:18 Watch the previous episode.
14:29 This is my friend.
14:31 Miro Aiman.
14:33 I studied with him at the high council.
14:35 You studied with him?
14:37 I'm his teacher now.
14:39 Please eat.
14:46 Thank you.
14:48 You're not eating?
14:50 You're so shy.
14:53 Miro, I cooked something special for you.
14:56 I know you like Mee Rebus.
14:58 Yes, I love it.
15:00 Thank you.
15:02 I hope you can eat more.
15:05 I studied hard for you.
15:08 I could smell it when I came in.
15:11 I felt hungry.
15:13 Your friends like you.
15:15 They all praise you.
15:17 That's why I invited them.
15:19 I don't want to invite the dishonest ones.
15:21 They're good at proposing.
15:25 Let's eat.
15:27 The soup is still hot.
15:29 I have to be careful.
15:32 I don't want to spill the noodles.
15:34 Do you like Mee Rebus?
15:38 Or is there a local dish that you like?
15:42 I can eat noodles.
15:45 But, I'm not interested in it.
15:47 But, I can eat noodles.
15:50 I can eat noodles that my mother cooks.
15:52 What kind of noodles does your mother cook?
15:55 Just regular fried noodles.
15:57 With soy sauce, tofu and chicken.
16:00 You can have it for dinner.
16:02 It's delicious.
16:04 Let's try it.
16:06 You said it's delicious.
16:08 Yes, it smells delicious.
16:10 It's still hot.
16:12 Let's eat.
16:14 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
16:16 It's delicious.
16:28 Praise be to God.
16:30 I can taste the fat.
16:33 The fat is on point.
16:36 Thank goodness.
16:38 The fat is on point.
16:40 But, I haven't mixed the noodles.
16:43 I'll try it with the noodles.
16:45 You have to taste the meat.
16:47 Am I good at cooking?
17:01 I believe that you're good at cooking.
17:05 But, it's up to you.
17:09 I think you're good at cooking.
17:11 What's important is that you can cook.
17:14 That's right.
17:16 I believe that you can cook.
17:18 I have a friend.
17:22 He lives with a single mother.
17:24 He's a chef.
17:26 His rule is that...
17:28 ...as long as you don't know how to cook...
17:31 ...you can't cook.
17:33 So, just throw it away.
17:35 That's his theory.
17:37 Just throw it away.
17:38 If it doesn't taste good, you can change it.
17:40 To be continued....
17:44 To be continued....
17:47 To be continued....
17:50 To be continued....
17:55 Before I came here, at 6.30 am...
17:59 ...I fried the crackers.
18:02 Don't forget to add the secret ingredient.
18:05 It starts with the letter K.
18:07 Kali.
18:10 K.
18:16 Krabu.
18:21 The name of this dish is Krup-Krup Cinta.
18:25 I also have a secret ingredient.
18:38 Do you know? - I know.
18:42 Do you know?
18:46 Do you know?
18:48 Do you know?
18:51 I know.
18:54 To be continued....
18:57 I believe you're a good cook.
18:59 I believe I'm a good cook, too.
19:01 But, before that, I want to know...
19:03 ...my rating for this dish.
19:06 I'll give it...
19:08 ...8.5 out of 10.
19:10 8.5 out of 10.
19:15 I just want to tell you that the other chef gave it 15 out of 10.
19:18 11 out of 10.
19:20 But, it's okay if you give it 8.5 out of 10.
19:25 I'm okay with it.
19:27 So, Miro Aiman.
19:33 Do you know about cooking or you know nothing about cooking?
19:37 I know something about cooking.
19:40 I agree with you.
19:43 I'm okay with 8.5 out of 10.
19:46 I won't even upload the status on WhatsApp.
19:51 To be continued....
19:55 You know nothing about cooking.
19:58 I know everything about cooking.
20:03 Why bother?
20:06 To be continued....
