María Elvira Salazar solicita las comunicaciones entre Embajada y MiPyme Madwoman

  • 7 months ago
La congresista cubanoamericana María Elvira Salazar pidió a un funcionario del Departamento de Estado que envíe a su oficina las comunicaciones entre la Embajada de Estados Unidos en La Habana y la MiPyme MadWoman.
"Sucede que la Embajada de Estados Unidos en La Habana contrató a una empresa llamada MadWoman, una supuesta ‘MIPYME’ independiente que despidió a un empleado por criticar al régimen de Castro en las redes sociales”, dijo Salazar.


00:00 Thank you Mr. Chairman for allowing me this time and thank you Mr. Verma for being here and
00:06 willingly answer our questions. I just want to help me, I want you to help me with just
00:13 basically one thing which is to be able to obtain all communications between the United States
00:19 Embassy in Cuba and a small business called Madwoman and I'm going to explain to you why.
00:25 It occurs that the United States Embassy has hired this company called Madwoman that is supposedly
00:31 in the in the hands of private sector in Cuba, something that is very difficult to believe but
00:37 that's the way they call themselves the MIPIMAS, you know small business or Cubans owning their own
00:44 small businesses. It occurs that the owner of this small business called Madwoman fires one of her
00:52 employees called Alvaro Hernandez just for the mere fact of writing in his own social media
01:00 down with a dictatorship. The owner was honored by the State Department, your State Department is one
01:07 of the top entrepreneurs of the hemisphere, she's invited to come to Washington and as I said she's
01:13 doing business with the United States Embassy to do some type of marketing on the island.
01:20 At the same time this company Madwoman is the offices are in a building which is owned by the
01:28 Cuban regime and specifically the military conglomerate. So that's why I sent a letter
01:34 to the president Biden and I copied Secretary Blinken so we could understand what's happening
01:43 between the embassy and Madwoman and that and the only way we could do that is if we could have
01:50 all communication, emails, texts, phone calls, letters between the embassy and Madwoman.
01:57 My basically my question is could you commit to give us by April 1st as I asked President Biden
02:07 and Secretary Blinken to offer that information to us, do you think that you could commit to help
02:13 me do that? Sure Congresswoman I'm not I haven't seen that your letter I'm happy to follow up with
02:18 you after this hearing if you want to give me a copy of the letter I'm happy to take it back and
02:22 work on it right away. And you said that means that you would be willing to dedicate resources
02:28 from the State Department and put some interest in providing to my office all types of communication.
02:36 I am I am happy to dig into this on your behalf I don't know anything about it I'm sorry. No no
02:40 I understand that you don't that that's why I am I but you are third in command you can definitely
02:46 put some resources that are at your disposal to to look more into this because I sent the
02:53 letter a few months ago back in February and I have not received any type of response and it's
02:59 important because I'm sure that you don't want anyone to be breaking the law there is an embargo
03:05 against Cuba we do not want to be spending taxpayers money on hiring companies that are
03:12 close to the regime right now we want to help those Cubans that do want to be part of the
03:17 free market economy. Yes I can commit to you that we will take this and look into it and come back
03:22 to you right away. Thank you very much I I take your word for it I yield I yield back.
