Macron arrive en Guyane, confrontée à de multiples défis

  • 6 months ago
Insécurité, enclavement, autonomie territoriale: Emmanuel Macron est arrivé lundi matin en Guyane pour une visite de deux jours dans ce département français en proie à de nombreuses difficultés et qui a massivement voté pour Marine Le Pen en 2022.
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00:00 Insecurity, enclavement, territorial autonomy, Emmanuel Macron arrived on Monday morning
00:05 in Guyana for a two-day visit in this French department in the midst of many difficulties
00:10 and who massively voted for Marine Le Pen in 2022.
00:14 The head of state landed at the Cayenne airport, back after a first visit in October 2017,
00:21 stayed in Les Annales, where he had said he was not the Santa Claus in response to a
00:25 question about the creation of a hospital.
00:27 This little sentence, released six months after a general strike that paralyzed Guyana,
00:33 is anchored in the collective memory of the Guyanese who voted 60% for Marine Le Pen,
00:38 national assembly, against Emmanuel Macron at the last presidential election.
00:43 The presidential trip coincides with several anniversaries of which we are well aware,
00:48 notably that of the March 2017 social movement, which raises the Elysée.
00:53 He also intervenes a year after the death, on March 25, 2023, of a GIGN gendarme,
00:59 Arnaud Blanc, in an operation against illegal striking and 60 years after the creation of the
01:05 Guyanese Space Center, announced by the General of Gaul on March 21, 1964 in Cayenne.
01:11 During his two days of visit, Emmanuel Macron will be in contact with the population and
01:16 listening to the elected representatives, especially on the institutional question, promises the presidency.
01:21 At his descent from the plane, he had to have a first exchange with them at the Félix Héboué airport
01:27 before meeting them again in the evening around a Republican dinner.
01:30 French ecology.
01:32 He will also pay tribute to the memory of Arnaud Blanc, visit the Cayenne fish market as well as
01:38 agricultural exploitation before going to the Amazon rainforest, in Camopi, on the border with Brazil.
01:44 Fishing and agriculture are among the sectors suffering in this territory of 300,000 large
01:49 inhabitants such as Portugal or a resident for two to less than 25 years.
01:53 In 2023, crime, fed by the scourge of their illegal striking, reached a record level, with
02:00 20.6 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, nearly 15 times more than the national average.
02:06 Emmanuel Macron wants to encourage the development of local agriculture in order to reduce the
02:11 food dependency of Guyana, 96% of the chicken consumed is imported, with ambitious goals
02:18 for the 2030 horizon, according to the Elysée.
02:21 "He will make announcements on the fishing industry and decline a number of very concrete
02:27 actions to combine ecology and economic growth," he explains.
02:31 "We refuse to choose between protecting the tropical forests and economic development,"
02:36 the presidency insists, pleading for a French-style ecology, with a simplification and adaptation
02:42 of the norms judged too heavily by local actors.
02:45 As in Corsica.
02:48 For their part, local elected officials will put the disenclosure of the territory on the
02:53 table, Guyana only has 400 km of national road and the liquidation of Guyana in 2023
02:58 deprived of air deserts of the isolated communes.
03:01 They are also waiting for progress on the evolution of the status of their territory, inspired
03:06 by the march of Corsica towards autonomy.
03:09 "The central government must grant us the same status as Corsica," the president of
03:14 the territorial community of Guyana, CTG, Gabriel Serville, after threatening to boycott
03:20 the presidential visit, as did the independent elected officials.
03:24 The Elysée calls for its part in the pursuit of dialogue.
03:28 It is up to the elected officials to define what skills they would like to see endorsed
03:33 by the community, says Foreign Minister Marie Guevenot.
03:37 The head of state will leave Guyana for Brazil on Tuesday after a visit to the Kourou Space
03:43 Center, which is ambitious, faced with growing competition, to become the "real space port
03:48 of Europe".
03:49 In Brazil, he will ask his counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to strengthen cooperation
03:55 in the fight against illegal smuggling and against illegal immigration, which has found
03:59 a new route from the Middle East to Europe via this country and Guyana.
