সবুজের সঙ্গে থাকলে শরীর মন ভালো থাকে! দোলের দিন রঙিন প্রচারে বার্তা Sujata, Prasun-এর | Oneindia

  • 6 months ago
সবুজের সঙ্গে থাকলে শরীর মন ভালো থাকে! দোলের দিন রঙিন প্রচারে বার্তা Sujata, Prasun-এর


00:00 Why are you not celebrating today?
00:02 Today, the city of Vishnupur, the capital of the state, the state of Mandraja, the state of Gupta Vrindaban,
00:11 all the people of Gupta Vrindaban have gathered to celebrate the festival of Dhol.
00:16 What are you going to eat all day?
00:19 What are you going to eat all day?
00:21 All day, I will eat Holi, I will eat Dhol.
00:23 Today, I will eat only Dhol.
00:29 What are you going to eat?
00:31 I am telling everyone to stay with Shabuja,
00:34 he will have a good mind and a good body.
00:37 And I am a soldier of Dhol, stay with me and stay with Shabuja.
00:42 You have been dancing with Shabuja for 7 years,
00:46 you have forgotten your mother's name.
00:48 What?
00:49 You have forgotten your mother's name,
00:51 you have forgotten your mother's name, what will you do?
00:55 I am a cultural person, I like to live with culture.
01:01 And today when I saw a lot of people, a lot of girls were dancing in their white saris,
01:06 I danced with them, I will do a lot all day, I will be with you all the time.
01:12 Wait and watch.
01:13 What are you doing with the people?
01:15 I live with the people 365 days a year.
01:19 Today I am playing Holi, and while playing Holi, while playing Dhol,
01:22 I am going to the people to say one thing,
01:26 that people, keep your mind clean, keep it clean,
01:30 and stay with the people of Shabuja.
01:33 After a very long time, you came out of the house on the day of Dhol.
01:37 What will you say?
01:38 I feel very good.
01:39 We played Dhol on this day, now we are playing better.
01:43 We will play, we will play, we will play on this land.
01:47 You are very excited, you are very excited, and today you are going to see, you are going home.
01:53 I am very happy, everyone is coming at this time, everyone will come,
01:58 everyone will dance, there is a matter of dance, a day of joy.
02:01 And I must say, here in MLA, Gautam, but it was right,
02:07 Basundar should have left here, he should not have come at this time.
02:11 So everyone is together, I am happy.
02:13 And if this time comes, people will be happy, no problem.
02:17 When they speak, they are definitely looking from above.
02:19 How many leads will you give in this competition?
02:23 I will give a lot of leads, I will win from two lakhs a year.
02:26 No one can stop me.
02:27 There is no doubt, the people who are there, from north to south,
02:32 they are with us, with me.
02:35 I think, the way Gautam has done it today, it has become even better,
02:42 to come close to people.
02:44 So I want to tell everyone, I want to tell everyone,
02:47 I think people are saying a lot of things during the elections,
02:52 but I think we will win from two lakhs.
02:55 Today we can see, you have a lot of flags, you have put a lot of flags.
02:59 Absolutely, absolutely, great, great flag, beautiful environment,
03:02 we are with everyone. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Shahi, Bihari,
03:06 we are all together in this beautiful environment.
03:08 And what is more beautiful, Gautam can work with everyone.
03:13 That is why I like it, and we are all together.
03:16 Then can you say today, "Doledun is a Muslim"?
03:19 Ha ha ha, that, I will not say, my brothers will say.
03:25 [Shouting]
