Spirit of Exploration || Acharya Prashant

  • 6 months ago
00:00 We just believe. The fundamental attitude is of belief, not inquiry. We don't want to know.
00:06 We just want to take in anything. That's inner laziness.
00:10 The spirit of exploration, inquiry, investigation is not there.
00:14 We do not know science and we do not know spirituality.
00:17 These two are one. Just as we do not know what's going on in the universe,
00:22 we also do not know what is going on within us.
00:25 Please keep inner education compulsory. Have one course per semester or at least every odd semester.
00:32 Otherwise, in spite of being scientifically literate, the fellow might still turn up superstitious.
00:39 You require both in tandem. You require science and you require spirituality.
00:44 You require the outer education that Vedanta calls as avidya and you require the inner education that Vedanta calls as vidya.
00:52 If you lack in either of them, then you will be just roaming around in ignorance of all kinds.