Aalim Aur Aalam | "Ahsaan" | Waseem Badami | 25 March 2024 | #shaneramazan #siratemustaqeem

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Aalim Aur Aalam | "Ahsaan" | Waseem Badami | 25 March 2024 | #shaneramazan #siratemustaqeem

Mufti Muhammad Akmal,
Allama Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.

An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2024 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan

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00:00 [Music]
00:13 [Arabic]
00:28 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
00:30 To wish for a Muslim brother to take away from him the blessings of Allah is called jealousy.
00:37 Right.
00:38 And if you only wish for the loss of blessings and not the attainment of your desires,
00:42 then it is called hatred and malice.
00:44 Right.
00:45 And both are forbidden in our Shariah, provided that the intentions are not good.
00:48 The intentions can be that the other person is using his power and blessings in wrong things.
00:54 First, you should try to guide him and if it does not happen, then you can wish for him to take away the blessings from him.
01:00 So that at least he is saved from evil.
01:02 For example, if a bad person is using his power or is using his position in the wrong way,
01:06 then first try to guide him and if the desire does not happen,
01:11 then this is also a good desire for him that if he takes away from him, he will be saved.
01:14 At least he will be saved from sin.
01:16 Right.
01:17 Otherwise, jealousy is actually anger at the distribution of Allah.
01:22 Why did you give it to him, why did you not give it to me?
01:24 And the one who is angry at the distribution of Allah is a sinner.
01:27 Absolutely. Qibla.
01:28 In the name of Allah, the most merciful.
01:30 The basic thing is the same as what the Mufti said.
01:32 Being jealous, having desires, having desires,
01:35 it is okay to the extent that a person makes efforts for his progress, tries,
01:39 but to be taken away from the other person due to the loss of blessings,
01:41 obviously, this is negativity.
01:42 If the other person comes, then it is a different matter.
01:44 In the Holy Quran, the Lord of the worlds clearly states that
01:48 "Do not desire that Allah will favor you over others."
01:51 You will see the difference that some have been given superiority in some things,
01:55 so instead of it, a desire is made and through it, a person creates jealousy in himself,
02:00 it is not appreciated.
02:02 But the desire is to the extent that I make progress, there is no problem in it.
02:06 The other aspect in this was that of Ishar.
02:09 Jealousy was done from it and after jealousy, when the opportunity came for it,
02:14 he demonstrated Ishar.
02:16 So, there are two things in it.
02:18 Ishar means to give preference to others over oneself.
02:21 "Yuta'imuna ta'ama ala hubbihim miskeena wa yatima wa aseera"
02:25 Although they are hungry, but in the love of Allah,
02:28 the poor, orphans, captives, give preference to themselves.
02:31 Or the praise of the Ansar of Medina,
02:33 "Yusiruna ala anfusihim walaw kana bihim khasasa"
02:36 It is self-sufficiency, but despite that, the Ansar gave preference to the Muhajireen over themselves
02:40 and shared a lot with them.
02:42 This is the level of self-sufficiency that as a result of which a person makes a lot of progress in a human sense.
02:47 -Appropriate, absolutely right.
02:49 There are many questions, let's see.
02:51 Sir, the question will continue.
02:53 -My question is to Allama Nazim Dawood Ali Sahib.
02:56 I go to the university two to three times a week.
02:59 It is a 170 km journey.
03:02 Is my fast short due to this or not?
03:05 -Right.
03:06 I go to the university two to three times a week.
03:08 It is a 170 km journey, so is the fast short or not?
03:10 -The basic problem is that until a person does not travel a lot,
03:14 the rules of the fast will be given to him.
03:17 And if it is a 22 km round trip,
03:20 then going 22 km and coming 22 km,
03:22 so it becomes around 44-45 km,
03:25 then a person comes under the command of a traveler.
03:27 When he comes under the command of a traveler,
03:29 then the problem in Fikri Jafri is that
03:31 Zuhr, Asr and Isha,
03:33 these are four rakat prayers,
03:35 these become two rakat prayers and are fixed.
03:37 That is, there is no option left in it.
03:39 In the case of Hanafi, I think it is a different matter.
03:41 But in Fikri Jafri, it is fixed
03:43 that it becomes four rakat prayers and two rakat prayers,
03:45 and then he cannot fast.
03:47 He does not have a choice.
