বাংলায় অব্যাহত কালবৈশাখীর দাপট! বজ্রবিদ্যুৎ সহ বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনা দক্ষিণবঙ্গের ৭ জেলায়

  • 6 months ago
রাজ্যজুড়ে কালবৈশাখীর পূর্বাভাস আবহাওয়া দফতরের। বজ্রবিদ্যুৎ-সহ বৃষ্টির সম্ভাবনা দক্ষিণবঙ্গের ৭ জেলায়
00:00 In North Bengal, South Bengal and North Bengal,
00:03 there are chances that North Bengal is relatively
00:05 rich in thunderstorm activity.
00:09 But what happened in South Bengal,
00:12 the weather activity was a trough,
00:17 an east-based trough from Jharkhand to Assam,
00:21 that is not there today.
00:22 So, the chances are that
00:25 the widespread rainfall and thunderstorm activity
00:29 will not be that widespread.
00:32 Especially, as Sir said,
00:35 in some districts, especially Birbhum,
00:37 Murshidabad, Nadia and if it is in the lower areas,
00:41 East-West Midnapur, Jharkhand,
00:44 North-South-West Bengal,
00:46 there are chances that the thunderstorms
00:49 will be like this in the next 2-3 days.
00:52 It will not be widespread, it will not be too big.
00:55 But there will be a tendency for temperature rise.
00:58 There will be a big change in the next 2 days,
01:02 but after that, the maximum temperature will be 2-3 degrees.
01:08 Sir, what is the reason for this rain?
01:11 One of the main reasons for this thunderstorm is
01:17 the B.O.B. anticyclone pumping moisture in the South.
01:23 It was doing this for a long time.
01:25 But the B.O.B. anticyclone is changing its location almost daily.
01:32 And the way its location is changing,
01:35 the moisture supply is increasing or decreasing.
01:39 As Mr. Ganesh said,
01:42 the moisture supply is decreasing in the South.
01:47 The reason for this is that
01:49 the B.O.B. anticyclone has been in such a place
01:54 that the outflow is being corrected.
01:57 But the pump air is not able to reach the South.
02:01 Except for the way the district said.
02:04 Another thing is that
02:07 yesterday, Mr. Ganesh said very correctly,
02:13 that there was a East-West trough.
02:15 Another thing to support that was that
02:17 in 500 HPA, there was a big trough in the wind field.
02:22 North-South oriented.
02:24 And that trough was in such a position that
02:26 in 500 HPA, that is 5.8 km above the earth,
02:31 there was an outflow of air at that level.
02:37 And if there is an outflow at that level,
02:40 how does it increase the inflow at the lower level?
02:45 So the moisture pumping was strengthened.
02:48 That is why Mr. Ganesh said that
02:51 widespread thunderstorm activity occurs only when
02:56 there is a large-scale feature of such a trough.
03:00 The low-level trough that he said,
03:03 in 0.9 km from Orunachal Pradesh to Jharkhand,
03:10 it was around 25 degrees.
03:15 And that was in 500 HPA.
03:17 But why does the 500 HPA trough keep moving?
03:23 It has already moved as you can see in the chart.
03:27 It is not in our region yet.
03:29 But these are transitory types.
03:32 If it moves, it means that there will be no character in the background.
03:36 Now we are seeing a character in the background.
03:39 And we are estimating that the speed of its arrival is like this.
03:43 But if the speed of the west wind suddenly increases,
03:47 then it will move faster.
03:50 So these are the reasons you asked.
03:53 After this, local heating is of course a one-off.
03:59 We saw that there was a strong wind at night.
04:03 How long has this been going on?
04:05 Actually, this season is specific.
04:07 This season is a characteristic.
04:09 Thunderstorm activity is generally in the late afternoon.
04:13 Or early evening.
04:15 It is often in the late evening.
04:17 Is there any possibility of this today?
04:19 It is not difficult to say that there is no possibility.
04:21 I think it is possible in the late evening.
04:23 If it is not as bad as yesterday, then it is possible.
04:26 This strong wind, the sudden increase in the wind speed,
04:29 will we get this in the beginning of April?
04:31 In March-April, we will get it.
04:36 In this season, 3-5 days.
04:39 The accuracy will be reduced.
04:42 We are continuously updating.
04:44 We will keep updating.
04:48 Is there a possibility of increasing the wind speed in Kolkata?
04:51 2 degrees at least is expected.
04:55 In the last 4-5 days,
04:57 it is going to be around 35-36 degrees.
05:01 And the south wind?
05:02 The minimum will increase a little.
05:04 It will be around 25-27 degrees.
05:06 And the western districts?
05:08 Maybe, we will see on the weekend.
05:12 It can touch 40 degrees.
05:14 In Purulia, Bhankura, West Bordoba.
05:18 And in Uttarbhanga?
05:20 As I said, there are more chances of dust in Uttarbhanga than in Kalinga.
05:25 And in other districts, it is there.
05:27 Today, tomorrow and on day 5.
05:29 It is less in May.
05:31 at Dhenajpur, probability is less.
