Pembroke actor Philippa Griffiths, 35, met her partner, Daniel Griffiths, 37, when her school friend started dating him in year nine.
Video: SWNS
Video: SWNS
00:00 I've been with him for 17 years, we've been married for 7 and now we have a child.
00:05 Just for a little bit of context, we actually met when I was 14 and he was 16 and then he
00:10 started going out with my friend. We were in school, he was obviously 2 years older
00:14 and I always just thought, gosh you're a really kind person. But me and him always got on,
00:20 but purely as friends. They were together, god I don't even know how long, not for long.
00:27 We weren't like close besties, we never really kind of like stayed in touch through our 20s
00:34 and our 30s. I thought he was lovely, he thought I was lovely and the rest is history as they
00:40 say. And I was reading all the comments on this video and they were like, oh my god I
00:44 would never, I could never do that. It's a big no no, gil code and all this. Close friend
00:51 and they'd ended amicably then yeah, probably wouldn't have gone there but it's probably
00:55 the best thing I ever fucking did. Love the bones off that man. I don't know, I don't
01:00 feel bad about it.