03:49 Then what happens is that later,
03:51 when the time comes to complete the counting,
03:53 that is, the month of Ramadan is complete,
03:55 and when he is in his country, in Hazar,
03:57 then he will complete it.
03:59 -But you are saying 22 km is 22 km outside the city boundaries.
04:04 -Of course, the city does not start as soon as you leave your house.
04:07 When you go out of the city,
04:09 you cross the limits, then after that ...
04:11 -A person lives in a big city,
04:13 and the way from his house to his office is 60 km.
04:17 So he is doing 120 km in a day, but the fast will not be incomplete.
04:19 -There will be no within city.
04:21 -Because it is in the city.
04:23 -When he goes out of his city,
04:25 he himself crossed the limits,
04:27 that is, if you look back, you can't see the city.
04:29 Then he will be told when he comes out of the city.
04:31 Then he will be counted,
04:33 that if the round trip is 44 km,
04:35 then going 22 km, coming 22 km,
04:37 then in that case he will be considered a city traveler.
04:39 -Qibla.
04:41 -We do not have the concept of round trip.
04:43 And there is a difference in the duration.
04:45 If you want to go 92 km away from the city limits,
04:49 then he is a traveler.
04:51 Now it is possible that he will not come back.
04:53 He will go there, get married and start living there.
04:55 So he will remain a traveler in a way.
04:57 And there is no disagreement in the rest of the matter.
04:59 -You are saying that you have failed this attempt.
05:03 -He is absolutely agreeable to this.
05:05 It is not a matter of choice whether you can do it or not.
05:09 What did you say about fasting?
05:11 -I think both have the power.
05:13 It is not good.
05:15 -He will say in both fasting and prayer.
05:17 -No, we have the power in fasting.
05:19 There is no power in prayer.
05:21 You will have to read the Qasr.
05:23 And there is a right in fasting.
05:25 The Quran says that it is better for you to keep it.
05:27 And if you want to leave it, you can leave it.
05:29 -The interpretation we have in it is different.
05:31 -Yes, absolutely right.
05:33 -The next question is
05:35 -People who go to astrologers
05:37 -They make videos of astrologers.
05:39 -How will your year pass?
05:41 -How will your week pass?
05:43 -People go to them and make their horoscopes.
05:47 -Should I do all this or not?
05:51 -Right, Qibla.
05:53 -Our religious teachings prohibit these things.
05:56 Because when the Prophet came,
05:58 He stopped everything that could be the reason for interference in the work of prophethood.
06:04 Or if he had continued it,
06:06 Then the unseen news of the Prophet would have been suspected that he would have asked the astrologer.
06:12 He would have shown his hand to someone.
06:14 The Prophet is telling by the move of the stars.
06:16 Therefore, the requirement of time and the position of prophethood was that all these things should be denied.
06:22 As a result, the Prophet is neither taking news from the jinn nor from the astrologers.
06:27 Nor is he going to a palmist or a star astrologer.
06:31 Nor is he going to the stars himself.
06:33 Rather, this is happening only through the revelation of Allah.
06:35 So this is the thing that is necessary to adopt.
06:37 So, how will this week be?
06:41 He says, be careful of your close friends.
06:43 We all get away from friends.
06:45 A nation that does not have the basics of religion.
06:48 I am talking about the majority, not everyone.
06:50 When they go to such people,
06:52 They have nothing but suspicion, suspicion, depression, and superstition.
06:58 And they are worried.
07:00 Some people say that this week will be very good for you.
07:02 The next day he is in the hospital.
07:04 So, how many of these things are there and how many of these cricket predictions are there.
07:08 That tomorrow this team will win, that team will lose.
07:10 You are so excited that you give news.
07:13 And the next day you hide your face.
07:15 Anyway, these things are not appropriate in terms of Shariah.
07:20 Take the opinion of the Prophet.
07:22 The basic thing is the same.
07:24 One is the expert opinion.
07:25 For example, as you said about cricket.
07:27 There is a commentator who has spent his life in cricket.
07:30 He is aware of their basics.
07:32 And in the light of his experience,
07:34 Looking at the performance, he assesses something about the future.
07:37 So, obviously, this is out of that discussion.
07:39 But all those things in which someone says that
07:42 I can calculate in this way and tell you that this is going to happen in the future.
07:46 99% of the cases are fraud.
07:49 As we had discussed about the perpetrators earlier.
07:52 This is the case here too.
