Heartwarming moment tourists organise local security guard first ever flight



Two women paid for the security guard at their apartment to take a private helicopter ride after they found our he had never flown.

Paige Goldstein, 24, and Chantel Wright, 26, were talking about a helicopter trip they took over Cape Town, with the guard of their holiday apartment building, Kasa.

The confessed he'd never been in a plane or helicopter - and longed to see his home from above.

So they arranged a quick flight over Cape Town so he could tick it off his bucket list.

The pair asked to meet him on his day off, blindfolded him, took him to the helipad and then revealed his treat.

A heartwarming video shows him unable to contain his excitement when he sees the helicopter - before beaming as they fly over his hometown.

They are then seen treating him to a glass of wine to celebrate.

Paige, from Boston, Massachusetts, said: "Kasa was blown away!

"It was really special to help him see Cape Town from a different perspective.

"He was super excited - even pointing out the building he works at, that we live in.

"He was very happy and had a big smile on his face the whole time."

Paige and Chantel have been travelling for almost three years and host a travel podcast 'Fill Your Sol'

They said they love finding ways to "give back" to the communities they stay in.

They took a helicopter flight as part of their trip last April, and told Kasa about it.

They then got back in touch with the company, NAC Helicopters, to arrange the surprise, and joined him for the flight.

Paige added: "I think it’s very rewarding travelling to places where you can connect and build relationships with the locals.

"Even if you're not from the same place you can have the same connection and friendship.

"That's what we did with Kasa - we got to know him and thought it would be a nice gesture.

"After the flight he said he wanted to tell his future grandkids about it.

"We knew he would remember it for the rest of his life, and it was also really fun for us too."