00:00 [Music]
00:04 So today we decided to talk about cheese.
00:07 Yes, don't dream, nothing will stop us, our friendship will triumph.
00:11 And we will even do a live tasting, but we'll come back to that later.
00:14 So as Bon François, we are necessarily cheese lovers.
00:17 Camembert, Emmental or other Roquefort, nothing can resist us.
00:21 Except maybe the Casu Marzu, a cheese from Sardinia,
00:24 which has the particularity of sheltering in its breast many living zasticos.
00:28 It is also advised to use protective glasses when you eat it,
00:32 because these little larvae have the ability to propel themselves over 15 cm.
00:36 I want to clarify that this is not a joke, fucking protective glasses my guy.
00:40 But if we exclude the Casu Marzu or any other radioactive entity,
00:44 cheese has a big place in the diet of most French people.
00:48 Many are those who do not leave the table without a small piece of cantal,
00:51 which they will have delicately on a small piece of baguette.
00:54 Because even if it's cliché, it remains a reality anchored in French culture.
00:58 But this is not the only way to consume frometons.
01:01 Indeed, the French have found a whole bunch of recipes to enjoy it without ever getting tired.
01:06 Like for example the tartiflette, based on potatoes, onions, lard and cod.
01:11 A typically French dish that will test the resistance of your stomach.
01:15 Or the fondue savoyard, a dish from its eponymous region, the Savoie,
01:20 which will invite you to dip your end in a very hot liquid.
01:23 It is also found in the form of a cake, thanks to the cheese pie,
01:26 a cake burned on top that strangely looks like a real pie.
01:30 Without forgetting the illustrious raclette.
01:32 Ah, raclette, how not to love raclette.
01:35 This dish that in exchange for a few eruptions cutanées on your sweet face,
01:39 will warm your heart at the arrival of the biting cold of winter.
01:42 Uh yes, but raclette is not French, it's Swiss, first, gang of brigands.
01:46 Oh, it's okay, there are more French people who eat raclette than Swiss people in the world.
01:51 After yes, it is true that France is not the only country to produce cheese, I admit.
01:55 For example, Italy is not bad either in this field, with as a prou figure the gorgonzola,
02:00 ricotta, parmigiano reggiano, toni montana, pecorino, tagliatelle or mozzarella.
02:06 Which is, by the way, the least tasty cheese in the universe.
02:09 Every time I eat it, it's always so disappointing.
02:12 But hey, it has the advantage of being very low in calories, so fuck the taste.
02:15 Because yes, cheese is very very good, but from a nutritional point of view, it's not top top.
02:19 I don't think that Timo InShape regularly makes raclette.
02:22 And even if this said cheese is made of a cow's milk, a cow's milk or a polar bear's milk,
02:27 the observation remains the same.
02:28 The abuse of cheese will transform your little nipple into a buoy of rescue.
02:32 But in balanced quantities, it represents a reliable source of calcium and protein.
02:37 Come on, call me Jean-Michel Nutrition, my guy, specialist of morbidity and other soft-paste cheese.
02:41 Besides, did you know that the world of cheese was divided into two categories?
02:44 The soft-paste cheese, which has a soft paste, like brie or coulomier.
02:48 And the hard-paste cheese, which has a hard paste, like Comté or Soirati.
02:53 Well, in reality, it's more complex than that, there are semi-hard, semi-soft, etc.
02:57 But we're not here to pass a master in cheeseology, so put your gouda on the floor and put a blue thumb to this video, son of a...
03:03 Finally, we talk, we talk, we talk, but how do we make cheese, tell me?
03:07 Because yes, at the risk of surprising you, cheese does not grow in trees.
03:10 No, the latter is made in large part by what is called a human being.
03:14 And to do this, it will go through a process in five steps.
03:18 The cutting, the work of the cutting, the molding, the salting and finally the refining.
03:23 If you want more details, the link is in the description.
03:26 Well yeah, make an effort, my friend, I'm not your teacher of C.A.P. creamer, cheese, molding option of the Kabekoo and refining of the Saint-Albré.
03:32 Now, I would like to take advantage of this video which is for the theme of cheese.
03:35 I remind you to submit the paradox of cheese in a hole, which is the following.
03:39 The more cheese there is, the more holes there are.
03:41 The more holes there are, the less cheese there is.
03:44 So, the more cheese there is, the less cheese there is.
03:46 It makes you think.
03:47 By the way, speaking of thinking, today we will choose the best cheese.
03:51 To do this, we will taste live the most swag cheese of France.
03:55 And then, classify them in a totally objective tier list which will be certified by the state.
04:00 So, if you want to defend your favorite cheese in the face of our ruthless judgment,
04:04 meet us tonight from 6pm on Twitch., we are waiting for you, so be there, we will have fun.
04:11 Here is the end of the video, I hope you liked it.
04:13 I invite you to share it, I invite you to like it, I invite you to subscribe, I invite you to do a lot of other things of your choice, of course.
04:20 Thanks again to all the tippers of Tipeee, you are the blood, you are the S, and thanks also to the people who follow us on Twitch and who subscribe.
04:27 Well yes, do not hesitate to click your primes, eh!
04:29 Go, ciao, eh! And the cheese, eh!
04:31 Subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe.