• last year
From Caracas, Venezuela, our correspondent Gladys Quesada updates us on the registration process for presidential candidates. teleSUR
00:00 Venezuela the registration process of presidential candidates continue for more details. We'll go once again with a correspondent lies. Yes, other live from Caracas
00:07 Thank you Luis for the contact and thank you for this time
00:14 Actually, we continue here in the National Electoral Council and as you can see there is other nomination
00:25 That it is also preparing and the affiliates of other party are getting in here to continue with this process
00:33 as we were saying this is the fourth day of the nomination process here in the National Electoral Council and
00:38 So far this morning many candidates of opposition and independent parties have come in here to submit their in-person
00:47 requests to be a candidate for their political force and also to submit their
00:52 Program of government as we have been saying all over this process. So actually
00:57 Last time we spoke Benjamin
00:59 Rousell was submitting his his campaign
01:03 Pledges and also submitted his program for a government
01:07 let's recall that he is a very well-known figure in the political and
01:12 Cultural landscape here in Venezuela as he used to be an actor and a comedian
01:17 But now he is a candidate running for the condé political organization
01:22 He is an independent candidate and he was calling for something that I want to stress as all their candidates of the opposition
01:28 And also affiliated with the government. He was asking for unity national unity in Venezuela
01:34 And also he was calling for not using smear campaigns in the nation during the campaigning
01:41 time ahead of the elections to be respectful towards other candidates and
01:47 moreover
01:48 respectful
01:49 Towards the people to be respectful of the people's intelligence and the people's will during this campaign and during the elections
01:56 He was saying and I stress we all have something to give
02:00 Referring to the need for everyone to go and vote on July 28th and not leave a blank ballots and not to be
02:08 absent from the polling stations
02:11 He was calling for the youth to be also present in this process to take part in the campaigning
02:17 And he was calling for the youth to go and vote to exercise this democratic right and their duty as the citizens of Venezuela
02:24 also
02:26 water of the candidates that was presenting their
02:29 Registrar was Claudio Fermin Maldonado who is the candidate of soluciones por Venezuela
02:36 Which is the right coalition of parties and he was stressing and calling for improving
02:40 Economic relations and the industry in Venezuela and to find solutions out of the oil industry in the nation
02:48 also, he was calling for
02:50 finding concord between the candidates and also he was saying that whoever that results as the winner of this presidential
02:57 Elections must find a common path with other political forces and must find
03:02 also
03:05 peace and
03:07 Fair treatment amongst the candidates. Also this morning was Jose Alejandro Rari
03:13 That has had a very peculiar
03:15 Political career here in the country because he was an affiliate of other parties
03:21 But today he finds his ways amongst the Christian and evangelical forces and he was
03:28 stressing the need for not calling for more sanctions that only affects the people and the humble of Venezuela and
03:35 For finding peace amongst the candidates so far
03:38 This is one common pledge among every one of the nominees here in the National Electoral Council
03:44 He was also saying
03:46 that
03:48 those who ask for a stoppage of the referendum on the esequibo region that was a
03:54 Referendum on the defense of Venezuelan territory has no right to come here and to ask and demand
04:00 For a candidate and for nomination that was the way he expressed that those that are against the Venezuelan people
04:07 cannot be a Venezuelan candidate to the presidency and now we are expecting the nomination and the registry of
04:15 the party to Pamara which is an organization with
04:19 Socialist and leftist tendencies and they are coming in here
04:23 They are just starting their nomination process and that's what is happening
04:27 And that's what is ongoing here in the National Electoral Council right now. So that's the information list
04:32 I will give you more details and we'll give you more information
04:36 as the day goes on and as the other forces nominate their candidates and submit the
04:42 Documentation here in the National Electoral Council. So so far back to you
04:47 Thank you Clarice as always for the updated reports on this registration process being held in Caracas at the National Electoral Council
