सरकार, पुलिस और सेना के नाम पर फिर फूटा पुष्पेंद्र कुलश्रेष्ठ का गुस्सा

  • 5 months ago
#Pushpendrakulshreshthalatestspeech #pushpendrakulshreshthaspeech #pushpendrakulshreshthaonhindusm
सरकार, पुलिस और सेना के नाम पर फिर फूटा पुष्पेंद्र कुलश्रेष्ठ का गुस्सा


00:00 that they are unable to reach the government
00:02 and to reach the government
00:04 they have tried to do the same game again
00:07 but they forgot that it is 2020
00:10 This youth will not let you play this dirty game again
00:17 From the Maharashtra Raj Sabha
00:20 there is a cheater named Dehlvi
00:23 who comes from the Raj Sabha
00:26 and slowly slowly in sweet talks
00:30 he gives such poison
00:31 He raised this question that
00:33 Sir, this encounter that has happened in Uttar Pradesh
00:36 this is an encounter of a Brahmin
00:38 In the central and Raj government
00:42 all the people are sitting as anti-Brahmin
00:45 Ask that Muslim cheater
00:47 that since when did you start feeling pain
00:50 that a Brahmin has been murdered
00:53 Did he ever say that
00:56 in Mumbai and after Mumbai
00:58 all the mafia is Muslim
01:02 Yaqub Mainan is Muslim
01:06 Dawood Ibrahim is Muslim
01:08 Iqbal Mirchi is Muslim
01:10 Kaskar is Muslim
01:12 He did not say about those Muslims
01:14 that they are mafia
01:16 but because they want to play politics
01:18 there are elections in Uttar Pradesh
01:20 so deliberately
01:22 some goons, some robbers
01:24 who killed 8 police officers
01:26 in the name of their caste
01:28 they are trying to mislead the Brahmins
01:30 Then again play the game of caste
01:32 I want to tell such people
01:36 that such cheaters
01:38 should not come in the mischief of Salman Khushid and Dehlvi
01:42 These same people
01:44 for 1000 years
01:48 in the form of Mughals in this country
01:50 distributed the government
01:52 and the people of the country
01:54 Today because the power is gone
01:58 these illegitimate children of Mughals
02:00 want to play the same game again
02:04 and some of our friends
02:08 our companions
02:10 who are saying all these things again and again
02:14 I tell them one thing
02:16 be proud of your history
02:20 understand your efforts
02:22 and those who understand history in a wrong way
02:26 or are trying to explain
02:28 I just have to say this to them
02:30 that you
02:32 respect
02:34 God
02:36 Parashuram
02:38 Parashuram is the one who
02:40 God
02:42 respects Parashuram
02:44 Parashuram is the only God
02:46 whom I did not know
02:48 whom I had to bring
02:50 my companions
02:52 whom I am seeing these days
02:54 through those discussions
02:56 I want to explain to them
02:58 that where are you going
03:00 you
03:02 remember that God
03:04 whom you call
03:06 God Parashuram
03:08 remember the words of God Parashuram
03:14 and do not become a victim of the dirty politics of the Maliksh
03:22 thousands of arguments are being given
03:24 this happened before this
03:26 that happened before this
03:28 that was of this caste
03:30 but this question never came
03:32 but this is being tried for the first time
03:34 that in politics
03:36 these are the seeds of politics
03:38 which in the form of Bharat Mata
03:40 that Mata
03:44 for the last 70 years
03:46 in the name of caste
03:48 in the name of religion
03:50 in the name of language
03:52 in the name of high and low
03:54 her body was torn
03:56 and now Bharat Mata's
03:58 body has been left
04:00 but that body
04:02 now they want to tear it again
04:04 that is why a tested formula
04:06 is being used again
04:08 Bhagwan Ram
04:14 was not a Brahmin
04:20 but Parashuram
04:24 was a Brahmin
04:26 and Bharat's
04:28 whole history
04:32 and culture
04:34 in that Ramayana there is a character called Ravan
04:36 Ravan was also a Brahmin
04:40 Parashuram was also a Brahmin
04:42 so Parashuram is in the temple
04:46 and Ravan is on the cross
04:50 both are Brahmins
04:52 but one is worshipped
04:54 and one is burnt on the cross
05:00 and why does this happen
05:02 what Bhagwan Parashuram
05:04 said
05:06 people may not want to tell
05:08 today
05:10 that is not what that deceitful
05:12 Dehlvi and Salman Khushid told
05:14 they also want to tell you
05:16 in a selective way
05:18 Bhagwan Parashuram
05:22 only said this word
05:24 I did not say this
05:26 He said
05:28 Sarva Shudra
05:30 means
05:32 when a man
05:34 is born
05:36 he is only Shudra
05:38 he becomes Brahmin from his actions
05:42 Kshatriya from his actions
05:44 Vaishya from his actions
