যেখানেই দাঁড়াবো সেখানেই জিতবো, TMC-র অন্তর্জলী যাত্রা হবে: Dilip Ghosh | Oneindia Bengali

  • 6 months ago
যেখানেই দাঁড়াবো সেখানেই জিতবো, TMC-র অন্তর্জলী যাত্রা হবে: Dilip Ghosh



00:00 Where did you get your party's support from? Karakpur, Bardhaman, Durgapur?
00:06 I got my support from wherever I fought.
00:10 I will win from there. The party knows that.
00:12 I have gone there because the party needs me.
00:14 Where did you get your support from?
00:20 I took the Indian party to West Bengal.
00:25 The party told me to fight for independence. I fought wherever they told me to.
00:29 Now I am fighting for the same.
00:31 I have seen that we can win in West Bengal.
00:36 The party has told me to fight wherever they tell me to.
00:41 All the workers and volunteers should fight for Narendra Modi to become the Prime Minister.
00:47 I think the people of West Bengal are also supporting him.
00:50 And the BJP should support him.
00:52 Did you speak to your friend?
00:54 Yes, he came to my house yesterday. I spoke to him to take his blessings.
00:59 My second question is that,
01:01 Arjun Singh has returned from the BJP.
01:06 He has got the ticket as per his wish.
01:09 How is that?
01:10 I don't know who got the ticket. I got it because of the party's support.
01:14 The people of West Bengal have got the ticket as per their wish. Is that a reward or a punishment?
01:25 There is a tribal vote.
01:28 The tribal people are very ashamed.
01:31 The representative of the people of West Bengal has got the ticket.
01:35 The people who have been humiliated for many years, the oppressed women have got the ticket.
01:43 I think the people of West Bengal are supporting him.
01:46 We should win the election as per their wish.
01:49 Will the party vote be held?
01:51 Yes, it will be held.
01:53 Is there any reason for not holding the party vote?
01:56 There is a reason.
01:58 There is a vote at the end of the term.
02:00 We have a vote after one and a half months.
02:02 It is being held.
02:03 We cannot hold a suitable party vote.
02:05 The party is looking at it.
02:07 Many people are coming.
02:08 Many names are coming.
02:09 There is a debate.
02:10 The party has not been declared yet.
02:13 But before that, BJP workers are protesting in different parts of the state.
02:16 They are protesting till the death of the politician.
02:18 Everyone knows that there is violence in the West Bengal's women's vote.
02:22 That is why the Central Government has sent 100 companies and more are coming.
02:26 And there will be violence in the West Bengal's vote.
02:29 So that there is a peaceful election.
02:31 That is why the Central Government has not come.
02:33 And the more the Central Government comes, the tension in the TMC increases.
02:35 Because they want to win the violence.
02:37 The PM has said that the PM will be arrested.
02:39 The PM can be arrested anywhere.
02:41 It happened before.
02:42 We have seen it in the Parliament.
02:43 We have seen it in the People's Assembly.
02:44 We have also been arrested.
02:46 We are doing it because the TMC leaders have started giving statements.
02:50 MLAs, ministers.
02:51 You can see.
02:52 So, they are being provoked to make these calculations.
02:55 I think this is the reason for the PM's internal protest.
03:01 Are you going to the centre today?
03:03 I will go to Shaktigarh at 10 pm.
03:07 The workers are waiting for me at the Lakshabharshima.
03:10 They were waiting for me to go there yesterday.
03:12 So, the reception will start from there.
03:14 I will go to Bardhaman.
03:16 I will go to Durgapur and play Holi.
03:18 Tomorrow, I will play the dhol of the Maharaja of Bardhaman.
03:23 The next day, I will meet the workers.
03:25 And I will contact them and go back.
