Lebaran Pacu Kinerja Perusahaan Pembiayaan

  • 6 months ago
Perusahaan Pembiayaan memanfaatkan, momentum lebaran dan ramadan, dalam mengerek kinerja usahanya dengan menyalurkan pembiayaan, Bahkan sejumlah pelaku usaha menyebutkan, peningkatan bisa melebihi 20%.


00:00 The financing company took advantage of the holiday and Ramadan to boost their business by distributing the financing.
00:07 Some businessmen even said that the increase could be more than 20%.
00:12 Some financing companies made sure that there was a spike in the demand for loans during Ramadan and the holiday.
00:20 According to the Chief Marketing Digital Officer of Home Credit, Seldon Cuan,
00:24 the trend of increasing the demand for loans from consumers occurred from March to April 2014.
00:28 The company is convinced that the increase was a result of a research that showed that 80% of respondents
00:33 thought that Ramadan was the most interesting time to spend money, higher than EMLAC and the voters.
00:39 It's a huge difference compared to January, February and March.
00:46 The spending is huge, from 20% to more depending on the commodity.
00:54 Because of the holy month, Ramadan, there are a lot of needs.
00:59 Sometimes, customers are waiting for the new spending from January to February,
01:05 and they are waiting for the new spending from March to April.
01:10 So, it's a huge difference.
01:12 Meanwhile, the SecGen of the Indonesian Pension Association, or APPI, Sigit Sembodo,
01:17 assessed that the spike in demand for loans during Ramadan and the holiday was experienced by almost all of the financing companies.
01:23 APPI predicted that the increase in the number of loans will increase sharply throughout the year.
01:28 How much is the boosting rate for Ramadan?
01:33 We hope that it will be around 5-10% before Eid.
01:40 But, to be honest, I have said that the vehicle sales are a bit slow during the period before Eid.
01:49 So, I hope that the situation will be improved soon, on the third or fourth week.
01:56 Despite the increased demand for loans, APPI asked the financing companies to anticipate
02:02 so that the loan during Eid can be paid off well.
02:05 From Jakarta, I am Firman Hisham for IDX Channel.
02:09 For more information, visit www.idx.org