07:53 And then it was completely stopped from believing them.
07:56 It has been forbidden.
07:57 It should not be that a person spends his life in such nonsense, in such nonsense.
08:03 That the heart is upset with the efforts to do.
08:06 Yes, okay, appropriate.
08:08 Okay, next question.
08:10 My name is Shehbaz.
08:12 I am not getting married.
08:14 Tell me some job that I get married.
08:18 Sir, Shehbaz is not getting married.
08:21 First of all, it is a prayer that Allah gives him a suitable marriage.
08:25 And may he live long.
08:27 But until this is not the case,
08:29 We are pleased with the will of Allah.
08:32 First of all, keep the Shariah in mind.
08:34 You pray, avoid sins, do good deeds, be patient.
08:40 And keep trying.
08:41 And this will happen on its own time.
08:44 Because this is one of the things of fate that is imposed on us.
08:48 And we can try in this.
08:50 But the result is dependent on the will of Allah.
08:52 If Allah wills, when their time will be, it will be done immediately.
08:55 But if you want, it is said,
08:57 Aqabri has written that read Surah Nisa daily.
09:00 Once.
09:01 So, God willing, Allah will make it better.
09:03 Obviously, I would like to add one thing in these things.
09:06 In the verse of Surah An-Nur,
09:08 The other individuals have been greatly encouraged.
09:11 "And make marriage for those who have the ability and are living a lonely life."
09:15 "And make marriage for those who have the ability and are living a lonely life."
09:20 So, try for them.
09:22 In general,
09:23 "And help each other in the good and the right."
09:27 This is also a very important good deed.
09:29 Every step that a person takes for this work.
09:32 The promises of good deeds have been made.
09:35 So, those are very important good deeds and good deeds.
09:38 Obviously, if you see, it seems a funny thing.
09:41 A smile also comes on our faces.
09:43 That for marriage.
09:44 But no.
09:45 This is a very important good deed.
09:47 And those people who do this work.
09:49 Matchmaking or marriage bureau.
09:51 Even if they do it professionally.
09:53 But keep the sincerity in it.
09:56 No one should exploit it.
09:58 And try to matchmaking.
10:01 So, it is really a very good deed.
10:03 And this is the work that the elders should do.
10:07 And it should not be taken lightly.
10:09 There should be efforts in it.
10:11 There are some rituals also.
10:13 Now, in their case, this will not happen.
10:15 But the first time, they got divorced.
10:17 Now, for the second marriage, a taboo has come.
10:19 How to get married?
10:20 Became a widow.
10:21 Now, how to get married again?
10:22 No.
10:23 Islam says that whoever has the ability.
10:25 So, try for him that he does not spend his life alone.
10:28 He spends his life as a family life.
10:31 Right.
10:32 On this, the last sentence.
10:33 You also say on this.
10:34 That a girl has become a widow at a young age.
10:38 Usually, society has to face a lot of difficulties.
10:42 What do you say on that?
10:44 There are two things here.
10:45 One is that it has to be faced.
10:47 That some families have a tradition.
10:48 That if a girl is divorced or becomes a widow in our family.
10:50 Then we do not get her married.
10:52 This is absolutely wrong.
10:53 As the Prophet said.
10:54 The psychological punishment does not die.
10:56 Then a person chooses the path of sin.
10:58 Still, you do not leave him alive.
11:00 Or do it in such a way that you make a joint relationship.
11:03 That is also wrong.
11:04 If the aunt died, then she did it with the uncle.
11:06 Because four children had to take care of.
11:08 If this educated girl is a widow, then will she take care of her children?
11:12 This is also a good deed.
11:13 I am not denying it.
11:14 But a joint relationship.
11:16 Her hair is over.
11:17 This young girl has done it with her.
11:19 Neither match nor match.
11:20 People are saying by looking at it.
11:22 That this is not your daughter.
11:24 People should not say.
11:25 I am saying one thing.
11:26 Such a joint relationship.
11:27 That he is an ignorant man.
11:28 And this girl is educated.
11:30 So, do not do these things.
11:31 If something has happened, then you should find a suitable relationship.
11:35 The one that matches it.
11:37 Absolutely.
11:38 Thank you very much.
11:39 Thank you very much.
11:40 Many prayers for you.
11:42 Who sent questions.
11:43 We will be back with a break.
11:46 Zero Tension.
11:47 Thank you.
12:04 (upbeat music)