05:46 Kaisht from his actions
05:48 Dalit from his actions
05:50 these are the actions that make him Brahmin
05:52 these are his actions that make him
05:54 a hardworking, strong Kshatriya
05:56 when one is born
05:58 in that house and school
06:00 there is no Brahmin
06:02 Today Parashuram needs to be remembered
06:08 because of this
06:10 his words
06:12 Janm Jayate Sarva Shudra
06:14 needs to be remembered
06:16 and it needs to be told
06:18 that this system of Varnas
06:22 was not there because
06:24 it was misused
06:26 and now parties are being formed in the name of caste
06:28 Some people make a combination of Mai
06:32 and remain as Chief Minister in Bihar for 10 years
06:34 Some people make a combination of Mai
06:36 and remain as Chief Minister in Uttar Pradesh for 10 years
06:38 but
06:40 today's youth
06:42 does not want to
06:44 get involved in this kind of misuse
06:46 Yes, it is my and your responsibility
06:48 to tell him the truth
06:52 The responsibility of that youth
06:54 should not waste his energy
06:58 on what is happening in the state
07:00 on a day to day basis
07:02 He should understand the line
07:08 between the state and the state
07:10 and
07:12 if he is understanding
07:14 then he should also understand
07:16 that the state is permanent
07:18 that the state is permanent
07:20 that the state is permanent
07:22 The state is coming and going
07:24 A state comes for 5 years
07:30 in America it comes for 4 years
07:32 somewhere it comes for 10 years
07:34 and somewhere the state
07:36 is given for life
07:38 in your neighboring country China
07:40 So the role of the state
07:44 is that it does its work
07:46 towards the state
07:48 and what are the needs of the state
07:50 what is the culture of the state
07:52 what is the culture
07:54 what is the education system
07:56 all of this is strengthened
07:58 by keeping in mind those beliefs
08:00 and beliefs in the historical context
08:02 But
08:06 in our 70 years
08:08 we have been
08:10 so confused
08:12 that today the situation is
08:14 that we have understood
08:16 everything
08:18 that is why
08:20 for every task we look
08:22 towards the state
08:24 The role of the state
08:28 is that
08:30 this country
08:32 should run by the law
08:34 But
08:38 the responsibility of the state is
08:40 and if you are
08:42 more loyal to the state
08:44 then you
08:46 will keep making the state
08:48 aware of the responsibility
08:50 of the state
08:52 towards the state
08:54 and will try
08:56 that the people
08:58 who are using the state
09:00 to strengthen the state
09:02 what is your tradition
09:04 what is your history
09:06 what is your culture
09:08 what is your education
09:10 what is your education
09:12 is your worship place
09:14 safe or not
09:16 those invaders
09:18 broke it, looted it, did everything
09:20 is it being restored
09:22 or not
09:24 these rivers, this environment
09:28 keeping all of this
09:30 safe
09:32 is the responsibility of the state
09:34 to make such rules
09:36 that no one can violate it
09:38 but the laws that the state
09:40 should follow on the land
09:42 in the right way
09:44 that is the responsibility of the state
09:46 to the people who live there
09:48 If the consciousness of the nationalists
09:52 if within the nationalists
09:54 the responsibility of the state
09:56 will not be there
09:58 then the police will do all the work
10:00 this cannot happen
10:02 the state will do all the work
10:04 this cannot happen
10:06 if you are an aware citizen
10:08 of a nation
10:10 citizen
10:12 then whether the laws are made or not
10:14 is fine but
10:16 whether the laws are being followed
10:18 in the right way
10:20 this is the responsibility of every person
10:22 who is more loyal to the nation
10:24 but when you are loyal to the state
10:26 or when you are angry with the state
10:28 then you say what difference does it make
10:30 to us
10:32 if someone is mixing poison in the rivers
10:34 then let it be, what difference does it make to us
10:36 if someone is destroying the culture of the country
10:38 then let it be, what difference does it make to us
10:40 what difference does it make to us
10:42 this is where our responsibility starts
10:44 this is where our responsibility starts
10:46 so the government, police and army
10:48 do not do everything
10:50 the army does its own work
10:52 when these instruments do not work properly
10:54 then you should make the state aware
10:56 then you should make the state aware
